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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. Very bottom of page 3 bump. A few good matches the other night. And Icy liked my song. IT WAS VERY PRODUCTIVE.
  2. To be fair, neither was the 100 Skulltula quest. Basically the same deal. It's more so you can show your friends "HAY GUYS, LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" Side thing: What does the rare chu jelly DO anyways? Blue potion?
  3. I think I demand an Overcoat mix of Me Semper Maneas. It would no doubt be epic in one way or another.
  4. Whoa, I didn't even know that was coming out. Awesome.
  5. Shit, they DIDN'T? Lame. Maybe the word "GOD" would offend all non-christians.
  6. Could they have shown it ANY MORE in a row without breaking some kind of irritant law?
  7. Y'know you CAN do that WITHOUT using Mortal Draw. Just sheathe like, RIGHT after killing stuff. Most times you'll do that needlessly awesome little move.
  8. As much as I love it, I dunno how remixable it is. Prove me wrong ASAP.
  9. ^ Warning! Not as awesome as the other two Katamaris. Still pretty decent, plus it's nice to have it portable. But don't expect the same quality of game. I find the lack of a second joystick hurts it more than one might hope.
  10. Wait, Axel is Blitz? Shit, where have I been?
  11. ^ I might make one in the not-too-distant future. It shall clearly contain pirates. Also, cute Midna sig Douli.
  12. Yeah, I failed that hard too. "Died" like, 5 or maybe 10 times, gave up, looked it up. Bah.
  13. That's what I did too. Ya notice when the Wii freezes, it freezes HARD? The only way to fix it, I've found, is to pull the plug. So harsh.
  14. This isn't exactly new, but it's been slightly bothering me for a while now. Personally, I think we should either have a sticky, in say, TechAss, or possibly put in the FAQ, about user Ranks and their respective post counts. I know the requests only come up once every couple of months, and if I'm missing a [semi]permanent list of them, it seems to follow that newbs would also fail to find it. Not exactly an earth shattering issue, but I think it'd be nice to have around.
  15. Just north of Cold? e: alternately, UNDER YOUR MOM. snap.
  17. Desert one was the hardest for me. Poes are ebil. But then, the first few times I played in that place, I was pretty drunk. It magnified the confusion by, uhm...a lot.
  18. Heh, I looked in a Visions ad earlier today. Apparently, they had some shit brand of Plasma HDTV, 50" for $548. That's...yeah.
  19. Well that's like, cheating or something. And I only used Bomb Arrows on a few redeads
  20. So, how 'bout those ordeals?
  21. Yeah, it does. Don't they tell you that in the tutorial? Well, that's more than likely where I learned it from. But I may have imagined it, 'cause when I played it, it was about 3 in the afternoon after camping out the previous night, and the night before that, I'd only managed three hours of sleep. So...yeah. It could happen. At the time, I couldn't even find the place to plug in the cube controllers.
  22. Up and down too, I think. If not, it at least makes me THINK it's going higher or lower. And that's just as good.
  23. But, then you could be, like Sgt. Sgt Strykr!
  24. There was a 42" Samsung flat panel Plasma HDTV advertised for 1299.99, which is damned near half the normal price [usually 23/2400], but I checked online and they were already sold out. And quite frankly, I'm too lazy to fight crowds in a few hours unless I'm 100% guaranteed to get one, which I obviously wouldn't be. Shame, I've been looking for decent prices on flat panel HDs for a while now.
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