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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Congratulations on evading the assassins for yet another year. ... Or happy birthday... I seem to have misplaced my enemy list.
  2. Well boys, I think that after OCR hit the big leagues, the big leagues ended up hitting back.
  3. What kinds of trouble? If its just slow transfer it may be due to a lack of seeders.
  4. Meh, its not like they are gonna run out if item slots. Random Programmer: Err... Mr.Sakurai sir, you know that online gaming thing you wanted in, well, because of the hammer we don't have enough memory, so its either the hammer or online gaming, your call. Sakurai: The hammer is HARDCORE. Random Programmer: Okay, I'll go tell the online division they've been canned.
  5. Have you people considered the possibility of Square jumping ships again?
  6. I just hope they change the stage. Make it "tournament ready" by putting them at the top of their stage, something like that: # ________ ¬ ¬ | | | ___ ___ | | | | ___ | | | |_____ _____| Where # would be the bird.
  8. Gives me hope for MY main: Jigglypuff. However, now we have 2 scrolling stages?
  9. Not according to wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlord
  10. Hmmm, that might just make my main Mii fighter my Nice Mii.
  11. Yeah, if it was you who was stalking him, you'd have him bound, gagged, and be selling his hair on eBay right about now.
  12. Nah, the Stage is gonna be a Mii parade. Kinda like the Mario Kart track, you have to avoid the Miis being sorted and stuff.
  13. I have to throw in some wild theory your way, get ready to dodge it: New Character: Your Mii. Move set: B: Tennis hit (throw the ball and hit it) Side B: Golf drive (ball in an arc fashion) Down B: Bowling Ball throw Up B: Baseball bat twirling like an helicopter A moves based on Boxing Final Smash: Giant hands grab the other characters and throw them in random directions.
  14. Giant Metal Rabbit Ears 300% Curry Reversed Camera Sudden Death High Gravity Match.
  15. You have to kill the 5 Omega pirates in the Arena without using missiles or bowing up the generator core.
  16. For a good laugh, go on Wikipedia and read the SSBB talk page. About the boxart: "I'm pretty sure its fake...I don't really know. Since the characters on the box are ones that have been confirmed, there is a possibility it is fake." So, because it uses confirmed characters it could be a fake... that's a nice twisted form of logic...
  17. How hard is it really? Tilt the remote in the direction you want to go, the D-Pad left and right to turn without moving. You could shake the remote for the speed boost thing, and press 1 and 2 for other various functions like camera, jumping, and or new features.
  18. Well, Octorok, your original post asked if you played on the ship (yes) and if the ship was in the background all the time (no). If you want to ask a question, you are better off asking that question instead of two unrelated ones. Due to the post, I cannot give you a definitive answer, but every moving levels in SSBM had a sort of cycle, maybe this one does that too.
  19. For a brief period of time, Katamari was confirmed for the Wii, but then it vanished. People at Namco are being cruel.
  20. These little odd lines are called letters. If you read them they form words. These words form sentences. These sentences tell ideas. And if you read and understand them, then you don't get flamed for asking stupid questions answered in the post AND in the screenshots, which btw require no reading at all...
  21. Naruto, Goku, and Gojito for Brawl. ... Although an all out anime inspired brawl clone would rock. I'd only use Goldorak though. ... GOLDORAK FOR BRAWL!!!
  22. I would prefer Windwaker's twin sword style.
  23. Okay, you want ways in which Sonic the Hedgehog was different from Super Mario Brother: Projectiles: Mario could gain powerups to use projectiles, Sonic could not. Structure: Mario used a x-1 to x-4 structure, with a variation of the same boss. Sonic 1 had a X-1 to X-2 structure, using fundamentally different bosses. Music: Each level in Sonic had a musical theme associated with the area, in Mario, each stage had a music theme associated with the stage (water music, under ground music, castle music, and overworld music.) Gameplay: SMB had a simple left to right structure where you had to jump over obstacles to progress. Sonic had a flexible scrolling which could have you going from left to right then down, then left, then right, then up. Puzzles: SMB had none, save from the last castle in which you had to, by trial and error, figure out where to go. Sonic had switches and various things to use to progress. Even if you compare SMW to Sonic, SMW coming after Sonic, you have little similitude, and at that point, these elements may have been lifted from Sonic. However, if you still wanna claim that Sonic is a copy of SMB, then I claim that SMB is a copy of Pitfall.
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