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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Could you order from a US website and pay in US dollars? That does seem super low to mark up the price that much, given that the value is essentially the same.
  2. Wow, that's an incredible amount of pictures. Good luck wading through them all, and share the best with us!
  3. Damn, what a terrible idea. Looks like all the talent has left Square for greener pastures at this point...
  4. Missed this due to my flight home -- I hope you had a great birthday!
  5. There are far too many moments to pick out, but there are two that currently stick in my mind: 1) The look on DA's face the instant after I splashed her 2) Telephone pictionary at Stevo's. I haven't laughed so hard in such good company in a long time. Edit: Paranoid, I missed you Hopefully next year!
  6. It's always great seeing everyone again. I wish I wasn't so far away! In any case, while MAG is great, I would have had just as much fun hanging out with you guys anywhere. There's nothing so good as to be able to say "it's like Dominion and Puzzle Fighter", and have the majority of people understand what you mean. Thanks especially to Stevo for hosting a bunch of us for one last post-MAG hurrah -- it was nice to have MAG slowly wind down last night.
  7. My flight leaves at 7:50...but Addie's to San Francisco leaves at 6:45, so I'll be to the airport two hours early :(
  8. Just re-stumbled onto this and love it. Thanks for the good work!
  9. I thought his best/worst 2010 list was pretty spot on, actually -- though I think that FF13 was worse for the franchise than Metroid.
  10. Balance is completely redone, and the tiers are shaken up. Tiers more compressed than BBCT, which is good. Basic mechanics are largely the same. Nu-13 is gone forever, which is probably for the best -- she's replaced by a Lambda-11, only a shadow of her former self (Nu comes back as Lambda's unlimited, to give you an idea). The new chars (Terumi, Tsubaki, Mu-12, Makoto, Valkenhayn) fit into the world well -- imo BBCS's biggest problem is that they did not give us Jubei.
  11. Packing my stuff up tonight -- can't wait for MAG tomorrow!!
  12. I much prefer playing offline, in person. The catch is that I can't do that with the vast majority of the people I play fighters with (mostly OCR folks). You're never as disrespectful to your friends (though I plan on swearing at a few of them over the mic when MvC3 releases).
  13. I think the "found a star" music from Mario 64 and the opening bars of the Red Wings theme from FF4 (check Nutritious's brass there in the album mix!) would both make excellent stands riffs. Good idea, haha. The Mortal Kombat movie theme is already used for this purpose fyi.
  14. Hit them with the charge damage, and then swing. Only ideal for the explosive, but it would work.
  15. 2-K is amongst the hardest platforming levels I've ever played in a retail game before -- amazing. I'm glad that Retro didn't let us off easy. Kirby looks weak in comparison (though the art style there is still awesome).
  16. Same here -- there's no guarantee that we'll get into the alpha, we just signed up as a team. I'll edit the first post when I receive confirmation either way.
  17. Would it be poor form to ask how much this rig cost? It wasn't mentioned in the OP (or it's just late and I missed it due to tiredness).
  18. The current kritzkreig bug is awful -- hopefully they fix that sooner rather than later.
  19. ^I agree with this entirely. I do think that Sonic Colors is a step in the right direction though -- surprised that it didn't get a mention.
  20. First post updated again. Bahamut said that he would get in on this also, which puts us to 4, and I've got at least one non-OCR facebook friend that can join us to pad our roster.
  21. First post edited, sorry for forgetting to post what little info I had in advance.
  22. Hey everyone, the Civ World alpha is starting next week, and I'm hoping that we can get enough people (between 5-50) to warrant us having an OCR team for it. Civ is the type of game I'd like to play on Facebook -- take a turn, be done with it for a while, etc. In any case, I will head up the team if there's sufficient interest and edit this first post with registration details once we get 4-6 people committed to signing up. Edit: Little is known yet, though speculation is that it will play similarly to older Civ games (or Revolution). Click me for a link to the Kotaku writeup/reminder about the alpha, including letter from Sid Meier (mostly publicity though). Edit 2: Okay, I've registered our team. List me (Ryan Thompson) as team captain, and OverClocked ReMix as the team name.
  23. Thanks, everybody! I got Donkey Kong Country Returns and Puzzle Strike for my birthday -- really hoping to have all of Sirlin's board games at MAGFest, but dunno if they'll ship on time. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone next weekend!
  24. Phoenix looks fun -- and she neatly completes my sexy-fast-girl team. Can't wait for next month!
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