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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. As such, I DEMAND YOU WEAR THE STAFF BADGE. Just because.
  2. Maybe I just suck, but I find Ares in God of War [particularly on God mode] rediculously difficult. Yeah.
  3. Had you not been able to find them, I could've just re-hosted em. Eh, either way. *changes to OL badge*
  4. OK... Two things need to happen here. I need to read this thread more often. You need to let me know when you're in my state! Hehe, well, I wound up not going to St Faggy's, so it doesn't matter in the end. ... I HEREBY DEMAND YOU ALL COME TO MANITOBA, PREFERABLY WINNIPEG, AT SOME POINT. Er...at least those of you in the northern states. FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
  5. All caught up now. Invited PoM, Deej is an OL now, and James, despite the fact that you ASKED for it [had I noticed that before I did it, I wouldn't have], you're now on staff, as we had less staffers than I thought. So now the staff is as follows: Overlords: -Myself -Deej Valen Staff: -redchlorine -Lazy Leaf/Konoho Ninja -Deimos0034/Yellow13 And I believe that's it.
  6. Not that I'm unhappy with my current, but more Katamari avatars are ALWAYS welcome. *hint hint* Also, that Poring up there is pretty awesome. If it wasn't for the higher levels of awesome in Katamari, I'd totally use that.
  7. indeed. i'am in need for sig right now FInd me a Killer7 or Killer7-like font and I'll get on it ASAP. Or uh..be more specific in your request. Or better yet, both.
  8. Pwnt. i wouldn't mind getting in on some ocr halo action. my username is I DbX I Bishop (it's my roomie's old account ) - i'm a lvl 29. i haven't played in ages, but i'm decent at BR and i tend to get REALLY freaking lucky. someone want to send me a clan invite? I'll be on tomorrow to OL-up Deej, so I'll send you an invite then.
  9. DUN DUN DUNNNNN. [Wingless and/or Pixie may understand it?]
  10. Eh, I'll take a look at the current staff next time I'm on and see if we actually "need" anyone.
  11. So I only just now listened to 033. I've a bit of a music backlog ATM. Anyways, you guys are doing a great job, despite being neither Rayza nor Aurora. It's nice to change things up, anyways. So uhm...keep up the good work, and...for the record, I think the pixiemix was the best of the four.
  12. Alright everyone, I got a total of 5 votes plus an undecided PM from Deej, and the results are as follows: Lazy - 1 53phy - 1 Deej - 3 So, Deej is our new Co-Overlord. Once I get online to promote him, anyways. I'll try to do it on or before Saturday.
  13. What she said.
  14. I don't believe you have. I, however, have, though not in those words.
  15. 4 votes received so far. Uhm..counting Deej, who didn't really vote. So remember, you've 'til Tuesday [which will technically be Wednesday morning, as I don't go on the comp til after work and...etc], and anyone in the clan can vote. *nods*
  16. ^ Yeah, probly. Voting will continue until..uhm...Tuesday, just in case anyone doesn't browse OCR on weekends.
  17. PWNT. By my...horrid memory. Rar. So everyone, just for the sake of being OMG SECRET BALLOT, cast your votes via PM to me. And the catch, a la reality tv...NO VOTING FOR YOURSELF. Do so, and you're disqualified. *dun dun DUNNNNN*
  18. ... Seems it expired TODAY, not Saturday as I thought, so I've already been charged the $60, and the refund plan is retarded, so I guess I'm in for another year. Nevertheless, I'll make someone else an Overlord, as I said I would. ... So...hell, we'll do it democratically. So the candidates so far are... -Sonic -Yellow13 -Deej Valen -Metrion -Lazy Leaf ...that's it, right?
  19. If my bank would send me the confirmation email to enable my online banking so that my paypal account could have some money in it, I'd totally buy some SGX shwag.
  20. Me! You still on pretty regularly?
  21. 'Kay, so, I need someone who's been in the clan for a long time and is on fairly often. I must set a new Overlord, as my XBL expires on Saturday, and I haven't had enough time to play it to make it worthwhile to renew it. So...suggestions? Keep in mind, needs to be resolved before Saturday.
  22. ...pixie's only 20? I dunno why, but I thought you were older. By like, 5 years...give or take. *shrugs* Well, happy birthday nonetheless pixie. Possibly even slightlythemore.
  23. A couple of small things. I love that a lot of reports seem to have Azumanga music going in the background, and also, using the Katamari music anywhere is always good. ... That was certainly an...interesting stinger, by the way.
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