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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2021 in all areas

  1. Pardon the necro post, but just wanted to chime in... Lotsa good remixes here. My favorite was Souperion's "Dreams of Glowing Fire"...funny how BONUS's often wind up being my fav's lol. Status Update: I don't know if I'll be able to return on any capacity, as yet. But it's good to see that the compo scene is still going on here. Gotta say, life has been easier without the pressure of trying to come up with coherent feedback on any given submission and often it was a stretch, because my music theory skills are pretty basic. Still have some emotional burdens and regrets about it the whole thing, but it is what it is. I think I am coping alright otherwise. Final Edit. Christ that was like 10 edits. good ole OCD and ADHD. So yeah, I hope the compo scene stays afloat for many years and I wish the best for you guys. Peace UwU
    1 point
  2. Trying to deviate from my usual stuff for this one, I think it'll turn out palatable.
    1 point
  3. How's everyone doing so far?
    1 point
  4. Finally got a chance to sit down and listen on my computer. There is definitely a lot of different influences coming from different places I can see. Not in a bad way though, you make it your own and I never get the feeling that this is derivative. The children's choir you use is extremely pretty and I feel like you did a wonderful job with the balancing here. Never did I feel like any section overwhelmed any other section. I could finally hear Shevannai on my PC and I like how layered in it is. Never sounds like it stands out very much. It's like she was standing with the rest of the choir and she had a solo part! Very realistic sounding in that regard. Man you really have the balance between these instruments down quite well. I personally feel it is a skill that I'm lacking. I have a lot of libraries but finding their balance is a chore haha. Speaking more musically, I wouldn't personally find this as something I'd just tune in and listen to on the fly but I would really feel the atmosphere if it was in a film or tv series. Definitely would be a song that I could see in a score. I think the only like...critique I would have is that, as someone who enjoys music with strong melodies, I find the song a bit...like a wave? Always pulsing and waxing but never quite going to somewhere specific. Then again, it might kind of be the point. You are sort of wading in this darkness right? So maybe from a composition standpoint this works quite well. From a listening standpoint again, maybe it isn't something I'd go out of my way to put on, but I think it works well in the context of say a score or a scene from some form of media. Anyway, great stuff and good to see you put so much effort into your music. Once more, wonderful balancing with the choirs and I feel inspired to try and do better in that regard. Cheers!
    1 point
  5. Won't be submitting anything. I need to step away from music for a long while. Dunno when I'll be back if ever but I can't at the moment.. Sorry guys.
    0 points
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