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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2019 in all areas

  1. Super proud to be involved with this and I'm looking forward to hearing the final versions of everybody else's tracks! It's been a blast
    2 points
  2. For all the people lurking along: we just cleared our final deadline and have a total of 29 completed tracks now! Next steps are getting these tracks mastered and then package everything up and send it over to OCR staff for the next steps later this month. We'll keep on updating the thread with further info as we go along. Stay tuned
    2 points
  3. Dry your weary eyes, young one. PRC399 source coming to a PC near you. (Or laptop, you know, live your life)
    1 point
  4. I don’t know some of these, that’s probably why. Personally, Mario is a bit overhyped. Every one knows Mario (Especially the early games) by now, so find a bit of a cliche at this point. Can’t argue with the sick modern Mario soundtracks though. Just me though....ok why are you staring at me like that...oh boy...help?
    1 point
  5. To be honest, it’s a bit too early for Christmas songs. December time is the best time for me. Don’t know about you guys.
    1 point
  6. Wow, that's great! I'm one of the lurkers following this album project with enthusiasm since Terranigma is one of my very favorite RPGs. 2019 (maybe 2020?) looks promising for fans of JRPGs with albums like this one and the others for Lufia II and Golden Sun. Thank you very much for all the great music as usual, I wish you all the best!
    1 point
  7. Congratulations everyone!!!
    1 point
  8. I always encourage album artists to submit their track to the OCR panel for evaluation independently. You don't even have to wait until the album is released; just mark in your submission email for which album it is, and staff will take care of it. With regards to your other question, the album director(s) get to pick a handful of tracks (usually 5) for the mixflood that will be posted to promote the album. These 5 tracks will be vetted by OCR staff (they have to meet the bar of course) and typically will be published in 2-3 batches in the first week of the album. Any other album tracks that you see getting posted are always individual submissions by the artists themselves; as album directors we only choose the handful of tracks for the mixflood. As always, what tracks get posted when is up to OCR staff discretion of course. And to answer the unasked question: I don't know yet which tracks we will select for the mixflood We will do our best to select those 5 tracks that we feel represent the album and the game best, and of which we think they'll promote the album best, but since not all tracks are done yet and me and Trism haven't discussed this yet, we don't have a selection narrowed down right now.
    1 point
  9. So... Mak has joined the project with a really rad Renegade take on Firebrands theme from Gargoyles Quest!
    1 point
  10. So Terranigma is one of my very favourite RPGs and one that I have played to DEATH. @Odai asked if I was interested and it took me all of two minutes to say "hell yes!" I'm going to attempt to do a chunky metal version of the Tower of Trial theme because I love those first few dungeons, they're super mysterious and don't give you any hints as to how big the world is about to get!
    1 point
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