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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2020 in all areas

  1. Wow this is almost Mario RPG good. I can't guarantee a good remix, but I will probably at least make a cool cover/genre swap.
    2 points
  2. This has been a really fun song to work with. Looking forward to hearing ya'll's takes on it.
    2 points
  3. For Better Rendering Results With an instance of Play (East/West VST), at the very top of the Box, open the Detailed Settings>VST Wrapper Settings and move the Input port to 1. For every instance of Play, it'd be Input port 2, 3 etc. But try to keep at most 2 instances at any time. Every instrument that you load into your Play VST should have a designated channel. Try to avoid Omni, unless you don't mind layering sounds etc. Create a MIDI OUT channel for every channel you have. On the top of the MIDI Out Box, you'll see channel at the top left and Port on the top right. Make sure that the Port is set to 1, so it receives information from the Play VST. All of your instrumental MIDI data should be on the MIDI OUT Channels, not the Play VST. Put Play onto a Mixer Insert of your choosing. Then create another Mixer Channel called BUS. Then with the Play Mixer Channel selected, hover over the tiny knob at the bottom of your BUS Mixer Insert, once it lights up, right click it. Select route to this track only. This way, the Master Track isn't interacting with Play VST, which is noted to cause a lot of rendering issues. I personally turn off Ensure Processor State in Playback in Processing (but ONLY for Play (East/West). But sometimes I Bridge the VST. Play it by ear, if you get trouble. Make sure you're using ASIO4All. Unless you're MAC. Accessing MOD Wheel and Expression Controller. Caveat: I only know how to select the Omni or MIDI 1 of any MIDI controller per Channel. So this is a half-measure at best, but it works nonetheless. There are probably some MIDI Out tricks you can do to get better results. But I haven't looked too deeply into that. View>Browser>Current Project>Generators. Find Play (East/West VST). Left click it. Scroll ALL the way down to the Grey, Translucent Midi CC's. IGNORE ALL THE White parameters! Typically CC#1 is the Modulation Wheel. CC#11 is the Expression Controller. Right click on the CC#1 and select Edit Events in Piano Roll. Go to the Piano Roll, at the bottom Left, where Control is, you now have a new Note Property, called CC#1 Modulation Wheel! Now you can go crazy! Same process with CC#11. Enjoy! THIS is why sometimes, I need 2 instances of Play, since I can only access Channel 1 / Omni for Editing Events. Kinda sucks, but that's why I like to use the BUS + Midi Out processing strategy, so you can reduce the power hogging effect of Play VST.
    1 point
  4. I have something in the works, always down for some good Mario music.
    1 point
  5. Daam I'm late to the party man. Congrats Wassup! Your track was awesome, definitely suited the cinematic vibe! Also really dug the electronic inspired mix in Bundeslang's! Congrats to the winner, but good job to all of you!
    1 point
  6. @The Vodoú Queen 3) The very reedy, dry flute (@ 3:00) suits the song. I do agree with Soup, but I think more reed instruments could either be included, swapped out between or layered somehow. I feel for contrast, a wet-sounding clarinet or oboe would work well juxtaposing the flute at some point in the song. Or, perhaps, a violin. But I'd stick to woodwind instrumentation. Maybe instead of the flute continuing @ 3:52, try the oboe. Oh...that's what you meant. Derp. That is an interesting thought. I'll have to work it in with the other ideas. Whenever I get the energy and motivation to spare. Still a bit down in the derp-dumps. 5) The triangle 'dink' with the flute and at the end is cute. Sorry had to say it. :3 Dinkin' Doughnuts.
    1 point
  7. Appreciate that catch, I've been having a hard time making things more... organic. Maybe I'll get better at it this pass. It's probably all over. I use Eastwest's Symphonic Orchestra, mostly. Got the strings, piano, and oboe from there, plus an Irish Low Whistle from Ra and the Bawu from Silk (both Eastwest.) Thanks for the listen!
    1 point
  8. Wow, the strings are bitter and piercing. Perfect October music, just shy of 11 days. I got no feedback for the articulation and production though. Best to leave that to more trained ears. But I love it. (Edit 4000) This reminds me a lot of American McGee's Alice**. BTW, Majora's Mask was a bit too challenging and jank for me, but I'd love to watch a Pro Let's Play of it someday... I LOVE the atmosphere of it (and this remix too!). Oh hey, I caught something robotic that u may want to fix. 3:03-3:13, there is some detach notes that are the exact same velocity and timber. Might want to alter those juuust a tad. I wonder if there are other similar hiccups...might want to go over it with a fine comb. Also, what Orchestral Library(s) are you rolling with?
    1 point
  9. Wow, thanks. Good game everyone. I appreciate the bits of feedback in the votes, slowly helping me improve my skills.
    1 point
  10. Well, that's useful. For #3, I'll be wanting to keep the flute most-likely, b/c the flute semitone pitch bend thing is a feature that's built in and not necessarily present in all my orchestral samples within Composer Cloud**, not sure how to do it using actual MIDI controllers, beyond 1st party FL synths. FL doesn't play the best with 3rd party DAWs, unless i'm huffing paint. The rest will be easier to do methinks. Thanks for the feedbacks guys. whew...edits.
    1 point
  11. Been a long time since I last checked here. I'm very happy to see the project is not only alive, but getting near launch. I get to hear all the Lufia goodies, so I'm looking forward to it! I hope everyone is safe and well and productive. I would say sane too but sanity is overrated.
    1 point
  12. Ohohohohohohoooo noice. I'll see if I have enough time for that one.
    1 point
  13. I've been tinkering with the keyswitch functions of Eastwest, been hoping to get a midi keyboard in the near future. Yeah, I'm an FL user too. I'll take another look at finding that dang mod wheel again, maybe it will help.
    0 points
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