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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I remember the "cliff's notes" version of that game. Butz: I'm a dude. First girl: I'm a princess Second Girl: Y'arr, I'm a pirate. FG You're my sister SG I'm a pirate princess Galuf: I'm a grumpy old guy. Bad Guy: You die Galuf: No BG Yes, die now. Galuf Ok *Galuf dies* Galuf's daughter: I'm a princess too. Butz, ok, kill me now.
  2. Apparently Master Chief is actually Master Chef, and this game is gonna be about cooking.You beat the last boss (a giant egg with some hot-dogs being spawned every so often) by making hamburgers. And that chick person, well she's a dangerous double crossing alien loving mormon. Scary, uh? Oh yeah, also you should not have read this post as it contained spoilers.
  3. you got it wrong, the box says: Aogaay
  4. Darth Vader is really Luke's father who was killed by a plothole-filled trilogy.
  5. I always heard: "So long yee(fake italianized as yay) Bowser"
  6. If you argued both way, does that make you right or wrong?
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28Linux_distribution%29#Install_CD
  8. I'm usually good at picking up the original language through an english post, but right now I'm at a loss, and I have yet to learn Swahili. So I'm gonna assume you speak Swahili.
  9. I don't. It works better to get them off the phone if you are respectful.
  10. Hey, 5 years is a long time. And well, it started in 95, and became "mainstream" in 2002.
  11. It was a joke. A reference to the original Super Mario Brother.
  12. Actually, the only boss is petey piranah, they just make him throw more fireballs and at some point he'll throw hammers.
  13. Yeah, but just as everyone who posted praise here did not get their opinions discussed and "tentatively refuted", Ace!'s comments should be taken face value. He did not dismiss the project as bad. He did not claim the music was bad. All he did was say that in his opinion, the project felt soulless. Nothing more. (also, he's in China right now, so he may not be able to respond quickly.)
  14. Meigouren is far from being "the peanut gallery" and I think most people here would respect his opinion. The fact is, what he said was simply this: "I respect the project for its scope, but it does not appeal to me." If you understood anything else than that, or if you take offense to that comment, then you are the whiner from the peanut gallery. And frankly, I am still shocked at someone calling Ace! "the peanut gallery." The man is a legend here.
  15. The scope of the project cannot be negated by the opinion of a person. Its a huge project, huge scope, and it does include a good number of tracks, but I can understand Meiguoren's point of view. Nothing of what was offered really stood out except maybe one or two tracks. It's his point of view, and it is "contrarian." It does not contradict his admitting of the scope, there is just a massive project which he does not enjoy as much as others do.
  16. Seriously, take FF7 and remove all the whining and the EMO and you end up with Yuffie. Where is the Yuffie game anyway? Something like Metal Gear, infiltration and shit? I'd buy that.
  17. You are right. The Leo death was a hell of a lot more surprising.
  18. Just because a character had an inspiration, it does not mean it is inspired. Aeris was a boring shell that was obviously put there just to die, she was too perfect, not human enough.
  19. You only see it if you want to see it.
  20. This sounds like fun, it just sucks that nothing happens close to here and that I have a crappy job with barely any vacation time left.
  21. The captain will be there on friday.
  22. The titles come with postcount (don't take this as a justification to post only to raise your postcount). The name you add in your user CP. Extra titles (like remixer) comes from getting a mix posted. As for sig, if you want to make one yourself, go for it, however there are some threads where you can ask for someone to make one for you.
  23. Too short. I mean, we cannot get a chance to truly see all the awesome that is packed in there. I loved it, its probably the best OWA remix ever because it did not try to be OWA, it tried to be better, and succeeded.
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