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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I am sure some helpful mod will make the name change, I remember hearing that some accounts were merged in the migration but I'm not sure. Strijder may have been your original name. And I have to say this: Thank you for not exploding.
  2. That or a map similar to the first planet in Prime 3, the pipes and a gigantic Ridley trying to kill you.
  3. Well, I talked with Sakurai and apparently, it's Jiggs or online ranking.
  4. I loved the comments on the news story. "It's a tragedy..." "No you idiot, he was making a PIPE BOMB!"
  5. Obviously, you won't be playing online. I mean, you hate it so much before the release...
  6. I was sure MP3 players didn't have to pay for the license, only MP3 encoders...
  7. Unless they want itune on the Wii.
  8. Why are you saying that Hyrule's blacks are thieves? You racist prick...
  9. Yeah, it would rock on the WB, especially the relationship between Zelda and Malon who both want their man Link, but at the end start loving each other. Throw in some Ruto action...
  10. I could, however, go for OoT from the Princess' and Impa's point of view (and Malon, I guess). Legend of Link, Adventure of Zelda. (Or even better: "Legends of Hyrule: the Lost Chronicles") Something that starts back at Link's birth, when Impa is the one to protect him and bring him to the forest. The initial Temple of Shadow battle for Impa. Then you move to Zelda's point of view, when she has to escape the castle to make it to the garden for the fated meeting. And then Impa and Zelda's attempts at foiling Ganondorf as he is trying to subvert the king. Then there is the flight from Hyrule's Castle. Then it would become episodic, from Malon's unseen efforts to preserve the farm and keep the fields safe to Zelda's training as Sheik. Then there would be the various moments where Sheik protected Link without him knowing. And they could throw in a final battle unseen in OoT where Zelda kicked Ganondorf's ass.
  11. "Remixer" claims to have been inspired by a remix from Terranigma, and presents a "WIP". WIP is a dong done by you Darke, and while I am no expert, I doubt even one note has changed. Hilarity will hopefully ensue. (BTW, I liked it a lot. Will download it tonight.)
  12. Yeah, this is kinda lame. The song rocks, too bad you can't make music like that.
  13. Oh wait, my bad, read a bit more than just his post and I listened to the songs. I'm just amazed he did not even try to change it a little. My original joke was based on the assumption that he had taken a song and just barely changed it, like adding a drum loop... Wait, we might have something very unique here: A remix of a remix. I am gonna use this opportunity to launch my new website: http://nitropowered.remix.org A community dedicated to bringing to public attention OCRemixes as something more than remixes of music often seen as disposable.
  14. Ah, this feels like something that could have been a soundtrack from way back when if designers would have cared more about sound quality. Gotta say I love the instruments on this one. It's interesting, and frankly, I just think it's biggest flaw is that its short. Overall this is a good original song, and it's taking chances and it goes in a direction I kinda wish we heard more often.
  15. The intro is good, kinda mysterious. And it stays in subtly, even when the beat starts. Gotta say, it feels like pretty standard electronica. Not that I don't like it. Something can feel standard and be pretty good. In this case, while I kinda wish it went in a different direction (the intro led me to believe it would try something different), the song is still good. I just wish it did something more, it feels too generic. Especially at the end.
  16. Love the Intro. I gotta say though, it feels like more than just an intro. When the beats kick in, it's a new song all together. It's good. A pretty good approach, I think. The ending is also excellent, like the intro. It's a beautiful piece.
  17. Also, for some reason no one marries Malon. She may be playing for the other team after all...
  18. I'm just saying we don't know until the game is released how online will work. Trust me, if you can think of something, they are thinking about it right now. The best thing to do now is to get the updates, add to what we know about the game but don't assume it is all there is to know. Up until the "online" announcement, people like Atma were saying stuff like "It's never gonna be online." When online gaming was announced, what I heard was "Yeah but you'll only be able to play with friends and not with strangers." And they introduced random anonymous play. And people found some details to bitch about. Frankly, I would love for Smash to be a superior online experience, at this point, we have no clue how it will turn out simply because the game is neither completed nor released. So for now, I recommend that people simply shut up, and wait until the information we have is final before complaining. Your bitching about online capability at this point would be akin to me celebrating the inclusion of Captain Olimar.
  19. Because being blind is never a good thing. In this case, it's ridiculous simply because they behave exactly in the way the movie tries to prevent.
  20. So, admittedly Christian movies made to convert kids = good and admittedly atheist movies made to denounce blind faith = bad? See what's wrong here? The people who protest the movie are exactly what he's trying to denounce: People who blindly follow a religion and never try to show judgment.
  21. Except that Megaman ZX was actually good...
  22. I dunno, lets see how long I can request stuff here by saying: "Wow. WOW this is so fucking gay. No new Zeal remix? FF7 only? YOU CAN'T EVEN FIND ANYTHING BUT TECHNO? Fucking djp." And not be decried as an idiot? Seriously, the online mode is lacking, but at least its there. You can point out the weakness, and frankly, I think there should be a third online mode with rankings and everything. In fact, we might even still get it. But to claim that Nintendo sucks for doing something more (and in fact, the CPU picking up for droppers is genius) is kinda annoying, especially with the way it was said. Fucking Sir_NutS
  23. Here's an idea: DON'T PLAY ONLINE. You don't have to, no one's making you play online, and in fact, I'm pretty sure I don't want to play against you online, because you seem like a jerk.
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