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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. BG&E HD sounds amazing. I already have played Torchlight as much as I can play it I think, unless they've added multiplayer. The rest sound decent but not great, though they will all be good additions to the XBLA platform.
  2. I got a copy of Megaman 2 for NES. It's probably going to be a desk decoration, as my NES and games (my brother's NES/games? I dunno) are currently residing with my parents. Fun to see it though -- I may play through the MM games before MAGFest yet if I finish my holiday Steam stuff.
  3. I listened to a few, and I definitely agree about Dark World. It's normally not a track I notice, but the new flute sample really makes it. Others create more problems than they solve -- Locke's theme sounds terrible, for instance. I think it's poor mastering overall -- when the default Garritan mastering works, the track works. When it doesn't, it doesn't work. He said upfront that it was essentially midi rips with Garritan sounds subbing in -- what did you expect?
  4. I can do this easily and have musical tech support experience (admittedly, in a university lab, but the example questions are the same / similar). Edit: Late, I see That's what I get for watching the Rose Bowl, I guess
  5. I'd imagine that the patterns changed when BGC started the April fundraising month also. I know that a bunch of people (myself included) now just make a yearly donation in April each year.
  6. I picked up Greed Corp for both Addie and myself -- hoping to find more turn based games where I don't auto-win on raw dexterity.
  7. Good stuff -- I'll be getting back on Gold after break also, looking forward to matches!
  8. Not much activity on the thread over Christmas, haha. Looking forward to playing more TF2 when I get back to town next week!
  9. I've been told there's a package waiting for me at home in Minnesota. I'll be home the morning of the 3rd, so I will post pictures sometime then or the next day -- looking forward to it!
  10. I think I can safely speak for my entire room by saying that we don't want 9 people sharing one hotel room, especially 4 of whom we've never even met online before (no offense meant, Donut -- looking forward to meeting you!) Edit: Let's take discussion about individual hotel rooms to PMs / IRC only at this point, please. I know you were well intentioned, Wes, but it's confusing at best to talk about a single room on the thread so close to the event.
  11. Would anyone besides myself prefer that they bring back Soul Calibur III's custom character design, where the custom chars have different movesets than the main characters? I miss being able to make a custom thief, instead of a female Kilik clone.
  12. If you want Machinarium, go buy the Humble Indie Bundle instead as it comes with a TON of great games. humblebundle.com -- no direct link because I'm on my iPod waiting for pizza.
  13. Merry Christmas to you too! I disagree that the gut wrenching decisions were unintentional, as they form the entire concept of the gameplay. I'd agree that perhaps we are reading too much into said decision, but the decision itself was entirely intentional.
  14. I hope that it's a buildup of small stresses instead of a major crisis -- we'll miss you, Taucer!
  15. Just downloaded this -- looking forward to listening to it this afternoon. Thanks to everyone involved!
  16. Merry Christmas! I hope that everyone is enjoying their winter breaks as much as I am -- I love vacations! Looking forward to seeing a lot of you at MAGFest in just a few weeks also.
  17. Note: The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom is only 50 cents today, and is not part of the listed specials. Get it! I already owned Torchlight, an excellent purchase for $5 that I recommend to everyone (well, everyone that likes Diablo anyway).
  18. I picked this up a few days ago -- it is amazing! Every single person on the forums here should get it IMO, as the value you get is crazy.
  19. Picked up Recettear today -- looking forward to playing it after the holidays -- currently at my inlaws without reliable internet, so can't install it yet
  20. I picked this up just because it was so cheap -- I'm hoping that it will make for a good netbook game.
  21. I am yet to get my present -- I'm leaving tomorrow night for Christmas and will be back on the 2nd. No worries that it is late to whoever it is, as I have not had time to enjoy anything at all given that finals for me ended today. Just wanted to let my person know that I won't be getting it until January, so don't the forums every day waiting to see a reaction
  22. Quake never invites gameplay decisions like the choice between towns and depots. There's never a time where you _shouldn't_ be killing someone, for instance. That said, I did mention that the optimal route is to always elect to let the towns die as opposed to the missile depots -- the game then gets easier as there are more missiles coming at you. Derrit, did you try the game zircon mentioned? I'd be interested to know what you thought of it after finishing it (if you play platformers, it should only take you 15 min).
  23. ^Ha, nice. The mirror maps threw all of us off. Every time Frogg and I spawned, we both turned the wrong way...every time.
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