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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. I'm a Green Lantern fan -- really hoping that this movie turns out well. Loved the trailer, though the "Brightest Day, Blackest Night" voice at the end seemed out of place considering that we're seeing the origin story...
  2. Double posting to bump this amazing deal: Street Fighter IV and the SE Fightstick for $30!! You'll still have to buy Super (and Blazblue CS ) but even getting just the fightstick for $30 is ridiculous considering that I paid $75 for mine.
  3. I replaced the art on mine -- that's slightly more involved but still easy to do. Reference this site for an easy to follow walkthrough.
  4. My advice: Get a madcatz SE stick. They're cheap these days and reliable -- not to mention that if you want a really nice joystick you can drop in quality Sanwa parts with minimal effort.
  5. I've fallen out of practice in favor of Starcraft II lately but will jump back in when the big patch hits consoles. I'm MasterTenor on 360.
  6. I knew that but forgot to mention it -- luckily Rambo filled in the gap. The other game series I play attack/defend maps on (Unreal Tournament 99 and 2004) has the stopwatch rules on by default (in Assault mode).
  7. I'll do that when the 2000 torrent comes out and I redownload the second batch. Thanks, everyone!
  8. ABBA means that you attack, defend, defend, and attack. This way each team gets to attack first one time.
  9. I think you're going to get the Legends version in MvC3, imported from TvC.
  10. First, sorry for not reading this sooner Larry -- had a busy weekend. In any case, the default for my iTunes is to list songs by different artists under different albums, even if the album tags line up. This happens unless I highlight them all, edit the tags under "Get Info" (with all selected still) and check "Part of a compilation". I've now done that and have one massive OCRemix album, which is what I wanted. Benefit is that they all appear as one album as opposed to a few hundred different albums (which all have the same http://ocremix.org/ tag, but a separate album is created for each artist, leaving us with hundreds of albums by default).
  11. I always enjoyed mixed water/ground levels, both in DKC and Super Mario Bros. Too bad they didn't even add any of those in.
  12. So, SKJmin from GBAtemp has created a patch for New Super Mario Bros. that replaces everything with Super Mario Bros. 3, and then some. Star Coins are hidden in brand new places for each level, new secret exits in some stages lead to cameo stages from other Mario titles, and everything feels extremely polished. Check the GBAtemp post for the download! Also, for the game. It's sick -- if your DS is homebrew enabled you need to get this NOW.Edit: Mods, I'm under the impression that .ips and .xdelta patch linking is acceptable if the host site doesn't also host rom images, yes?
  13. Yeah, just send people to the online store, that's the simplest thing. Keep playing the tunes though!
  14. Thanks -- I'll try by year to start with since that's easy, and move onward to genres later (though one advantage of having year instead is forcing myself to occasionally listen to genres I wouldn't play).
  15. Happy birthday! What are you doing to celebrate?
  16. So, I have an extra 20GB of space on my iTouch and have decided that there's no reason I shouldn't drop OCR 1-1500 in there (which will become 1-2000 as soon as the torrent is updated). Here's the thing: The idea of having 1430 ish tracks with no cohesive album title is not appealing to me in the slightest. What is the best way of altering the tags such that they will show up as one ginormous album? ^That word doesn't look nearly as fun written out, btw. Leaving it anyway
  17. Agreed with all of this but the varia, which is retarded no matter how you slice it. In any case, the game was good -- some might even say great. It wasn't revolutionary material that we're going to be talking about 10-15 years down the line...but everyone had that expectation going in because it's a Metroid game, the series with the highest possible expectations for any franchise.
  18. Bleck remains technically correct though. Melee votes definitely need at least a 2/3 majority to pass though imo.
  19. Luke, hit me up for some extra stuff when you find me ingame.
  20. In past years ~$20 has been suggested, which is what I will probably do. Certainly I wouldn't feel obligated to do more than that.
  21. I was also a skeptic upon seeing the source -- but this was amazing. Keep up the good work! As far as your vocals go, your tone is fun to listen to, especially fitting with this style. Next time I challenge you to not use any auto-tuning!
  22. Hit any of us up for some 1v1 goodness.
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