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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. I am on steam constantly. Send me a message and I'll hop on and play a few -- IRC works also.
  2. ^I really want a coffee mug In any case, since I've been focusing on Bastion in my own work lately, one of the things that it really brought back to the table for other developers to look at was how it was able to make use of complex narrative language (literally, the words) without interrupting gameplay. I'd love to see other takes on this, and present Bastion as counter to the video's point that games should not be using words.
  3. I'll be bringing along all of the Sirlin games again, as they seemed fairly popular last year.
  4. Good enough that Addie won't let me listen to the rest of it until she gets home, which has never happened with a chiptune album before. Congrats!
  5. I will be buying this the _instant_ I get home as a reward for making it through my first Monday of classes. Can't think of a nicer way to celebrate making it through my longest school day!
  6. This is one of the braver mixes I've heard in a long time. Ridiculous guts to debut with a track like this, and I salute you for it. As Dave writes, there are some issues here that we could discuss regarding intonation...but you transmit so much raw fun to your audience that we become very forgiving very quickly. Really surprising to see this one on the album -- nice work.
  7. Don't forget to count Jimmy Hinson aka Big Giant Circles on the list of people who started here and went on to do composing work for games.
  8. As others have said, TWEWY is incredible and you should definitely play it. Inflight, there is no better series than Professor Layton, especially if you're looking for something that can entertain both you and Jill simultaneously. It remains the only series that Addie has played closer to completion that I have. Phoenix Wright is also good, but not as immediately engaging to someone who doesn't like the over-the-top anime style. Final Fantasy V Advance is one of the best ports ever -- the dialogue is improved, and the bonuses feel worthwhile and well-integrated (unlike FFVI GBA). Skip FFIII DS if you want to go this route -- the translated Famicom version takes less time to animate things and just feels better overall. Lastly, if you missed Castlevania: Order of Ecclessia, it is easily the best of the DS entries, and the only one since Rondo that feels difficult in places.
  9. You didn't snore enough to keep me awake...
  10. Plus, if you didn't go I'd be rooming alone with two girls -- I feel outvoted 1v1 enough as it is.
  11. Thankfully, there used to be an F-Zero AX arcade machine with memory card port near me, so I have the vast majority of the unlockables for minimal work.
  12. Considering that they are cousins four times removed, it's not too shocking a revelation. Interesting trivia fact but nothing more. Gotta love the biographer dude pushing it though.
  13. I still play, and will get some matches in with folks after the holiday weekend.
  14. Happy birthday to both of you! Looking forward to celebrating with you tomorrow, OA!
  15. So, two months _after_ EVO gets found.For anyone too lazy: Guaranteed way to kill Phoenix with 5 bars that prevents the transformation outright.
  16. Now this I can agree with -- I am absolutely pumped about Dominion. Gotta pick up Kennen permanently for it...
  17. In addition to Tensei's comment, note that hard carries in DotA/HoN can actively be kept without items by repeatedly ganking them, causing them to lose gold. If you think an AD carry without their Infinity Edge is terrible, imagine having to play with boots and nothing else because you went 0/6 early.
  18. I'm really happy they included Zelda II. It's super good despite receiving lots of random hate, and I wouldn't mind another game like it one bit (yes, I've tried Battle of Olympus, but it lacks that Nintendo polish). Note for new players: Once you find the current palace's key item, you don't _have_ to finish the palace right away. One reason to leave bosses for later is that killing a boss forces you to gain a level...which is much harder to do later on. This will makes getting those level 8 upgrades very easy. If you missed out, the best place for exp is just outside New Kasuto, when you finally arrive there. Blobs actually worth more exp/time than monsters there (and most places -- monsters usually not worth it).
  19. There's a pretty good argument for Rolento (preferred) over Sean in that trailer, though the basketball certainly raises questions to the alternative. Looking forward to more announcements soon!
  20. Even if a LoL caster could take down carries midgame without the big items, the fact that they need to farm just as much (or more) as an AD carry means that they don't spend their midgame wrecking faces -- they spend it inlane farming up for a single lategame team fight. After I get my Rabadon's I tend to farm up Banshee's until my lane is down. With Polly / Pyromancer, after I get boots I am out of lane ganking. The only early conflict, even in pro games, revovles around dragon. Anything else is not worth enough to leave your lane over. ^Edit: Assuming that no team can get a tower advantage without someone leaving lane, of course...which is often true in pro games because they just passively farm up right next to each other, since there's no denying.
  21. While _some_ scale more than others, there are AP nukers (Annie, Anivia, and even Kennen) that can absolutely trash a hero lategame -- this is simply not the case with Pyromancer, who against a carry with max gear just gets eaten alive, and only serves to throw out the stun. LoL overall has almost every archetype scaling well into the endgame, while in HoN auto-attacking heroes will eventually rule the field, leaving supports to clutch stun / tablet someone around.
  22. Seriously taucer, get a pic of that up. Awesome job collecting
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