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Meteo Xavier

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Everything posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. Oh, you cheeky sumbitch. Would you like some cheese with that w(h)ine, or just the usual filet-o-my-foot-up-your-ass? In all seriousness, I did lawl at that. It was quite funny.
  2. Looking at the numbers I need to look at to see if I can afford it depress me as they are lower than I expected to be. I'm afraid I must pass on this offer, thank you all the same Shaggy!
  3. Yeah, those deals are too good to simply put aside without any serious consideration. Let me ask around my stuff and see if I can justify getting one of those. PM ahoy.
  4. Dammit man. It is either a blessing for me or a curse for you that you did not put these up for sale earlier this year - I was seriously considering buying another laptop at that time and might've went for that Vaio. This has been happening to me quite a bit lately. Here's luck to you selling them though. Sorry I couldn't offer anything constructive versus my low-level angsting over the timing...
  5. I didn't say it couldn't happen, I'm just doing my duty to get artists with real potential to help actually realize goals like that with constructive nay-saying and reality (that is the most sublimely redundant sentence I've written in weeks) as opposed to bland and useless philosophical pleasantry like "Do it man! Believe in your dreams and all that shit!"
  6. I also have real, actual resolutions of some kind, but I hesitate to list them as they kinda make me sound like a braggart. I'd rather be shot in the head and dumped in a shallow grave than exude anything remotely "arrogant". So I'll list them this way instead. 1. My Southern ghostlore nonfiction manuscript, after more than 2 years since I started it, has been picked up and contracted! Now I market the hell out of it and get my foothold in the paranormal folklore industry. 2. Finish both the Wuli Adventure and Hypertension soundtracks, as I haven't even officially "began" on either and they could be up to 2CDs worth of music each. High profile gigs that I may never get again, but my god will it be draining. 3. Finish the stories to the above games since I coincidentally and with a heavy dose of fate got charged to do the writing for both too. 4. Finish the FreeDoom tracks I volunteered to do. 20+ of them. I might just do 20 for now... 5. Do a new original album for the label I'm on twisting the "80s synth wave" craze to more artistic directions and sucking up every dime I can get abusing a more aggressive sound. 6. Release the ***damn motherfucking Seiken Densetsu 3 project finally. MY SWEET LORD WHY IS THIS PROJECT STILL IN SUCH INSANE DELAY AFTER THE MUSIC'S BEEN DONE? 7. Redo my author's website into something less pointlessly self-centered and instead turn it into a paranormal and horror hub with folklore, documentary listings, public domain and all that good stuff. 8. Go to the gym since I have actual testosterone pumping in my veins now. 9. Do some new OCR remixes finally. I refuse to be one of those VGM artists who finds some gigs outside the community here and then never does any new music or offer anything to the OCR community unless I'm releasing another commercial product I'm expecting you to buy without hesitation. I DIDN'T GET INTO OCREMIX JUST TO BECOME A WHORE. It's a coincidence! I think there's more, but I'm going to stop there now lest I come off as a hypocrite in public to Joe...
  7. I hear ya. Much better idea to space those out as opposed to progenating an army all at the same time. Wait until the current baby is old enough to begin reason, then start the process again if you so feel is necessary. You might want to put that as your New Years resolution for 2021. Although my reference so far is that the publishing dirge is a bit more forgiving now than it was even a few years ago, you really need to work your way further up first. You would do better to amend it as "1. Have solo novel manuscript accepted by indie publisher and market the hell out of it." if you'd like to stand a better (i.e. actual) chance at realizing the majors. Major publishers don't "buy" novels from authors whose biggest accomplishment yet is getting on an anthology at a failing business (unless I'm mistaken and Barnes and Noble took a huge upswing last year that I wasn't aware of). I respect the success you've made so far in your endeavors, and it's BECAUSE I respect that that I'm telling you to focus better and get more realistic sights ahead. It kinda sounds like you're trying to be an expert at... everything... in twelve short months when you've only fully accomplished one of your seven goals from 2014. Ambition only goes so far, the real world has other plans. Little doubt do I have you could accomplish them someday, but only if you save a bunch of those items for future resolutions. Focus first, one goal at a time, and forget the time frame. That will be how you check off that list.
  8. Actually, the world gets BETTER with each passing year, as technology and human wisdom (slowly) evolve after experience and circumstances - this is just something people say as they get more AWARE of things that happen in the world and forget that, genuinely, some problems will never go away.
  9. Is this your way of announcing you have another prophet in the oven, or that you hope to discover contraception until 2016?
  10. The "no more bullshit" resolution seems to be popular this year...as it was the year before that, the year before that, and the year before that. I'm beginning to see a pattern here, and it looks like a spiral. Well, I'm going to break that pattern for humanity in its totality. I'm going the opposite direction. This year I resolve to have MORE bullshit than ever before! I'll let total strangers borrow my car, I'll make a whole slew of new friends and then alienate them with partisan, iron-clad views on subjects, hell I'll leave my door wide open at all hours of the day on all days of the week and just let whatever happens happen. You've heard the expression, "it's so crazy it just might work". Well, if I make it even crazier than that, it will be guaranteed to work! That's a little process I call "science". >
  11. You guys are spoiled as shit. My Christmas loot list this year is a small fraction of all that.
  12. No love for me and Reuben's track? Well, now I know the first grievance I want to air at Festivus tonight, you pigs! >:S
  13. Mostly money so far. I bought myself a SNES Everdrive with it. I'm also considering much of the products I bought myself in October and such early Christmas presents as well.
  14. No, I got that box, and the kittens were very much alive. Schrodinger was so pissed that he got up out of his grave, broke through my front door and bitch smacked me.
  15. I received a box from a certain OCR member today. Which is weird, because I haven't been on Secret Santa in years. Also, it sounds like it's ticking. I might want to be careful opening it...
  16. There best be some room left on the bandwagon, because I'm jumping in! >
  17. Reuben sent me a .WAV of the track and I can donate here if there's time.
  18. Actually, if you're willing, I did find another track that I'd like to use more as was a collaboration between me and Reuben Cornell from Sonokinetic some years ago on a game that didn't go anywhere. Let me ask him if he still has the .WAV of that.
  19. I thought I had a .WAV for that Metroid track, Coop, but I don't. No worries, try again next year.
  20. Wow, been almost a year since this topic was last updated. SNESology administration has changed hands again, and the new admin, John Easter, asked me to announce on his behalf that the project was gearing up again and for new people to come in and take a crack at the old-school musix. I'll try to do some here myself if I can find time and energy for it. So get off your 256 or 512-bit ass or whatever the generation now calls it and get back to your roots! Or rather what is slightly above the roots! Show gamers today that the 4k samples are still the best thing ever!
  21. Thomas, when you goin' to hit a brotha up? You too good to talk to me now that I'm half-black, half-white, half-asian and half-Samoan? Only one man in the history of assholes can accomplish being FOUR halves at once, and that man is Meteo X!

  22. Oh, they're all ***damn parodies of game journalism at this point. Doesn't matter if they actually know it or not.
  23. The word you're looking for is "facetious" and it's a little of both.
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