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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2024 in all areas

  1. so, shout out to Hemo and HoboKa letting me know on two separate occasions during MAGFest (sorry, the internet was bad!) that my silly little city pop romp won this round of PRC. thank y'all so much for the love! it was my first time attempting the genre for a track from a silly game that meant so much to me. i'm sending all of my love to you, suspended on silver wings! you all did such amazing tracks. i've been thinking about my winner's pick for quite a bit. while it was tempting to suggest another city pop-leaning piece (lookin' at you, hazure02!) i wanted something sentimental, something to spark inspiration while we're all feeling sentimental. my source pick is "the afternoon streets" from kingdom hearts, by Yoko Shimomura. midi download link (VGMusic): https://www.vgmusic.com/file/12681e383f82817929690513b1ea8f39.html hope to see you all around! keep making bangers!
    2 points
  2. Hey, it's sad to see this is the end for PRC. I'd really like to be involved more. On the other hand, these 472 compos full of cool stuff won't be in vain; that's a lot of stuff for everyone to enjoy forever, so thanks everyone for so much of good music! Also thanks a lot for the reviews! Some of these were unusually long and detailed, and it's helpful to have more opinions like that from people who really took the time to listen to everything with full attention. I'm glad some people even considered mine worth giving some vote considering you can vote only 3 songs. I'm used to get into the latest places in compos like DoD and PM so that's somewhat refreshing, and even more so since that was a solo work with no actual talented artists recruited haha. I'm aware that while often having good and interesting ideas for arrangements I still suck at mixing and I think of that work more as a unpolished demo than the actual finished product. In a future I might have someone playing guitars and flute and maybe more improvements in drums programming and backing synths so that will sound a lot better.
    2 points
  3. Hello! I'm a newbie who goes by the musical alias of Lunios. It's wonderful to check out the forum after acknowledging OCR for donkey's years now, and I can say this is quite a vibrant place for someone to hone their musical skills. I'm just a novice composer who creates things for the fun of myself and my peers. While on the sidelines, I'm pursuing an underground career in the electronica and acid niches. I submitted a piece about a week ago and felt a little anxious to say hi, but it would be disrespectful if I didn't, so I decided to write this up! I'm a young face here, but in the time I have been around, I've been inspired by djpretzel and his works towards founding Overclocked and GMI, making the recognition of VMG and its remixes wide for the public hence how I found out. (Ps: I hope Pretzel succeeds in his future endeavors after moving on from OCR). Anyway, enough of me ranting on. Closing this up, I'm happy to dabble in this community and see what new works come from it. So yeah, see you around!
    1 point
  4. I'll still try to do one anyway, but that's my bad, I should have asked in the first place. I'll reach out to Rebecca. EDIT (2/1/24): Rebecca kindly provided video-based timestamps (added to her submission comments in the first post).
    1 point
  5. the chords don't map directly from what i can hear. that makes these blobs of chords inspired by, and not directly taken from, the original track. they may be highly different voicings and that's where i'm losing it. i really don't dig the idea of us trying to parse this ourselves, this should be an artist-provided breakdown to ensure we're not missing stuff in either direction. edit 2/8: i am teh dumb
    1 point
  6. @TheVideoGamer Yes, Annals of Neon was the remix I did specfically for this round. And yeah there are a few notes that are out, but it is entirely intentional. As I said in the summary I did a lot of subtle things with voicing changes throughout and I really wanted to put in some melancholic undertones to this and I felt that some slightly off kilter notes actually helped. I tried really hard to get a balance from the beginning, but I just couldn't get a good blend with the piano at the end so I ended up mixing this track back to front as it were. The middle section and I know a few others pointed it out, and @The Vodoú Queen mentioned it too so here is a more indepth summary plus some of the technical notes. The idea I was trying to invoke here was sort of an introspective portion. I tried to imagine going back into some of the earliest and highly cherished memories would sort of sound like. That section is what I came up with. Partially inspired by the scene in Contact where the protagonist finds themselves on a dreamy beach. The crashing waves set much of the background ambiance. Like how memories don't often come back all at once, but in flashes or excuse the pun, waves. So, that is just a sample from somewhere on the coast of the Atlantic ocean. Then I put two layers of kids playing at playgrounds mixed reasonably low level to try and place into frame that is section is about youth. And I just happened upon an excellent field recording of fairgrounds, and I just sort of used it for some more cacophony and highlighting. There are also only two synths here. A nice soft pad, if memory serves it is just Sylenth1's Meditation with an absurd amount of reverb. Then there is just an arp again bathed in reverb, something from a DX7, it might just be bells or such (I don't 100% remember). The transition to the entire section was done simply by decreasing the send level of the tracks to their respective buses, but then increasing the send level to the reverb & delay. For example the pre-delay on the reverb becomes very noticeable. The notion was to make it seem like one was slipping into their memories and the thunderclap was there really just for something to sort of mask the transition and be something to listen to other than hearing the sounds sort of fade into the abyss. The entire section is then mixed primarily into the reverb and then controlling the amount of dry send that goes into their buses. That is what gives it that feeling of distance and space. Coming out I used a simple sine lead, again drenched in reverb to blend it and pair that up with bringing in the regular piano using velocity. Really the inspiration for coming out of it is Jean MIchel Jarre's Ethnicolor. Glad folks enjoyed it! It was a ton of fun to work on and really pushed me into trying to communicate the vibe and thoughts I was going for here. Also, TVG Departing for the Unknown is pressed really hard up against a limiter. Unfortunately, this didn't make it past panel. Something about the ending and how it felt aimless despite that fact that was exactly what I was going for ?‍♂️. Anyway, the original is in 3/4, but I tried to place it into 4/4 by doing some extension work. Not perhaps the best translation, but the sort of sloppiness of it is why I called it what it was. The off kilter nature really fed into the idea of about going off into an adventure sure and ready, but not being certain where or what that'd entail. Okay, enough about that stuff. AWESOME STUFF!!! And lets all give @Bundeslang a round of applause for running this compo for so long and really without much or any fanfare. ? Thank you Bundeslang for your digligence over the life of this compo. It will be missed.
    1 point
  7. For the last time, it's results time Hopefully everything is counted correct (just added the voter bonus, assuming that nobody voted twice for the same song or for his own song, the winner is clear. The final last wooden spoons go to Evktalo, Silverpool64, BRKPNT, Jorito and (again) BRKPNT without any points. The 18th place is for both Sadorf and Treyt with two points. 8 Songs tie for 10th place: AlchemicJay, TheVodouQueen, Jorito, Wassup Thunder, Unknown Pseudoartist, (again) AlchemicJay, JH Sounds and AZPX with 3 points The 6th place is for Hemophiliac, Yami, Bundeslang and HoboKa with 4 points. The fourth place is for Souperion and HarlemHeat360 with 6 points. Third place is for TheVideoGamer with 7 points. XPZA got second place with 10 points. And the winner of PRC472 is Coloradoweeks with 23 points. Congratulations Coloradoweeks, even if I miscalculed half of the votes you are still in the winner of the final PRC round. Well deserved, and close to an unanimous win. You still may pick a source but it will not be used for a further PRC. You can send it to me by PM or just post it in this thread. Some followers might reward your win with a remix, or I might organise a special round somewhere in the future. Even tough Coloradoweeks is the winner of this round, I think we all have won this one. A fantastic amount of remixes resulting in the end of PRC. Big thanks to all remixers, voters and listeners, the OC Remix and ThaSauce Community http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc for all rounds and winners. https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/prc472 for the votes and comments. If anyone is interested in any old PRC songs, I have them somewhere so I can share them if there is any interest. Everything from PRC94 and later is at the ThaSauce site. This is the end of PRC, but not from my visits to OC Remix. I Will Return (but not as PRC host). Thank You
    1 point
  8. Hall Of Fame: PRC Winners: 472 Editions TheVideoGamer (30 wins) OneUp (24 wins) PlanarianHugger, Rexy, S|r Nuts (17 wins) Hoboka (15 wins) Evktalo, Sggod89, The Orichalcon (11 wins) Showroom Dummy, Supercoolmike (10 wins) Bundeslang, Esperado (9 wins) Bladiator, DJ Mokram, Hylian Lemon, WassupThunder (8 wins) Dex, Gercr, Ichitootah, Souperion, Trism (7 wins) Chickenwarlord, , V___ (6 wins) APZX, FreakyT, GCJ, Hleet, NinjaPenguinDan, Setokaibracket (Hartbeat Acolyte) (5 wins) Alex Smith, Binweasel, Chalis, Emperor, Just64helpin, Nutritious, Opk, RoeTaKa (4 wins) Analoq, ArseAssassin, AxLR, Beckett007, Blak Omen, Cash, Dewey Newt, DrumJ8, Hemophiliac, JerryTerry, Jorito, Prophecy, TheoConfidor, Xsquader, Yami (3 wins) Amphibious, Andy Jayne, Chavous, DJ Siamey, Dudley Ghost, DZ Composer, DzejPi, Flurry of Flames, HarlemHeat360, Jeremy Robson, JH Sounds, Joystick, Kat, Less Ashamed of Selfs, Marcusg, MindWanderer, Mythril Nazgul, NintenJoe64, Starphoenix, Studionimbus.org, SubNormal J3, Theory of Nonexistence, TheVodouQueen, Thu, Toilet Goat, Txai, YorkshireLakeside, Zerothemaster (2 wins) 0x25ec, Alfredofreak, Aluminum, Ambient, Anachromium, Anorax, Another Soundscap, Arcana, Aurelien Castel, Blakeingram, Blueenvy, Coloradoweeks Darkbrandflake11, DarkeSword, DimWiddy, Ding888Ding, Diotrans, Divinewrath, Dragonlord, Elsalluz, FiremanJoe, Flexstyle, Fxsnowy, Gario, Garpocalypse, General Slicer, Ghetto Lee Lewis, GrapplingHook, Grauw, Hetcenus, Hexen, Hollow, Inrade, Ivan Hakstock, JoxaDaii, Kapden, Kholdstare, Klevarkoopa, Lidawg, Majeliss, Mark Sparling, Moseph, MushroomSword, n0mad, Nasenmann, Necrox, NormallyRetro, Obtuse, Ophanin, OverCoat, Overkillius, Popoi, PriZm, Sadorf, Scott Peeples, Shido, Strike911, Tensei-San, Thomas Neil, Trenthian, Unknown Pseudoartist, Villainelle, YoshiBlade, Zackparrish, Zorrakh (1 win)
    0 points
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