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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. The once its gone its gone policy is a good idea. However there is an issue with it. What about updated versions? Should it be: "Once its gone, it cannot come back unless you worked on it" ?
  2. Bangai-O I'd say YES but my memory is hazy so UNDECIDED While I only have a limited experience with this title, I have to say that I rather enjoyed it. Or at least I remember enjoying it at some point. Since it was a while ago, I cannot say I actually remember it that well, if only that when I see the name I know I enjoyed the game.
  3. Well, AD, you are heading into one of the major issues of electronic authoring. Imagine that by letting your friend use your car, it somehow created a second car, identical to the first with the exception of a vanity plate stating OCR for him to use. It would not in any way prevent you from using your car. And the only way for you to stop him from using the copy car is to destroy that car. (But there may be copies of that car made by other people who liked it, and you have no control over that.) The way I see it, having a work posted on OCR creates a new entity. It creates the OCR version of the remix. That version, while created by the remixer, could be concidered the "propriety" of OCR. The existence of the OCR version does not prevent the existence of an non-OCR version of the remix.
  4. Ratings out of 5 ? Every song is a 5. Out of 10? Every song is a 10. Hell, out of 4,592,388,293,398,223? Every song is a 4,592,388,293,398,223 Welcome to OCR, every song is worth listening to.
  5. First of all, take a deep breath. The arrangement is, if I understand correctly, still yours. However, distribution of such work under the OC_remix "label" is OCR's propriety. I doubt that djp will react badly if you distribute your remix on your own, without the OCR label. I think you fail to see that djp is doing this to protect you and your music. Since OCR is a gray area, before the policy anyone could download a song, and use it commercially with you and OCR lacking any resources to stop him. Now, through this agreement, distribution of the OCR labeled remix is subjected to DJP's rules (which means no one can just download it and make money off of it... TAKE THAT POLAND), and distribution of your original work is subject to your own decisions. Meaning that while it is available for free online through OCR, it won't be possible to use the fact that OCR is free to allow anyone to use your music without you OR djp agreeing.
  6. But you have to keep in mind that the suite made him what he wanted to be. In his case he became a "lady's man". Okay, it sucked a bit (and was hillarious too), but it was the best way to show that the suit made him aggressive and overconfident. The problem is that throughout the movie, he was cocky even without the suit. Venom came at a much later time in his spiderman career. In the movie, he has been spiderman for a short time, only had to fight 2 enemies, was getting popular. The suit, and the character, were a lot more limited than in the comics, where he could have worn the suit for months before becoming changed. Lets put it this way, the comic book venom is more like cigarette. In the movie, venom was like crack cocaine.
  7. Actually, since I work for Nintendo Canada (trust me, I'm on the INTERNET!!!) I can assure you that it's not a delay. Instead, SSBB will be a MMORPG based on friend codes which will involve realistic dating simulation between various male members of the cast. It's true, I'm saying this on the INTERNET! I highly doubt it will be a delay. They would not hype up a delay announcment UNLESS it came with something positive. Since the game seems pretty much complete in the sense of innovations, I am more enclined to believe that a release date will be announced. (seriously though, how can they delay a game that has no release announced?)
  8. Hehehe. New characters announced: Tatl/Tale/Navi 3 fairy team-up the Giant (available in 4 fabulous colors) And The Moon. (only one move, but it really hurts, whe it hits.) Possible characters from that game also include: Fierce Deity Link (which really should have been his smash move), Deku Link, Goron Link, Zora Link, and Giant Link (but you have to win in 15 seconds)
  9. Lots have happened to me on the land of Azeroth. My mage (an alt) finally reached level 70, and she has her first epic ever, the Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders. I am once again guildless on bloodscalp, and well, I don't care. Because I started playing a Blood Elf paladin. While I had a level 39 pally, I never really got into it. Now I'm planing to make her a healadin, as with my 4 friends we will have a decent group, and whiel we have a priest, she decided to go shadow, since she has been a main healer for about 2 years now. (I have to admit, going from rogue and mage DPS, a holy paladin is kinda slow.) Anyway, the reason I am posting is that I recently did a quest called "The Lady's necklace". I recommend you all do it. It's simple. You get a random drop, report it to tranquilien, and then to Undercity. Then something incredibly cool happens. I recommend you turn up the volume and listen to the music. Sylvanas sings in the High Elf language. It's a rather haunting song. AND I WANT TO HEAR IT AGAIN. So, while I know I could extract the song from the proper MPQ, I don't know how to do this. I hope one of you may either have the song or that you could explain to me how to do it.
  10. Don't assume I don't like Vista. I plan on getting it eventually, and I think it is a step in the right direction. However, I would rather have the kinks worked out before I guy it. The last OS I purchased early on was Windows ME. Not a mistake I am about to repeat.
  11. Aren't you like 3... since your return to life and all? ... Anyway, happy b-day.
  12. People ask the what if scenarios because a good policy would have to respond to those what ifs.
  13. I think that the issue with the "reserves the right to not remove a mix" aspect of the policy is due to the fact that we don't know when a remixed will be left despite the requests. While I understand the tantrum prevention effect (some of my friends got hold of some of my WIPs and I hate to hear them on their playlists), I can understand the fact that the constant deletion based on a remixer's whims would be annoying. However, should someone have a chance at using an improved version of the remix in an official compilation, he could well expose his case to the management and have it removed due to a logical reason. Quite frankly djp, I strongly doubt that you would deny that request should one remixer that started here end up on a professional, official compilation of a specific game. While you cannot expect everyone who downloaded the song to delete it, it could just be a sign of respect for an artist's wishes as he embarks on a professional career that is basically an extension of the OCR career. But, getting back to a more rational argument, the "reserves the right" basically means that it will be done on a case by case basis, which on its own would require another policy.
  14. Oh, already with the cripple comments? Can't you get more imaginative? I mean, I was molested as a kid and I'm bisexual, why don't you work these aspects as well?
  15. He probably likes guild wars. A game where you can't leave a city without being in a group of 5.
  16. Hmmm... Are you using the penis number conversion? Because 40 (a number which is for older raid instances, now the max is 25) is a lot smaller than 6000000000. But I guess, since you are bashing, logic is not important. Go on, you uneducated geek, continue your bashing. Ignorance and stupidity really beats respect. And to show I understand your point of view, I will show no respect for you.
  17. Site launch in 6 days, game released in 7... That would be a shocker.
  18. I've had heartburn that was worse than those flames.
  19. Riddle me this: How did harry only get his face burned off while brock got disintegrated? I say Venom lived because Spidey was blinded by the emo hair and the bright light.
  20. So...has anyone claimed this lost baby? He dosen't have a pacifier and his crying is grating.
  21. Not really. They need to start working on WoW's replacement now if they want to replace it when WoW falls.
  22. NEVER EVER EVER BUY AN OPERATING SYSTEM IN THE FIRST 18 MONTHS FOLLOWING RELEASE. NEVER Wait for a while. PCs are not quite up to par to meet the requirements of the OS.
  23. Actually, look at your profile, you can see the post total there.
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