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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2018 in all areas

  1. it's been a while! at this time we're roughly next in line. i have more information that i'm waiting to be finalized before i say a specific date, but it should be very soon.
    2 points
  2. Most big-time composers work using separate articulations per patch instead of keyswitching. Yes, it's dumb UX to not offer any switching (and VIenna knew this a long time ago and got on a great mapping software), but to say that the sample library like HO is incapable of getting a good result even after spending "hours" compared to "minutes" (lot of hyperbole here) is just plain wrong. A lot of people use the several-track-articulation workflow to great effect. It gives better mix control because you can control articulation volumes independently. Keep in mind also, just because the VST doesn't offer switching doesn't mean that's the end of the read. Logic composers get to map things however they want externally. There's also a handful of free ways to create articulation maps intercepting MIDI, and this use-case is actually superior to in-built articulation switching systems inside libraries because your output is just going to separate MIDI channels, and so you can thus create 1 MIDI map that works for several different orchestral libraries from different companies (by just loading the same MIDI channels with the same artics like "1 leg 2 stacc 3 spicc 4 pizz") instead of having to go and configure all of them individually inside their tiny GUI's.
    1 point
  3. Everyone else said what was needed to be said (awesome use of MSX soundchip, solid production, fun arrangement, etc.), so I'll just say this: I approve of this, since it's fun-tastic and done good-ly. We should post it. YES
    1 point
  4. Love it! Dunno why you said one of the sources was BGM 3-1, when the main source was really BGM 1-1. In any case, nice combination of the 1-1 and 0-1 themes, with lots of energy. YES
    1 point
  5. Definitely a super happy mix, it reminds me a little of OA's earlier works. Really loving the beefy bass here, especially since it doesn't over crowd the rest of the instruments. The themes are recognizable and there's a lot of extra details added in. Not much else to say here to be honest; nice work with SAC! YES
    1 point
  6. Other than the sound being a little too clean compared to the original MSX music, mission accomplished, I'd say. It's a fun little arrangement that doesn't suffer as much as most MSX scores from cluttering and white noise problems, which makes it a little less authentic but much more pleasant to listen to. I don't have any significant problems with it as a remix, and of course it's a nice showcase of SACPC. YES
    1 point
  7. I can hear the issues the others are mentioning, but I am not as bothered by them as the others. Really love the style change, and the bass is kickin'! Great energy overall, and while it gets a tad repetitive towards the end I felt it didn't overstay it's welcome. Nice collab between you two, hope you both work together again! YES
    1 point
  8. Really liking the nice, full retro 80's synth bass sound providing the foundation here. Arrangement is pretty straightforward, but creatively handled nonetheless. Lead at 1:32 felt a bit hot in the mid-high range, so a small EQ scoop could be warranted. I sort of hear what's being said about guitar not quite gelling with the rest of the sounds, space-wise, though I think it's minor. What bothered me more was the interplay between the guitar and lead at 2:49, where due to writing differences between the two and part complexity, it just comes off as messy to me. 3:38 again has a similar issue. It's not quite enough to bring this one below the bar for me, but honestly it got close near the end. Overall, I'm diggin the style and production is pretty solid overall. I justreally wish there was more complimentary writing between the guitar and synths, rather than them sounding like they're stepping on each other. YES (borderline) Note: I'm still going to let the marinate for a while because I'm not a solid yes here. I want to hear how much the lead interplays bother me later with another few listens. Could still flip.
    1 point
  9. It's definitely a different approach to the source material; it stands on it's own with the different reharmonizations used throughout, but it definitely stands firmly in the source material. The sound design is pretty eclectic, which works great for the most part. The guitar, while well performed (nice job, Sagnewshred), didn't blend into the soundscape as well as I would've liked. It sounded like it was in a different space than the rest of the synths & drums, with the EQ balance and reverb levels being notably different than the rest of the arrangement. That's a small gripe, though, and definitely not even close to swinging my vote - everything else, from the synths to the performances are spot on, and the arrangement is great. I'm looking forward to the finished product as far as the album is concerned, especially considering the standard of excellence that has been pushed through our panel so far. YES
    1 point
  10. It's a bizarre mix of genres, but I can't say there's anything in there that doesn't work. The melody gets a little repetitive (especially the main hook with the triplets, which is lengthy and repeats 6 times), but it's a short source, and the remix does take it in different directions. Production is on point, as expected. I don't have any significant concerns; it'll be a great addition to the album. YES
    1 point
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