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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2018 in all areas

  1. ok, it's submitted. let's cross our fingers for how long it'll take to get processed and reviewed! i tabbed a total of five songs for mixflood release...we'll see if additional tracks get selected for eventual release as well.
    2 points
  2. I can't absorb myself in long gaming sessions anymore because I start to feel guilty and anxious about not doing other things. Even if I've sat at my desk and worked for 12 hours I find it really hard to relax in the evenings. Part of me thinks it's because I don't actually want to play games as much in my free time, but i'm so used to seeing it as the only option that I feel obligated to do it out of habit. Heck, if i'm honest they feel like work now in a lot of ways. I've been wanting to get back into Terraria for months but every time I open it I feel overwhelmed about the amount of work it would take to build something cool. Same with Skyrim. Additionally, with the speed games are released these days I feel more pressure to play often so I can actually feel that sensation of knowing a game inside out like I did when I was younger, because to me that was the difference between just playing a game and loving a game. It was so much easier when I would get a game maybe once every 6 months and completely master it because of the multiple playthroughs I would have to do. Nowadays it feels more like a race to just finish the games that are being spat out every week. To remedy things I've started only buying games that I believe will offer me a valuable experience and preferably has a start and an end. I'm putting a serious dampener on games like Fallout that could potentially go on forever, and I've pretty much quit Guild Wars 2, Warframe and anything that has a grind factor like that (though I will get Monster Hunter World because I love the series. To scratch the online competitive itch I play Atlas Reactor, because it's a quick 15-20min game I can play in work breaks on my laptop with little commitment. Forcing myself to reduce the gaming scope has opened up some time for things like reading, which is nice.
    2 points
  3. = Project Director: Darkflamewolf Art Director: Modus Sound Designer/Masterer: Rotten Eggplant Remixers: OA, SBeast, Garpocalypse, Jorito, Supercoomike, zykO, Bluelighter, Ganae, fxsnowy, Silent Ice, Deedubs, pu_freak, Tuberz McGee, GlacialSpoon, Sam Dillard, Furilas, Shredd, Lauren the Flute, Sentient Pulse, Kaiyoti, Kylok, Scott Buckley, TSori, RebeccaETripp, Ophanin, Guifrog, PrototypeRaptor, Juke, Chadlee, Glejs, Jason Covenant and djpretzel. Performers: Skrypnyk (Available to collaborate with drum work/soundscapes), Aster (Available to collaborate with guitar, steel acoustic or electric bass) ALL REMIXERS: We need your consent to use the tracks in the album, now that we are an official OCRemix album! For any who haven't done so and have submitted a finished WAV, please click the link and select this project and fill out the info ASAP. Thank you! Project Concept A criminally underrated game that had a host of great music that tantalized the ears as you played. Even if the encounter rate was so high in areas, it didn't matter, the music was great to listen to time and again. This game influenced a lot of my young teenage years growing up and I have fond memories of it. Sure it was cliche and used every trope in the book, but it was the delivery that counted and it nailed that in spades. My goal with this project is to get the beautiful music of Yutaka Minobe and Tatsuyuki Maeda out there to the masses and get more attention on a hidden gem of a game. Hopefully, by the end of it, we'll have a professional-sounding, multi disc album. UPDATE 10/26/2015: Due to the enormous amount of tracks, I've consolidated a bunch together with similar themes and removed a bunch that aren't 'essential' to the overall OST. By that I mean, I'm gunning for highlights so that the track list isn't so large. If we get enough interest and remixer support, we might add some tracks back in, but for now what is below will be the total track list. UPDATE 10/31/2015: I added technically 4 new tracks to the album but removed 2. I figured 'Emotional' wasn't as strong as a theme by itself since it was basically covered in other tracks. So I removed it and put Theme of Loneliness in its place since it is a far more unique and endearing track. I also removed The Last Time because it ultimately didn't stand out in any way compared to the tracks around it. Furthermore, upon second listening of the OST, I had to add back in Armada and Armada Battle (combo track now) and Military Facility Dungeon as well as the often missed Dark Rift Theme. That puts us up to 35 tracks. Still a far cry from 67 total for the entire OST. So we're still getting a good chunk of the overall sound of the OST with these 'highlights.' UPDATE 1/8/2016: It looks like a lot of progress has been made. We got a ton of new remixers on board as well as our first collab mix! We still have 9 more core track list songs to be claimed and the first batch of WIPs should be finished up by the end of this month, leaving the majority of remixers who signed on to be working on their more finalized, fully arranged versions to be turned in later this year. Furthermore, we got two songs from Bluelighter AND Deedubs that have gone up for critical eval and might be our first finished tracks of the album...not even four months into the project! This is great news and progress! Let's keep this pace up and we may just yet see a fully realized album by 2017! UPDATE 3/15/2016: A good chunk of first WIPs have arrived and still awaiting on the final few that have signed on. Kingdom of Nasrad has reopened up for grabs and Town of Ice was replaced with Remote Town due to it being a stronger theme. The strong hard date for ALL signed on as of this update for their final or near final WIPs of their tracks is June 1st. From there, it'll be delivered to the volunteer judges from OCR for feedback. After changes are made from that, we can consider tracks down as soon as July or earlier! We also got 7 tracks left to claim! We're almost there! UPDATE 5/18/2016: We are a bit over a week out from June 1st deadline but we got 3 more tracks left to claim and a bunch more expected to be turned in for near finished pieces on June 1st! Already we're getting some early birds from Jorito, Deedubs (again!), GlacialSpoon and others! Keep them coming, this album is shaping up to be fantastic! UPDATE 8/15/2016: People are dropping out like flies but we're still trucking and trying to find new talent as well as reattempting seasoned talent in filling up those last few tracks. All remixers still on board the project, expect a PM from me shortly regarding your status. Thank you. UPDATE 12/21/2016: Now that we're 12 tracks away from fully claimed completion and a bunch more coming in from the existing claims, we are now switching to a different method of deadline checkups. Especially now that we WANT to make a hard date album release of Dec 26, 2017, which would mark the 15th anniversary of the Legends edition of Skies of Arcadia. All remixers will be checked up at the top of every month (the 1st) until WIP completion. The closer we are to a finished track and during the time of the faux judges panel polish critiques, I'll start upping that checkup to the top and the bottom of every month until track completion. The end goal is in sight everyone! We 'could' get this album out this year if we push! We just need 12 more claims! UPDATE 2/7/2017: As of this date, "Arcadia Legends" is now an official OCRemix project album! Huzzah! This also means that I'll be message each of you who have submitted finalized tracks to sign a OCR form to grant approval for OCR to feature your remix tracks on this album. Furthermore, I'll be pruning inactive remixers over the next month so we can open up tracks to those who may be interested in them. We need open communication. If you are still in it, please let us know. Silence doesn't relay the right message. Looking forward to another awesome round of finalized WIPs real soon! UPDATE 9/8/2017: We're slowing getting the remainder of the tracks already claimed turned in bit by bit. However we still have 8 outstanding tracks that need claiming! We need to get some remixers on these so we can fully complete that last, third CD of the album and make this a fully 3-part album with enough material to fill out a bonus, fourth disc as well! We're so close to realizing this! If anyone knows of anyone who would be interested or at least collabing with you on a track, don't hesistate to bring them on board and let me know which of the unclaimed tracks you want! The ending goal is finally in sight! UPDATE 12/23/2017: 3 More tracks left to claim, 4 if you count Tsori's track whom he needs help! He needs a collaborator to help him finish up his piece. We are one away from a full 2 discs worth of music and about 3 more tracks are almost ready to turn in and we can make some leeway into the third and final disc real soon here! 2018 looks hopeful for a full album release! UPDATE 3/1/2018: We have just finalized our first three mastered tracks as 'final approved' for the album! There is a lot of green in that track listing and we're just looking for 3 more unclaimed tracks to be filled! Please, come one and all to help finish up this album! The finish line is in sight! UPDATE 4/19/2018: We have 9 final mastered tracks and we are plowing ahead on all tracks to get them all mastered swiftly. So if you see your track is not bolded green yet, please give us your stems! We could definitely need them to help with the mastering to better realize your vision. UPDATE 8/11/2018: We have four tracks left to be finished and turned in. That's right...four more out of 36 total! We will be making trying to make an ontime release of this year, Winter. So we will be making great strides in accomplishing that goal and would request all remaining remixers turn in their finished tracks by end of August. We can stretch it to middle of September, but that's pushing it hard for the remainder of what we have to do to get this album out the door this year in time for the game's 15th anniversary! Almost to the finish line! UPDATE 10/1/2018: We now have all tracks finalized and turned in! We now have a full 36 track, 3 disc album! Now all that's left is to get admin stuff squared away, website design work, trailer work and mastering! Wish us luck for a December release! It won't be long now! UPDATE 12/11/2018: The album is approved and we have our release imminent trailer launched! We still have the website to finalize and remix flood tracks to vet, but we're basically on the home stretch. It's been a crazy 3+ years, but I'm glad we're finally at the finish line! The Album trailer! Link to OST on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB11C1C2E5A946D12 Dark Rift Theme (Didn't appear on OST): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2D5tafRqCY What We Need (ripped [sadly] from OOT album thread since I couldn't have explained these positions any better.) Arrangers/Remixers to conceptualize and complete remixes. This is where the bulk of the work will be! Performers who are experienced with any type of instrument and have a high-quality recording setup. We would like to get quality live performers on remixes in any instance where a remixer's sample quality isn't up to par. (Reasoning: My goal is to apply this to be an official OCRemix album and there are standards that must be met to achieve this.) Visual Artists to create accompanying pieces of art for each track or "scene" in the project. Sound Designers interested in mastering and sound design for the project. If you're interested in contributing to one or more of the above areas, please get in touch with me. Auditioning / Claiming All remixers wishing to claim a track should PM me about any they are interested in and we'll go from there via email. Once a track is claimed, a deadline will be set that is reasonable. Right now, due to everyone's busy schedules, I figure 3-4 months would be reasonable for any sort of WIP to show. If nothing is heard from you after 3 months (check in at least once every month to at least let me know your track is alive and kickin'!), the track will become unclaimed yet again. Genre Guidelines There is no basic genre one should adhere to when remixing tracks for the album but rather focus on a genre that would bring out the best in the track chosen. That gives remixers a lot of leeway in remixing a song the way they want with final product approved by me. Vocals in songs are also okay if implemented well. Mixing of other themes from the track list is fine as long as it flows well with the core theme and does not overshadow the main melody. Furthermore, if remixers would like to 'team up' and make a joint effort on a track, that's always welcome. If you got a specific idea for a track, by all means run it by me, I'm pretty open. Deadlines Deadlines will be handled on a case-by-case basis and based on the preference of the remixer, we're not trying to rush things here. Try to maintain contact with the project director, especially if you think a real life event will prevent you from delivering a track. Core Track List - (Final Order will be determined towards end of project) Red - Unclaimed Track - 0 Yellow - Claimed Track, no WIP yet - 0 Purple - Initial WIP submitted - 0 Blue - Significant WIP submitted - 0 Green - Finished Track submitted - 0 Bold Green - Finished and Mastered Track - 36 Disc 1 - Defend the Home Isle 01 - Main Theme (Title Screen) - Claimed by pu_freak - Genre: Orchestral/Piano - 'The Voyage Begins' 02 - Vyse's Theme - Claimed by SBeast - Genre: Metal - 'Legend in the Making' 03 - Blue Pirate's Theme/Ship (combo track) - Clamed by OA - Genre: Rock/Dance - 'Blue Skies, Pirate Surprise' 04 - Air Pirate Island - Claimed by Ganae - Genre: Orchestral - 'Rogue Sanctuary' 05 - Air Pirate Secret Base - Claimed by Silent Ice - Genre: Dubstep Reggae - 'Secret Bass' 06 - Dungeon Cave - Claimed by Orphanin - Genre: Orchestral - 'Into the Deep Dark' 07 - Battle 1/Battle 2 (combo track) - Claimed by fxsnowy - Genre: Dubstep - 'Arcadian Assault' 08 - Victory in Battle / Bombardment Victory (combo track) - Claimed by GlacialSpoon - Genre: Techno - 'Victory! Glory! Profit?' 09 - Sailor Town - Claimed by Bluelighter - Genre: Marching Band - 'A Sailor's Respite.' 10 - Fina's Theme - Claimed by Deedubs - Smooth Jazz - 'The Silver Crystal' 11 - Drachma's Theme - Claimed by Tsori-Deedubs - Genre: K-Indie Folk - 'Better Days' 12 - Little Jack - Claimed by Chadlee/Rotten Eggplant/John Stacy - Genre: Jazz - 'On Wings of Feathers' Estimated Run time: 43 mins Disc 2 - To the Horizon 01 - Kingdom of Nasrad - Claimed by shredd - Genre: Metal - 'Blasting the Sand Demon' 02 - Bombardment 1 / Bombardment 2 (combo track) - Claimed by Deedubs - Genre: Trance - 'From the Perilous Skies to Your Heart' 03 - Entique's Theme - Claimed by Deedubs - Genre: Waltz - 'Valse pour un Prince Rebelle' 04 - Kingdom of Ixa'taki - Claimed by Garpocalypse - Genre: Folk - 'Valhorteka' 05 - Theme of Reflection - Claimed by Yoshiblade - Genre: Trance/Dance - 'Inner Reflections' 06 - Remote Town - Claimed by RebeccaETripp - Genre: Celtic - 'Rusted Hopes' 07 - Dark Rift Theme - Claimed by ZykO - Genre: Creepy Ambient - 'The Darkness is Already Here' 08 - Yafutoma Dawn / Eastern Air Pirates (combo track) - Claimed by Jorito/Aster/Furilas/Lauren the Flute - Genre: Spaghetti Wester - 'Il buono, il brutto e il pirata dell'aria' 09 - Theme of Loneliness - Claimed by Sentient Pulse - Genre: Chill EDM - 'Shrouded Void' 10 - Valua City - Claimed by Kylok - Genre: Folk Rock - 'Undervalued' 11 - Gilder's Theme - Claimed by Jason Covenant - Genre: Experimental - 'Coding Angel' 12 - Delphinus - Claimed by Jorito + Others - Genre: Orchestal - 'To the Horizon' Estimated Run time: 64 mins Disc 3 - I Am Legend 01 - Military Facility Dungeon - Claimed by djpretzel - Genre: Funk Rock - 'The MFD' 02 - Ramirez's Theme - Claimed by Guifrog - Genre: Orchestral Dubstep - 'Brain Sound Tilt' 03 - Gigas Theme - Claimed by PrototypeRaptor - Genre: Electronic - 'Black Moon' 04 - Nervous Crisis 1/ Nervous Crisis 2 (combo track) - Claimed by GlacialSpoon - Genre: Dubstep - 'Nervousness is Just Bravery Disguised' 05 - Boss Battle - Claimed by Tuberz McGee - Genre: Progressive Metal - 'Life in a Vyse' 06 - Great Silver Temple - Claimed by Sam Dillard - Genre: Orchestral - 'Shining Silver' 07 - Armada/Armada Battle (combo track) - Claimed by Deedubs - Genre: Orchestal/Electronica - 'God's Ambition' 08 - Last Dungeon - Claimed by Supercookmile/Deedubs - Genre: Synthezied Loneliness - 'In Solitude, I Scream' 09 - Zealous - Claimed by Glejs - Genre: Electronica Trance - 'Unknown Menace' 10 - Last Battle - Claimed by Deedubs/Sixto Sounds - Genre: Orchestral Metal - 'Silver Nightmare' 11 - Legendary Sinking Continent - Claimed by Scott Buckley - Genre: Orchestral - 'The End of a Dream' 12 - Credits - Claimed by Juke - Genre: Orchestral - 'Hearth and Home' Estimated Run time: 58 mins Total Run time: 165 mins - or - 2 hours and 45 mins Tracks unsure if adding onto album - (If anyone is interested in these other melodies and can provide a moderately finished WIP with intent to finish, I might consider adding these back in. For now, these will be left off the album. Another thought is possibly adding these melodies in as additional themes in a core theme in the track list above. Furthermore, I've put '***' next to ones I'd love to see on a potential fourth disc if possible AND if none of the core tracks above appeal to you, you could choose to pick out these ones as additions to the main track list. I'd find a place for them!) A - Theme of Reflection B - Galcian's Theme *** C - Dungeon of Searing Heat *** D - Ruins Dungeon *** E - Dungeon Cave F - Imperial Theme G - Let's Go! H - Black Pirate's Theme I - Ancient Temple Dungeon *** J - Legend K - Sudden Storm L - Uninhabited Island M - Tension N - Emotional O - Headquarters *** P - Everyday Life Q - Tradegy *** R - Gag S - Ice Dungeon *** T - Dimming Lights U - Town of Ice V - Hatred *** W - Rejoice *** X - Clara's Theme Y - De Loco's Theme Z - Blue Moon Crystal Note: Any unused or dropped tracks/WIPs from remixers may be used/featured on an additional bonus disc released alongside the primary three official discs of this album once finished.
    1 point
  4. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Midi: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP89_PS4-Dio-Laughter.mid Youtube: Zio uses Black Wave. Instant sadness. -HoboKa Deadline: March 14 Wed @ 1PM Vote Ends: March 16 Fri @ 11PM Submit your remix Here when completed. MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Please don't make any comments about people's entries - including your own - until the Voting process is concluded. BONUS entries are exempt of this rule. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
    1 point
  5. Very very nice arrangement and performance. Nit picks: I would make the the cymbals at the end a bit quieter and set a little farther back in the mix with slightly more reverb. They sorta steal the attention. The final chord feels a little brusque. Of the many ways you could tame it: maybe take out the percussion hit on the chord, and let the lower strings (along with the major third of the chord) fade into the chord more slowly, after a moment of letting the wind breath on its own
    1 point
  6. Mmm, are you planning on submitting this? You didn't specify, but there's a mod review prefix on this so I assume so - that's what the prefix is for, after all. EVAL This is a very fulfilling arrangement - the flute performances are quite good (a few moments where it doesn't hit the beat perfectly, but not the end of the world), the duet is really well done, and to be honest real flute-centric arrangements on OCR are far too few. The production seems to be pretty good (hard to tell from a YT video over a more conventional download link), and the mix knows very well to put the flutes front and center (with some light panning to give each flute it's space). So far so good! As far as source goes, it takes such a slow theme and speeds it up nicely. There's a lot of material, though, that I don't recognize from the source that you provided (0:32 - 1:37); is there more than one source involved in this one? It sounds well integrated enough, but as I'm not familiar with the game I can't say whether or not this is another theme from Golden Sun, or if this is some (impressive) original writing. The arrangement is still within our standards on OCR, but if it's from something else it'd be a good idea to let the panel know in the submission e-mail. This is short, but what's here is good. If you submit as is, you'd likely pass without too much issue. Just let us know all of the sources involved upon submission!
    1 point
  7. HoboKa

    Twitch for VG remixes??

    Came to the same conclusions regarding YT. Got conned by Vimeo, but thankfully my credit card company has secured a refund from them. Not a whole lot of options beyond YT, hence why Twitch has looked very shiny to me. Might give it a shot ...also, to anyone thinking of starting up in YT...DON'T GET INVOLVED IN POLITICS. They'll sensor your account in the shadiest ways possible without even informing you. I had to contact them several times just to make my comments re-appear to the public eye. As for getting my videos on ANY public stream. Good luck. So use me as a cautionary tale people For many things. Yeah, just burnt myself.
    1 point
  8. i've got all the tracks! just need to finish tagging a few songs and also go over the (fantastic) website that @Jorito designed, and we're ready for submission. as of this time, i'm closing track submission.
    1 point
  9. I'd like to take on Beruga. I've got a pretty good idea of what I want to do with it, are we supposed to spend money on the track? I might need some custom fills for the intro/outro, just various sound effects.
    1 point
  10. •••OUT OF THE BLUE UPDATE!••• This project still isn't dead! OK, so it hasn't moved since last time I posted, but it's still ever-present in my mind. Good news is that my real-life work commitments are drawing to a close over the next few months (if my contractors keep their promises ), bad news is I'm dealing with some family issues, which may yet pose as a stumbling block. Either way, I'm very slowly planning on gearing up towards preparing a schedule to work at jumpstarting this project before the end of the year. @Trism! TRISM! Where is that good-for nothing... Ah there you are. Dust yourself off boyo, I'm looking at you! I'll be in touch in the coming weeks to see what we can do about this. Anyway, cheers for your unyielding patience folks. Take care, Speak soon(ish). Peace Out
    1 point
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