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Meteo Xavier

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Status Updates posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. this thing eats the mbam.exe plus Microsoft's Tool (mrt.exe) in safe mode as well. I saw one suggestion, which I might take advantage of here at work, where I can get Malware Bytes set up, rename the mbam.exe file and send it and try to run it. Would that work?

    Additionally, what are my options for System Restore points? Do I need to install/reinstall Windows for that to work?

  2. Yeah, I get that a lot.

  3. Well, I got it working again. Had to pull some serious and, if I may say, impressive tricks to do it, but its done!

    Ultimately it came down to one bad registry key. I deleted it 3 hours ago and it seems to be working ok now.

    I appreciate your help as always.

  4. Any word from Novo Interactive? I still haven't heard anything.

  5. Bullshit.

    Also, I was banned from IRC. Or maybe not. I don't know.

  6. I am MeteoXavier.

    Additionally, is Komplete 6 just like a huge box set of the other programs in boxes, or is just a single box itself with discs of all the programs in there? I only really see myself using 3 of the programs, so it'd be great to just leave the rest behind/resell or whatever until I find a spot to use them.

  7. I figured as much. Are all the programs separate or do they all install at the same time? Like I say, I might only use like 3 of them in the near future.

  8. I guess thats better than not. Thanks.

  9. Hey, I'm ready to do some ambient music, give me your website address and let me know what I should do to get ready.

    Email me at MeteoX9999@aol.com

  10. support@applied-acoustics.com

    thats the email address you're looking for.

  11. I fixed that section of my post. I did not word that correctly. :P

  12. Hey man, what would I need to do to get some airplay on your radio station?

  13. Hey, what is the name of that $30 speaker system with flat-response you were telling me about? Does it have a headphone jack in it and let me accentuate the volume from there? If so, this could be a cheap fix for that issue (and others).

  14. You won the battle, but you haven't won the lottery, you boner! I'll get you yet!

    (That was something I heard my Dad shout at someone one time. :P)

  15. I got a whole big list of bizarre one-liners if you're still looking. I'd prefer the privacy of a PM to link them though, with your permission.

  16. At LEAST a PS3? I'm lucky to have a DS and a Wii. PS2 is still a mighty luxury for my budget, you great boner from Bonertown, USA (a subdivision of Pennsylvania).

    Seriously though, with the exception of FFIV: After, I can't buy any new games. It's the only way I can control my OCD for my game collection and control my monthly expenses.

  17. Hey man, did I show you the novel I finally got published? I can't remember if I did or not.

  18. You never know. Whats your art page then?

  19. Hellacious man, even I got a Deviantart page. Would you expect me to buy crack without testing to see if its good? :P

    Do you have any examples I can see?

  20. Not bad. Not great, but not bad.

    I'll keep you on file. I'd like to see some higher quality stuff from you, but I'll definitely keep you in mind because you never know what I might be working on and might need.

  21. Thats fine. I actually need to find the damn thing first and I don't know if I'll have any time to look for it coming up. I'll reserve it for you if you'd like.

  22. I see you play keyboards. Do you have any knowledge on B3 Organ tonality? I'm trying to get Motoi Sakuraba's organ sound on Vintage Organs, but I can't seem to get it right.

  23. "There's a place for a thread like this. It's on another site."

    I found that funny enough to do a minor spit take. Thanks. :P

  24. Hey-o. I will be out of town from July 3rd to the 8th and maybe unavailable for a couple days after that. What SD3 stuff do we need to get caught up on and working on until then?

  25. Why would I tell jokes other people would laugh at?

    Doesn't that defeat the whole point? :P

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