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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. I love that game! All of Terry Cavanaugh's stuff is awesome...VVVVVV remains my favorite indie game.
  2. Yeah, Shatter was the star cheap game of the treasure hunt for sure -- I'm always looking for good netbook games, and Shatter definitely came through for me.
  3. Thoughts on the medic crossbow: It's not for combat at all, as you're nearly useless even compared to the syringe guns. However, the ability to have one shot of burst-healing is useful, as is healing across an unsafe gap beyond the reach of your beam. It'd be much better if you could overheal with it, but I'll take what I can get. Note that I say "one shot" because unless your timeframe is very long (5 seconds or more) then firing once and immediately switching back to the medigun is ideal efficiency. Over time, the crossbow heals faster than the medigun, but it doesn't build uber, making it not useful over long periods of time. The extra regen from the combo of both weapons looks really nice, as does the taunt effect on the new saw (which may be slightly OP on clustered A/D maps).
  4. I disagree -- you shoot missiles to save towns. That, balanced with the fact that you often must choose between saving your cities and your missile depots makes for interesting gameplay choices. I will say that because there is always one optimal route (let 5 cities die, defend the last one) these choices aren't as important as they might otherwise be...but they are there, nonetheless.
  5. I really enjoyed the movie -- it's certainly not a great movement forward in cinema, but it was an entertaining film. Really enjoyed the lightcycle sequences -- they really nailed that. Soundtrack also awesome, going to buy it.
  6. I will give the game another whirl after I get back from Christmas break -- still working on one last paper until Wednesday or so. Is there a list of all of the DLC?
  7. I'm now up to 9 chests opened -- glad that I'll at least get to enter the contest.
  8. I will probably be late, as I have to drive back to the twin cities from Chicago on Sunday. We're leaving early though, so it _may_ be possible...guess I'll find out!
  9. I got two of my three chars I wanted in the game, so I'm pretty happy for now. Still wish they'd surprise me by putting Firebrand (Gargoyle's Quest) into the game.
  10. That is super awesome. WETA Workshop continues to churn out very cool things.
  11. Use your gun whenever you get it, and don't ever hold left click for long on a boss. Only use the vacuum to quickly eat shards, or position the ball. Don't multi-ball on bosses. Edit: If you use the gun at the start of a life, the ball won't come out until it's over -- this allows you to concentrate fully on firing. Also, I've gotten the chest for Shatter! Woot. Also, $2.50 for a decent netbook game is a pretty sweet deal.
  12. I listened to the entire album once today by Audiosurfing it, stealing all of the Pro high scores with my favorite "car", Vegas. Woot! Seriously though, playing tracks that are mostly uphill and high traffic is awesome. You get a sense of flow when playing audiosurf that isn't immediately apparent otherwise. Great great work to everyone involved again!
  13. DarkCecil13 introduced me to the site in 2002, and I joined myself in 2004. As for the game that got me interested in music, a combo of Zelda and Megaman 2 early on, with Link'a Awakening really solidifying the connection for me.
  14. Congratulations to everyone involved! Going to listen to this while I'm at work today.
  15. Same. I'm leaving for the weekend on Thursday, and will then be at home until the 22nd, so I should still get stuff before Christmas. Can't wait!
  16. Elder Scrolls V, amazing. Knew it would be Skyrim for an extremely long time, and can't wait to tackle the frozen north!
  17. It is amazing thus far. As I've described on Facebook, it's essentially a next-gen Karateka where you do 1v1 combat repeatedly. The catch is that this combat is so damn good it's unbelievable. The best swordplay of the generation, including the consoles thus far. That on top of an addictive looting system, incoming free multiplayer and additional content, and the best looking game on the entire platform makes it a real easy purchase. Get it now!
  18. If you're completely new to making music and don't know what to do for orchestral libraries (it's really overwhelming at first), here's some advice: If you google "Squidfont", the first link that comes up is our own DarkeSword's website, where you can download Squidfont and some other free stuff -- start there. Until you reach a point in your music making where you truly understand the limitations of those samples, you shouldn't even think about buying high-end stuff. I believe that most of DarkeSword's early stuff here was made almost entirely with the stuff available from his website. High-quality samples increase the clarity of your sound in both directions...meaning that they can make a good track great, but they also expose a sub-par track's flaws extremely clearly. As a general rule (especially starting out), the quality of your sound will have a lot more to do with your skill as an arranger and producer than the quality of samples that you use.
  19. Warning that the version of Magic for sale does not allow you to create your own decks. Just an FYI if you used to actually play.
  20. Sorry that I missed out on this -- the last month of school has been extremely busy. Really looking forward to downloading the compilation of these to listen to over the holidays if someone *eyes Shariq* would throw them up though.
  21. You should have given out copies of your new albums
  22. The standard ROM version of Earthbound has that piracy check disabled, or at least it doesn't trigger on the vast majority of emulators. Just an FYI.
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