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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Who mourns for the gods of ye old unmod? Seriously people, you didn't leave offtop because it sucked, offtop sucks because you left it.
  2. The story goes that for FF4, about half of the script was abandoned, including a bit of backstory about Kain and his father. As much as I would enjoy a faithful update to 3-D, I sincerely wish they decide to expand on the story a lot more. They could flesh it out a lot more without sacrificing the main story. FF3 was good as it was because I never did play it on the NES, but this will need a big overhaul since the nostalgia factor is gonna be gone.
  3. So its in stores today or tomorrow?
  4. Kraid did it much better. Hell, Kraid would make for one fine boss, but I'm guessing they'll go for either Ridley or SA-X (which would be a suited Samus you have to fight as ZS-Samus.)
  5. So, how long before a spoiler becomes an acceptable topic, it's almost been a year since TB's been released.
  6. Magikarp, the pokemon boss. Just dont let it evolve into a Gyarados
  7. I like the idea of Mother Brain. A big hulking opponent, doesnt move, but you have to be creative to destroy it.
  8. Hmmm... you compare a console with a 5 year library with a console with a 1 year library. That's like saying "Yeah, steak is good, I had it 5 times in my life and 4 times out of 5 it was excellent, but I prefer hamburgers because out of the 500 times I ate one, 200 times it was excellent."
  9. Okay, here is what I say will happen: First battle, you free one of the princesses. Second battle, the princess at a castle, fights her foe. She free someone. Eventually this gets repetitive and then before you face the super mega secret boss (Wart), you have to fight a dark version of the people you did not save.
  10. I'd save Zelda. I'd hate to have to fight her later on.
  11. Nah, I see more as a "grab and throw" move where you grab the adversary, spin around and throw him back. I guess it could be used as a reflect. If you want a straight forward attack use the axe.
  12. Blue water Red water. I wish I could look for the interview but someone at Nintendo, I think it was the Japanese president, explained their strategy this generation with a nice metaphor: The gaming market is like oceans. The companies are sharks. Last gen, all the companies were trying to find food in water that was already filled with blood. Basically, the companies had one market and they had to compete to get it. (A similar thing happened with all the Pong clones before. All the companies were trying to get a share of the Pong market. That market was good for one or two companies, but when more tried to get in, not only were they committing corporate suicide by trying to get in a market that was saturated, they actually also destroyed the market for other companies. When there is too much offer for the demand, the companies had to lower prices which meant cutting corners. Last gen, this happened as well, and while it does not seem like it, this could have led to a crash again.) What Nintendo did was "find a new sea that had no blood in it." They saw a new possible market and they went for it. This allowed them to get the ball rolling with the Wii, which, unlike the PS3 and 360, is not sold at a loss. (Where Microsoft and Sony lost 20 to 100$ per console sold, Nintendo made a profit of 10-50$. (Estimates, don't quote me on that.) So, assuming all the companies only sold 1 million units, nintendo would be raking in a profit of at least 10 000 000$ where Sony and Microsoft could have lost at least 20 000 000$. So if each company made a similar profit (25$) on a game, Sony and Microsoft would have to sell 1 200 000 games to be at the level Nintendo was with the consoles alone. This means that they would have to over pass Nintendo by over 1.2 million games to have a chance at reaching the same profit level. Now the market is nowhere there. And with Sony losing almost 100$ per system, they will not reach profitability for a while. At 25$ per game with a 100$ loss on the console, Sony has to sell 4 games per console to break even. At 25$ per game and 50$ profit per console, Nintendo at that point has a profit of 150$.) The blue water philosophy seems to have paid off big time, because by not trying to steal gamers but by finding new ones, they introduced new people to the market, and by being alone in that market, they gained control over it. At the same time, gamers of the previous gens have realized that the Wii is good. This is the part that is hurting Sony and Microsoft. Instead of going X-box ->360, they went X-Box -> Wii. That is just icing on the cake. At this point, Nintendo could survive simply using its handheld department, and with gaining the console upperhand, they just ensured that we would get at least 3 more generations of consoles from them (concidering the fact that they did the N64 and Gamecube while they were losing.) By then, they will need to find yet another market since the others will follow. (Sony tried with the 6-axis, but they failed to see what was the idea behind the Wiimote and they did not target a new demographic.)
  13. Has there ever been a stage where no characters from the game were available to play?
  14. So, because you fail to see the lasting appeal in Wii Sports, you assume there is none. Interesting. How is it possible that someone who comes off as trying to sound educated can make the biggest mistake of all: assuming his perception is the right one? You know, I have played pretty much every console ever. I have tried many games, more than I can remember. The simplicity in Wii Sports is a beautiful thing. If you fail to see it, its your loss. You will never be happy if you cannot find happiness in simplicity.
  15. No. It is a rather amusing coincidence though. (Irony would be a PETA member dying mauled by a lion in a zoo the PETA member was trying to convince people to set free.)
  16. ... So people who buy something they can enjoy are choosing something that is mediocre? Seriously, I don't know if you are a nintendo retard, a 360 retard or a PS3 retard. You seem like a rather well rounded retard.
  17. You are just gonna say it again as soon as an update is not up to your overblown expectations. Why don't you just wait for the game to be released before you decide if its good or bad?
  18. Diddy's level is gonna be a lookalike of the Mute City racetrack with elements of pokefloats as you jump from plane to plane in a Diddy Kong Racing level.
  19. ... Okay, lets start with the basics: Not a chatroom: An internet forum is not a chatroom. To use it like you would use a chatroom is to misuse it. /me winks Coherence: When you say something, it usually helps that people can understand what you are saying. Otherwise table chair desktop to a lesser extent inclusion of ring trouble. English: Yes I know, in your homeland of Whatthefuckistan you speak some retarded language. Good for you. Go to a Whatthefuckistanian website. Here we speak English, capice? C'est pas comme si nosotoros podemos changer de lingua a sprachen. (I apologize for the misuse of Spanish, German, and possibly Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Swahili found in that post. However, I say fuck you damn Poles.) Finally, the I, Mario project is not an obscure fact that you need to inform us of, this thread is a PARODY of that project. You know what a parody is right? Take Spaceballs. That movie is a parody of Star Wars, and as such it will look like, it will refer to, and it will poke fun at Star Wars. But at no point during the movie is Yogurt (parody of Yoda) gonna turn to the camera and state: "By the way, have you seen Star Wars, I really liked that movie. I would eat those buns off of that heroine addicted princess." That would be unfunny, unnecessary and probably five more words that start with "un." And you are not new here, you had 2 years to learn about the forum. So screw you.
  20. Or its a standard security drone design. Or you know, a federation drone could have been stolen by space pirates. I mean, one of them must have stolen something at some point... I mean... they are pirates... The best proof that the ZM ship is not the same as the SM ship resides in Maridia.
  21. Welcome to wallet pain: Digital SLR Sorry to say so, but stepping back from a good film camera to use a limited digital camera is no fun. If you buy digital, try to go for a camera that is compatible with her current lenses.
  22. I feel that Nintendo could C&D them based on the fact that their characters are used to promote a message unlike what Nintendo wants to present.
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