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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. They have said that they are patching it soon, give it a few days. On OP: It is a great idea, every fighter should have it.
  2. First of all, the format change for telling such a personal story is definitely appropriate. That being said, the academic in me prefers the academic format and I'm definitely hoping this style is the exception rather than an emergent norm. As for broader applications of James' story, I think that people who have similar stories to his high school days struggled not with game addiction, but with acceptance. Games are places where it's easy to be accepted -- it takes an extremely minimal amount of work to be part of an MMO society compared to thriving in a high-school or early college environment. As another person who plays games as part of their full-time job, I can definitely also attest to the fact that the skills you develop playing video games have wide ranging real-life applications -- I would not be nearly as good of a teacher without learning a lot about how games try to teach people, for instance.
  3. It's due out before the end of the year. Worth an update in an FAQ somewhere, Larry? ;P
  4. Hey Taucer, while you're kicking ass in Raleigh, would you mind trying out the MLG controller and giving us some impressions? It sounds incredible -- finally I can have a PS3 stick for my left thumb and a 360 stick for my right thumb.
  5. As a tank, if you die first and your team gets four kills to one, you've done your job. It's the one role where KDR is kind of irrelevant.
  6. Play well -- I'll hope to watch you on stream at some point!
  7. Three MM things got canned: MM Universe, Legends 3, and he didn't make It into MvC3. Combine that with Inafune leaving and there's a recipe for a lot of fan hate.
  8. Once you get flat armor yellows and CDR blues, you can play as almost anyone -- just swap out reds as needed. Once I get more money I'll start swapping in other blues also, but I don't see those armor yellows going anywhere for a long time.
  9. I really like the faster pace of the base game -- especially how quickly play ramps up. There's almost no laning / passive PvE at all, it's all about combat all the time...which is ideal. Quests further that by forcing team fights at spaced intervals, just in case old farming habits come back. Absolutely cannot wait for this, and am much more pumped about it than Dota2 atm.
  10. Derrit: It's just raw math, ganking is more viable in HoN than LoL, period. Also, because in LoL you can't deny, it is not difficult to get every single creep kill in your lane. The pros do it all the time in LoL games right next to each other because attacking _at all_ in LoL is a giant waste of time until you can force teamfights and kills midgame.
  11. You caught me today during the one period that multiple people weren't on. I usually do like three games of LoL a day, easy.
  12. True unless you count channeled stuff like Electrician or Polly's binding.
  13. ^My guess is that they rushed her out for SDCC -- that will probably be fixed in the next build to be shown.
  14. If the last puzzle of World 4 and the majority of World 5 and 6's puzzles were simple, then you're smarter than the rest of us. I thought the difficulty curve in Braid was very good... ...unless we're talking about all of the optional stars, in which case I can't imagine any of my friends figuring them out with no guide. That stuff is ridiculous.
  15. It is -- are you in the twin cities area?

  16. I am rescuing this thread courtesy of a video linked from the DKC remix above. Here's Stickerbrush Symphony rendered on the Genesis:
  17. Deia, I see your bad video and raise you even longer video.
  18. It's really a tragedy that so much controversy has come up partly as a result of such incredible, inspiring generosity. EC is one of the only outlets for the kind of analysis they do. It's slowly happening in academia, but the show is 5 years ahead of any other group doing real analysis of the industry. I'm sure that someone out there will recognize this and pick up the show. Hopefully everything is resolved extremely soon so we can get back to what really matters -- games.
  19. I don't think the two are in any way connected, as the God King would be pulling out a big energy rifle if they were. I do love both games though! Haven't tried IB's multiplayer yet -- how is it?
  20. ^OMG THE COLORS Seriously though, good work on the sheet. Seems to work fine, and I'm slowly planning things out.
  21. First, the site defines remix differently than the definition you use. That is logical and very simple. Second, the fact that you don't appreciate the musical transformations going on is representative of a lack of musical education everywhere. Just because the melody is masked / tweaked / whatever "change" word you want here doesn't mean that the piece is not a rendition of the original. Compare the Bach chorale on to the original tune -- in the Bach, the melody is certainly there, but it is just one part of a great whole (and you'll note that the melody is not the same rhythm or original key, either).I'm not saying Sephfire is the next JS Bach (though he is pretty awesome -- check out his Extra Credits podcast if you haven't), but his mix that you linked and the chorale both transform an original work to create something more personally relevant to them as artists, and that's exactly the sort of thing the site should be pushing. Off topic: The site needs more Baroque counterpoint -- any takers?
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