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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I'm in a similar situation with my writing actually. Back in my creative writing classes, I was told I had a good approach to story telling, and that whatever the topic, the stories were interesting. (The professor even compared some of my best work to Kafka, which kinda rocked my world.) Then I got in the real world, and my writing is now mostly instruction manuals. I come home and I don't really feel like writing anything. So my Kafkaesque style is kinda stalled, and all I do that feels creative is write kickass backgrounds for my DnD characters. If you can still be creative and keep control of your creativity while you sell some of your work, then its not soulless. Lose all creative control and then it will destroy you.
  2. So yeah, I guess you should link the website with every remix in the credits... Or maybe at the start and end of the music section of the credits.
  3. Blizzard struck again much later by introducing me to WoW... I think they hate my sex life.
  4. For requests, you can go here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=10
  5. I want to see the two Wii guys walk up to people, say "Wii would like to play." And then start punching the hell out of one another.
  6. An original J-RPG that is not produced by the machine that is the Sqeenix empire?
  7. Just sell the stuff you don't care about.
  8. You know, every post I have not made is one praising the remixers here. And I don't make posts a lot more than I make them.
  9. I only let people use my stuff on extremely rare occasions.
  10. Does the girl who plays the girl who was played by the girl with nude picture had nude pictures as well?
  11. If it wasn't for Rock and Roll Racing, I would be married today. I am not kidding. Rock and Roll Racing ruined my life. (Well, it got better since then, but back then...) If you don't want to know the whole story, you can skip to the next post. However, if you want to learn a story about how a videogame can change your life forever, and it is on topic for this thread. So, I had been dating this girl for a while. Beautiful love story really. Very cliché. The one thing that was not perfect was the friend circles. We grew up in relatively distant towns (although as destiny would have it, back when I was an infant, we actually had met), and we both had different circles of friends. Since we met in school, I knew some of her friends, she knew some of mine, but in both our respective circles, we were the other's boy/girlfriend. Come New Year's eve. At that point, we had just spent a whole week together for the first time in a while (I had moved to study in another school and we were doing the long distance relationship thing at that point.) That week had convinced me that by the time of her birthday (early February) I would have asked her to marry me. Anyway, for New Year's, we are invited to two parties. We decide that we would eat supper with my friends, hang out a bit with them, and then go to her friend's party. Anyway, with my friends, we have a pretty good time. She is part of the gang, everything is peachy. Then we get to her friend's place. I have a hard time fitting in because the friends kinda never really approved of me. I don't always integrate well with people. I got better at this with time, but back then, I just really didn't have anything in common with her friends. They were all active people, and by then I was losing a lot of mobility due to a condition. So as I try to make the most of it, I see in the corner a bunch of guys playing Rock and Roll racing. I sit down with them and start enjoying the game, letting my girlfriend to catch up with some guy's brother she had not seen in ages. Anyway, the party moves to a bar where there is much dancing (except for me due to the limited mobility.) So my girlfriend spends time with the old friend. I stay with her but at some point, no drinking (I was driving) and no dancing (pain sucks), made me think I should go back and hang out with my friends. After midnight, I tell her this. I leave. To those who skipped, read this to get the general idea. That night she slept with the guy she was talking to while I was playing Rock and Roll racing. And that's why I have not played that game in about 6 years. So yeah, write me down as an eternally single guy.
  12. Start small and ty to help with some of the competitions.
  13. Actually, I was born in 1982, so Atari gaming was a wee bit rare in my case. Mostly played on the NES my otherwise videogame ignorant parents got on the release month.
  14. I played games on an atari and I liked it. My parents had a C64 and I LOVED IT. Kids these days with their poly counts and vertex whatchamacalit. In my time, we calculated console power simply: 8 16 32.
  15. In my case, it was the Megaman/Megaman X series. My friend found out I had a CD burner and he wanted me to make him a compilation of said songs. I decided that the rips from the game weren't all that, and I knew about "remixing" from that music feature on RPGamer.com. I just fired up Yahoo and looked for videogame music. I remember finding two websites, and after downloading a song from each, this one won. (and let me tell you something, downloading songs (3 a day to be nice on the bandwidth) individually with a drop down menu was something.)
  16. FF7: Countdown to Ultimate Crisis in the Shadows of Infinite Week 53. (I purchased countdown to see what comic books were all about. Currently, my comic book shops has me "registered" for Teen Titans, Green Arrow year One, Countdown, and Green Arrow and Black Canary. I think I should just stop right there.)
  17. I have to admit I looked at the picture closely for any clues. (Kinda like some people looked at the bridge picture that led to the DK revelation).
  18. Oh, WINGless... well.. happy birthday... Now what the hell am I gonna do with that birthday gift. I can't really give you wings now can I? Oh well.
  19. Unless.... Unless the MGS4 music means something else... As if MGS4's music, being from a game that is supposed to appear on a nintendo system to be in the game could be interpreted as meaning that a specific game related to MGS4's music might appear on the Wii... If only I had the brains to figure out such a puzzle. Let me consult my computatron for a while. ... ... ... Yes, we could interpret that MGS4's music being in SSBB means that somewhere along the line, another game could be on the wii... ... ... I think I figured it out. Coming next spring: Snake Snake Revolution, a DDR clone that uses MGS4 music coming exclusively for the Wii. (Well that or they decided to use a badass music they had on hand.) Edit Oh and and I wish we get the radioactive zanzibar gerbils or whatever the hell it was in the game. Edit2 (the game being Metal Gear 2) Edit 3 Errr... Snake's Revenge, not MG2... Edit 4: I hate conflicting source. There were mutant radioactive something from zanzibar land in one of the unreleased MG, most likely MG2, but maybe Snake's Revenge...
  20. I have to ask, after the first zerker encounter on the olympus, was it a pirate or a federation ship that went kaboom?
  21. I think that we may not see any other 3rd party characters announced. However, we will see who likes Nintendo with the characters. Kojima's Snake is in only because Kojima wanted it to happen. And well, Nintendo and Konami never had any bad blood between them. As for a Final Fantasy Character, well, that's an interesting idea but who would you pick? I mean, Snake was Metal Gear Solid, just like there would be no Metroid without Samus. Final Fantasy characters are for the most part one shot characters, and it is rare to have the game revolve around them. (At this point, someone is pointing out Ness and the pokemons, I am sure. However, Ness was the most important character in a game that was one of a kind for nintendo (how many RPGs has nintendo released anyway?). The pokemons were handpicked: 1 The anime mascot 2 A fan favorite (Jigglypuff) 3 A secret pokemon (who the hell got Mewtwo on their first run anyway?) 4 A young version of the mascot. I mean, sure, they could pick Kain. But why not Cecil (the main character who could have a wicked transformation between dark knight and paladin)? Terra? Yeah but what about Celes or Locke? The best they could do for FF is simply make a cycle character like the trainer, and put it Warrior, Black Mage, Thief and White Mage. (That would kick ass if you ask me).
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