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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Okay, here's a question: Kirby + the mega smash attack = ? I mean, if you have Mario Kirby and you grab the attack, will you do the cooking attack? Or will it be Mario's special? That was one hell of a coincidence.
  2. I'm very casual as well. I usually log on after supper, so around 6PM eastern. I'll add you to my buddy list tonight and we'll be able to work out some sort of collaboration deal. After some research I think I,ll try and get myself a rifter as soon as possible. Either way, I,m sure the other EVE players here will want to try and get in contact with other OCR people.
  3. He said No to Ikaruga. He can be safely ignored.
  4. Hell, just getting someone on my buddy list will make the game seem less... lonely. Except as far as I know, you're about halfway across the universe. We should really make an OCR gang.
  5. Well, like I said, I can't remember the name, I'm pretty sure it's a Minmatar ship, since it looks like a junker. And slasher sounds familiar. I nicknamed it "spacebug" due to its look (4 "wings" on the back). I'm just doing the easy 20 000 isk missions (I evaluate the difficulty by looking at the reward, if there's a better way, please tell me.). For now I stick to 1.0 0.9 space, so that I can figure out how to maximize my systems. I already lost my noob ship once, I don't want to lose my bug. Since my skills are almost all geared toward small projectile turrets, I'll stick to that kind of weaponry, supported by one missile launcher. Tonight I'll be able to post my name and the specs of my bug. As well as my skills. I just want to be sure I'm not doing some dumb mistake like I did on my trial account.
  6. Hmmm, I had this miner guy all planed out. Then I realized mining was boring, so I got myself a bounty hunter type of character. The money is starting to come in much better, and with my high skills, I'll be able to upgrade to a better ship tonight again, if it all goes well. Right now I'm flying a frigate, what would be the logical continuation, like a fast and agile ship that would be easy to start flying? Seems I'm "stuck" on frigates until I can train an assault/interceptor class ship. I think what I have now is a Minmatar Slasher, its the only name that sounds remotely familiar. Since I really like speed and mobility, I think I'm gonna try to figure out how to get my hands on a "Claw".
  7. Get a haircut and a real job. Seriously, I'm repaying some debts and I,m still able to afford stuff to make my life enjoyable. In the last 2 years I paid off about 15 000$ of my debts. I still managed to buy a new PC, make my game library grow, and afford a WoW addiction, as well as have spent 40$ per week in restaurants. And I bought a car.
  8. A bold piece. Not many words can describe it. It takes a gutsy artists to undertake such a challenge. It takes an excellent artist to make it sound good. This is a reminder that you do not need the best sounds ever to make a memorable piece. This did not suffer at all from the limitations of the instruments, instead it took these limits and exploited them to create a unique musical experience. It is one of the few pieces that I love but cannot loop. As with a great chocolate cake, this piece may be too rich to have too much of. (And frankly, this made my reviewing a lot harder because I loop songs I review while I post.) The pure genius of it though is rather amazing. And the source material was extremely hard to work with. SoM has such a unique soundtrack and the boss battle theme always seemed like one of the more complex, if not a little underrated. To take such a complex song, and to give it such a unique treatment is an incredible accomplishment.
  9. While I am an avid listener, I am no where near a major part of the music aspect of the website. (The one song I felt that maybe was so good compared to my other work that it may get it was rejected so fast I never even received the form letter.) I will say this however, the community aspect has been an important impact on my life, probably greater than the music aspect. For the last 5 years, I have been coming here constantly (and even after an extended break, which means I missed the original posting of this thread, I still return), and this probably the best internet community around. OCR's music may be what made it famous, but in my opinion, what made it legendary is the people that are involved. From an admin that created a website that probably changed the North American perception of videogame music to the lovable yet mindless troll, this community is an amazing example of what the internet should be about. I have to say, I am rather pleased to see the changes that are happening. Some initiatives show a desire to make the OCR community grow beyond videogame musics, and in a sense, it is the one change I was hoping to see. The judging process, the remix posting, all of these things are so obscure to me, but the community, this is the one part of the website I really understand and care for. By helping this community develop you will only strengthen OCR. Yes, this is a late post, but I think this is a thread everyone should post in at least once. OCR has an impact on our lives, and we should all at least thank djp for what he is doing. So there you go: Thank you djp, you are doing an amazing job.
  10. The big issue here is that the NES game music was inspired by the cartoon music.
  11. You like the daily updates, admit it. You would LOVE for Metroid Prime 3 to get the same treatment. Every day, a new piece of the puzzle. More stages, even if shown in the background. You can spot the subtle details that reveal major changes and YOU LOVE IT! I accuse Atma in the INTARWEB, with the love for daily updates.
  12. I can't remember liking them back then, but I was a kid. Nowadays I like varied gaming experiences. And I feel it could be a nice complement to EVE online. Mining can get boring and I'm setting up a mining operation.
  13. You lie. Stop lying. As if you could set up a whole website alone.
  14. One movie every 5 month or info every day? And nothing prevents them from showing gameplay in tomorrow's update.
  15. While I could name some that are not to be mentioned in GenDisc, I will agree on the Bubble Bobble being great.
  16. Until all poetry is carved in ox skins and all music is produced by banging beluga bones on koala skull, I believe I won't be included in mainstream culture.
  17. This is odd anyway, especially since Tommy Tallarico seemed to be rather interested in the OCR community and approached it politely. Maybe he should just be contacted in case this CD is of questionable nature...
  18. I am seriously getting interested in that game now. I guess you can put a lot of time in it, but is it time consuming in the sense that you have to play for hours or can you simply pick it up an play once in a while.
  19. Here is where you went wrong: You assumed we cared. Its a big assumption since the two Adventure games (while I like them personally, got rather average scores and an average reception.) You assumed we'd sign an online petition. They simply don't work. Companies don't care, and we know it. You assumed we would take it seriously. NEVER do that mistake as it is obvious that NOTHING is serious on the web. Not even Mitaro's rotting corpse. You assumed you could create an account at a random website related to videogames and tell us what to do. You don't have the credibility yet. I could probably get many people here to sign an online petition simply because they know my name. ... Profit.
  20. Online petitions really work. That's why I won't sign it.
  21. It may also not be the best rendering. They are still in development, maybe they released screen shots from an earlier version. I mean, if its obvious it looks bad, maybe they notices as well. I mean, it's not like they are entirely blind. And dumb. And unaware of what looks good. I mean, they did manage to make the game so fare without your incessant whining and backseat "developing." How about a little faith. I mean, these daily updates are better than what many companies give us. Look at every announced games. They don't all get that kind of treatment do they?
  22. It's cheaper to buy pre-made because the manufacturers buy parts in bulk. With large orders, prices can almost be cut in half. Labor is cheap compared to parts. Assuming it takes 2 full hours to assemble a PC for one person (which is realistic if you consider people who do it all the time) It'll cost at the most 30$ to get that PC assembled and ready to go. Then you'd have the one dude who sets up 30 PCs with Windows in 1 hour. So it's like 50 cents for the OS installation. (All of this is assuming they are paid 15$ an hour, which they are not.) So, they only have to save 35.50$ per PC by purchasing in bulk. When you buy parts individually you pay anywhere between 10-50% more than what a bulk order would cost per part. Extra Credit information, you can skip the last part. (Rule of thumb: Anything you purchase has half of the money you pay in profit for one of the companies in the chain of distribution. Sometimes its more. Here, we sell to distributors alarm system parts for about twice what they are worth (and its rather low) which in turn they sell to installers for double of what we sell (still very affordable) which in turn take an approximate 25-30% profit margin. Look at it this way, I make a doodad which costs me 5$ to produce. I sell it for 10$ a piece at my average price. The guy I sell it too sells it for 20$ a piece in average. And the retailer then sells it for 25$.)
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