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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. So, is there any game worth purchasing that have come out recently? (I know about no more heroes, I just want to know about something I may have missed.)
  2. Wise ones? Why would I pay more to have a pretentious product that does what a cheaper product does? Why bother about compatibility with a maximum level of software (and not just games)? Most mac people buy macs because they like feeling superior about it. 1: It's a freaking computer. My 30$ sledgehammer can still make it unusable whatever company made it. 2: It's an operating system, not a religion. 3: If you like it, good, stop bugging the hell out of me about it. I have tried shopping for both Macs and PCs, and I always end up buying a PC because I know what parts I want, I can customize it, and it always comes off cheaper than the Mac with similar specs.
  3. Same specs, different performance. Failure is headed your way, not mine. Please note how I compared performance, and not specs. You can stick a V8 engine in a car made of lead. It's gonna be a V8, but it won't be able to get the top notch performance found in a well built car with a V6.
  4. Ok, lets try this: The Mac is a car, pretty good engine, runs well. Retails at 20 000$. You can buy a PC car, much better engine, extremely good performance, top of the line all the way. Retail price: 20 000$ You can also buy a PC car equivalent to the power of the Mac Car. Retail value 16 000$ There ya go, compare equivalent performance between a Mac and a PC and the PC will be cheaper. Compare same priced Mac and PC and the PC will be stronger.
  5. How about a line up of Marvel / DC Kirbies (and not just the big names)? I mean, Solomon Kirby, Green Arrow Kirby, Fantastic Fourby, Booster Goldby, Skeets Kirby, Jokirby, Trickterby... Heck, just grab that cover from the number 52 Countdown and go from there, lots of Kirbies to get from that. And well, Power Girl Kirby sounds like a pretty funny idea.
  6. I don't know if you've seen these 2-D platformers for PC that use a keyboard and mouse setup? You know, you use WASD to move, and you aim the gun using the mouse. I see that as the future of Metroid on the Wii.
  7. Well, mine is a bit more complicated than just a videogame name. Radical Dreamer is basically based on my personal belief that dreams have a deeper meaning than a simple "brain defrag" after effect. I settled on this name because of the videogame connotation, and the similarity to my belief that one should try to make life more dream like. It also draws to my spiritual side of things and the fact that I am at odds with mainstream ideas most of the time. In fact, way before I knew of Radical Dreamer, I sometimes called my philosophy the Radical Dream. At some point, I should write down the main ideas of the Radical Dream philosophy, but since I don't believe in imposing my ideas, it seems idiotic to write down "rules" to a philosophy that believes in being flexible. Other names I have used included: Ryushinigami (basically dragon god of death), Part of my "japanese" phase. I also picked it because dragons are cool (duh), and I was obsessed by my own mortality. I have also had a close relationship with death ever since I had to face my own life maybe coming to an end. (At this point, death feels like an old comforting presence waiting for me to be ready to leave this world.) Seimei no Ookami. (Wolf of ???). When I underwent a "vision quest" type of ritual, the animal that appeared to guide me was either a wolf or a tiger. In this case, I was refering to a specific vision, and I think Seimei means something similar to light or life, at this point I don't remember. Kage no Ookami. Changed it during a depressive self-destructive phase. Means "Shadow Wolf." Arashi no Tora (Tiger of the storm). Still in my Japanese phase, basically this was due to a very specific winter storm where the icy snow pushed by the wind felt like something was clawing at my face. The wind sounded like a roaring tiger, and when I came home that night, my eyebrow piercing ripped out when I removed my shirt, as the skin was frozen around it. Looked like I had claw mark over my left eye until it healed.
  8. Megaman, Megaman X, Bass and Zero are in! Confirmed by the voices in my head.
  9. They are adding Squall Leonheart... So... Do you have a source for your delay allegation?
  10. Well, anything goes in here, think of the clouds.
  11. I feel like Olimar will be banned from Tourny play, too original.
  12. Am I the only one who sees Olimar as a grab characters. Like all of his moves will be grabs and throws?
  13. Well, truth be told, there are male and female jigglypuffs. It's a species and not an individual. However, that specific Jigglypuff cannot be anything other than female in my mind.
  14. The gun is phallic enough, and well, Samus makes me feel less of a man...
  15. Well, you have Peach, Zelda, Jigglypuff, Kirby and Luigi... I think that's enough gals.
  16. You can most likely go through it with only one problem: 747
  17. I just feel that SSBB will give us some ideas as to what may be coming our way. Pit being included gives me high hopes for a Kid Icarus Wii game. In fact the Wiimote really would work well in a bow and arrow setting. Heck, the yoyo setting would work out well too.
  18. So... no Mike Jones for SSBB post so far? Impressive.
  19. OH My GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike Jones FTW!!!
  20. Instead of being "surprised" that a third party character does not appear in a game previously restricted to first and second party characters, you should be happy that Snake and Sonic appear. We may or may not get a third one, and they may or may not be lying about Megaman, just you know, to keep some surprises in the game. And I'm sure that by April, EGM is gonna have the exact instructions on how to unlock megaman...
  21. WRONG! Snake was on some games that were on the NES. As for Sonic, it's the classic recess argument about which is the best between Sonic and Mario.
  22. I know it's a fun game and that skills can overcome luck any time.
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