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  1. Feedback time! Sorry I wont press the button so fast next time lol. Wassup Thunder - What Fire Taught the Sea Everyone's titles are so cool! I think as with Vodou, I have to say I wished the guitar here was backed off jusst a bit. The main lead guitar that is. Honestly, this mix though is uhh, fire lol. I am really enjoying the energy you got going on here. These drums too are really doing it for me. Maybe I want a bit more from the samples but dude you are working them. OOOOOOHHH the drums right before the last section where you kinda break it down right before the guitar kicks back in?! Now that was sick. This last section works well enough for me but maybe I wish there was somne more energy? Hmm, no, I think what I'm looking for is maybe its a bit too dry for me in the mix. Like there isn't enough air to the overall sound. Honestly though, I have a problem keeping my tracks from being too wet sounding so this could be personal preference ya know? Still, I think the mix sometimes sounds too robotic and straightforward and could use some life somewhere. Unfortunately how to do that is uhh, beyond me! Still, this was such a fun listen and you put a lot into the different instruments and their place within the enemble. What a pleasure to hear. TheVideoGamer - Bonds of Kick and Hi-Hat Off the cuff, this mix is too loud for my tastes. Like its really loud even for an electronic song. But once I put it down, I'm finding a lot I enjoy. Firstly, I love that rhythm with the low synth. I think its just really interesating to take this song and switch the genre up but still keeping the original DNA somehow. Its not something I'm too great at and I could learn a thing or two from this. I will say this song sounds like one of the older OC Remixes I've heard but I can't quite put my finger on which one. I suppose thats a good thing but it also maybe takes away from some of the uniqueness? Going to the outro, I'm wondering if you could have taken the opportunity to bring something new into right before fading out. One problem with the song I think is the amount of repitition? Sometimes it just felt like it all blended together. Still, that rhythm had me moving throughout so its hard fro me to be too negative haha. Another thing I really wanted more of was this polyrhythm feel. I really suck at rhythmic sections and such but there were parts where it felt like it was touching polyrhyhtm and others where it felt full on poly. But everytime it would hit that sweet spot, the beat would seem to even out? I'm wondering what I'm hearing there. Anyway, good job! TheVodouQueen - Seafoam and Brimstone, Upon the SHores of Tallon IV First of all, what a gorgeous name haha. Thats some real artistry. So we start here with these lovely sea and waves samples. I adore this type of stuff so I'm digging it. Oooh some interesting work with the panning and the different instruments. I think the percussion is just a tad harsh sounding? It could be the time of night that I'm listening to this. I'll see in the morning if its the same. I am wondering about these samples for the strings you got. They sound really close to the original to my ear. Moreover, they work very well. Okay, more samples with the thunder. Super dig it. I wonder which samples you used? The choir coming in after is a nice touch. Still a bit harsh for me I think. I think going through this song you had some really lovely ideas with the effects and the approach to atmosphere. I think though, personally I was a bit underwhelemed with the melodic and harmonic aspects of this song. Partially it is the VSTs being used maybe but I think there was a consistent harshness to them or rather, a lack of subtlety when I wanted it. I think I would have really enjoyed this more if this was laid back and the song explored more of the melodic and harmonic aspects than the effects since this was meat and potatoes. That being said, I'm a sucker for the effects so I would adore to see this expanded upon one day if you ever choose to. Good job! Souperion - Dream of Flowing Fire Once again, everyone had lovely titles. Even the bonus! As you said in the description, you kept it really simple. Some interesting choices with the melody. going for the dotted quarters and dotted eighths instead of the more straight forward original. It gives it a nice little pulse that I'm enjoying. What a pretty koto and yangqin though! If I had any cash I'd be interested in getting a VST with some. Unfrotunately a lot of stuff with those instruments seem to be a bit more than I'm willing to pay for. Anyway, you use them well here. I think my only wish is if there was some more exploration here, but I think you just wanted to keep it really chill here and laid back and let the original arrangement work for you. Not a bad decision imo!
    4 points
  2. Don't worry guys, I'm going to give feedback lol. I accidentally pressed the vote button before I could add the feedback. I got it in a notepad on my desktop and I'll be posting it here in a few hours once I return home!
    3 points
  3. Ok sorry i was so late, i have been very busy the last week or so. I've listened to them all and here's what i think of it, in grave detail. Souperion - Really liking the dark rock vibes in the first half, it's almost like some intense boss battle. Great string ambience, this is one spooky tune. Like how you also tried to invert the chords, so we still get the complex 7th's, but in a minor key. Interesting melody switch too, it's very dissonant, but in a satisfying way. Nice that you included some synths, really brings it to life. Don't hear much of the main melody, but i'm sure that's just a stylistic choice, especially since we are dealing with a lot of synths. The mix is really nice on here, very heavy but in a great way. Now the second half really makes me feel like i'm in coral cave. It goes straight into the original vibe, with lots of beautiful relaxing synth warbles, and a great glide on the arp. Now i would have loved to hear more of this, because i'm personally biased towards this part, it's so relaxing, and play's super well to the source's melodic content. Also like how the main melody takes full effect here. Mixing wise i couldn't find any problems, not much in the overall track to be honest, it's very well done. Maybe more of the second half would have worked for me, and a better less abrupt ending, but all in all, lovely work, really enjoyed this. Well done! Wassup Thunder - This is very close to the source, really like how you made the breakbeat out of light percussion. Makes the source more airy and breathy as a result. Not as intense. This does mean we loose a bit of the low end, but the bassline is there so it's not too much. Great bass sound actually, very juicy and enjoyable to my ears. Also really like the piano integration. Now the whole thing sounds lovely, but what would really work is a drum beat. I know i said it makes it light and airy, but i do feel drums could make this into something special. You could even do your classic Eurobeat 4 on the floor. Also i feel there is 2 things that could be improved. First the bass needs to be better mixed, i sense parts where it gets a little too loud for me, like it's almost distorted. I get this a lot in my tracks sometimes, and people have rightly pointed it out. It usually happens when i go for really intense basslines, mixed with distorted beats. The only other thing i might suggest, is doing more original things to the arrangement. I feel this is more on the MnP side than the PRC side, however though i too fall into this trap in PRC, so i call this one a minor issue. Plus as well, sometimes things sound better when it's closer to the original, so don't worry about too much. The last part is awesome, i love the choir integration, it's very well done, you've take only 2 chords and done something special with it, and i love it. Really nicely done on the arrangement. Well done! Marcusg - Really lovely breaks here, i definately like the grooves a lot. Loving the wonky piano feel, definately liking the simple ideas, it's done well. The breaks are fantastic. Really liking the sub bass too. The piano is very out of time, even if i said it was nice. I don't know it just feels great on it's own, but weird when the beats and bass come in. It's also very simple, i'd argue too simple, i feel there could be a lot more to this, especially since there is only 2 chords. I also feel as well, the breaks are a tad bit loud for the melodic elements, but that's just me. I mean the breaks on their own sound awesome, but it's the integration that feels off for me. I still like this idea a lot though, the sound selection was great. Yeah it's only 2 minutes, but it's done well. Great work on this, well done! TheVodouQueen - I laughed at the inclusion of Monkey sound effects, that's pretty funny. There seems to be some kind of live recording going on, with a radio. I think that could have been a Youtube video, who knows. Now listening to this in detail, my comments need to be completely rewritten. I love the pad sounds, and definately the drums, funky vibes all around. The educational comedy part was just the icing for me, i laughed so hard. Your creativity seems to always shine, some of the ideas are so original. Now i can kind of see why i thought this was a remix of Redial, because the pad sounds are quite full on, so i hear a lot of Redial in the front and Coral Cave in the background. However though, this is PRC, so this would be understandable. I also managed to hear a lot more of coral cave this time than when i skimmed through. Especially with the melody in the middle. I kinda owe everyone an apology for rushing mine, listening to it now, it's much better than before. The only problem i really have, is a kind of a polish thing. The drums get pushed down by the pad and melody, which i feel could be big and full. Also i feel there are parts that could be instrumental, (Or at least more instrumental than i'm hearing), to give time for some melody/drum play. Really though that's all i have, the rest sounds great. I love the work you did on here, and the humour was awesome, so much originality. Much better now that i got a chance to really listen to it, in full. Well done! Ok so what would i change from my original ranking? Compared to my original vote, Wassup Thunder's track has more unique parts than before and was definately not as static as what i've written. Had a lot more cool elements to switch it up. I still think it fits more in MnP terms, but this one isn't an issue per-say. I also had a mixing issue with the bass, something not in the original critique. Souperion's track was definately well mixed, i don't know why i put that in the original votes, this obviously came down from me not listening to it properly. Listening to Marcus's entrant, definately changed a lot of things. I hate to say this, because i don't want to bring this user down or anything, but i felt i was being way too generous with this entrant. I still commend him, because it was a lovely arrangement, i loved the breaks, however the arrangement felt very simple, and the piano was a little out of time, which is especially noticeable when the drums in. It's more so Marcus started it, as kind of an idea, that could be expanded or finished upon. However though, i am taking into account it was rushed, and a couple of rounds ago, he said he was still learning FL Studio, so i don't want to be too harsh (Which i'm worried i am being). I still loved the track though. TheVodouQueen was definately a big overhaul to me. I original said it was a remix of redial, and although to a degree i still can see why i said that, it's actually got a good chunk of Coral Cave, especially in the melody. More so when i listen to it, i only came up with a few mixing touches, i felt were needed, and maybe too much voice clips were used (But i consider this small, since everytime i listen to it, i get conflicted thoughts. I love it in one part, but then i think, maybe it's a bit too much. Still enjoy them though). The main pad sound might be why i initially thought of Redial, but going back, i've decided to backtrack on that, since i didn't listen deep enough Lovely work on this anyways! Based on these alone, if i were to be given a chance to do a re-ranking of my top 3 votes it would be as follows: 1. Souperion would be first. 2. TheVodouQueen would be second (Although her's was very close to being the top spot) 3. Marcusg (I still think your entry is very solid, and i really do like the work you've done with the breaks). Wassup Thunder would have made the 3rd spot, if the bass was mixed in a bit more (Still enjoyed his a lot though). Hopefully people can be assured that i've listened to them properly now and done really critique on it, not some half-assed poor attempt. Sorry it took so long too, been so busy this week. Onwards and upwards.
    1 point
  4. Vote in. This round was a real pleasure.
    1 point
  5. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 5 entries this round. There is 1 Bonus entry(s) this round There IS a voter bonus this round! Souperion has a vote worth 2x. When Voting, if possible, avoid granting 1:1 covers top spot. MnP requires a bit of remixage after all. Don't vote for Bonus entries please. Do let me know if you have problems voting, and we can sort something out. Try and not make any comments about each entrant until after voting has concluded. Thanks! Participants may not vote for themselves. Vote ends 16th July 1PM. Vote here: https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP125
    1 point
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