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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Grooveshark seems like an excellent idea -- there are two excellent bookmarklets for it that make things very convenient for the end user also.
  2. We need to find you a smooth beer, obviously. Just had a coconut stout last week that was amazing.
  3. Sounds good. I'll just give you a call when I land.
  4. I'm up for it, assuming my flight arrives on time and I figure out a way to get from Dulles to the hotel easily.
  5. For anyone who hasn't seen how awesome Auditorium is, you can now experience it in full HD (including 3D support, for those of you with fancy televisions) if you buy the game for your PS3. The PS3 edition contains a completely new level set in addition to the entire original collection, so even if you own the PC/iPhone version (like me) there's still double the content to explore. See the trailer here, and play the online demo (of the non-HD original) here.
  6. This website has all of the codes that you'll need. Make a .CHT file out of them and launch the game through GeckoOS as if you were playing Brawl+ or Balanced Brawl.
  7. I just sent my person their gift on Amazon -- hope you enjoy it! I put my phone number as the contact # in case anything went wrong with it -- if you see a 612 area code on the Amazon form, it's from me.
  8. M-Audio Keystudio 49 is only $70 today at the Apple Store -- a pretty damn good intro-level keyboard for anyone who has been looking to get one.
  9. This man made the Star Wars franchise what it is today. Agreed that Hollywood is not having the best of weeks RIP, Mr. Kershner.
  10. My favorite dub among my small anime collection is Golden Boy. Whoever voices Kintaro in English does a phenomenal job. Worst dub from immediate memory: Ghost in the Shell, SAC. The English Motoko is awful compared to the Japanese voice imo, at least as far as tone is concerned.
  11. Shame that another great actor has left us -- I love his work, including his two big leading roles in serious movies, especially The Forbidden Planet, the first film with an all-electronic soundtrack.
  12. It's been an awesome class -- studying and comparing different editions of Debussy's music against the manuscript to learn how to identify errors, and how to effectively reconcile differences when we do find them. My gift will ship out early also, largely so that I don't forget to send it.
  13. Wow, extremely good looking. Can't wait for all these revisions to hit!
  14. Is the highlander server active when you guys aren't using it for tourney play? I'd love to play sometime.
  15. This is smart -- definitely going to start rating my tracks like that.
  16. Considering that I paid only $0.10, I'm willing to wait a little while. I've got work to do before Thanksgiving anyway
  17. Yeah, you guys are probably going to have to play. Good luck to everyone!
  18. Happy birthday, Mirby! Go out and have an oatmeal cookie shot for your 21st -- they're awesome. Hope you have a good time, whatever you end up doing!
  19. Agreed here -- for instance, New Super Mario Bros. Wii was not nearly difficult enough for me. Part of this is a reluctance to make the advanced techniques required -- there's never a jump that requires the triple jump, and I can't think of any section that requires a wall jump either. Making the Star Coins and optional content require some extra creativity (through use of extended techniques not usually required) wouldn't be a bad thing. Not using them for gameplay content and relegating them to "for fun only" moves misses out on a bunch of potential depth. NSMB is not the only game to do this (but I can't come up with any off the top of my head).
  20. I meant that I _wasn't_ entering because I didn't have a PSP, but wanted to say thanks for continuing to offer free stuff regardless of whether it benefits me specifically or not (though hopefully a Wii or 360 game goes up again soon ).
  21. It felt more like a nod to the recent comic events than anything else since it was just that line spoken.
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