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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Contradiction spotted instead -- I have not met you in person and I believe that we have traded tf2 stuff before.
  2. was iRis AG really that underplayed? damn. Seriously, I was super glad to score the free copy of that one -- it's great on busrides when you can't play things like Zenonia and Chaos Rings.
  3. IrisAG is way under-rated -- one of the better takes on the "match 3" concept that I've played on iOS for sure. Check this game out, team -- Brad's last effort was good stuff and I'm sure this is also.
  4. Hooray, more people going to MAG! It's going to rock this year.
  5. Apparently the counter is to drop a forge and build two cannons _after_ he has committed to the roaches. Then tech to phoenixes asap and supply block him before he can expand/tech to mutas (he's stuck on 1 base at this point).
  6. Happy birthday! Beat up Shariq's makoto to celebrate.
  7. Value of Live aside, the new update is hella ugly. Where are my folders into the background? I was a real fan of that effect, especially when browsing my Netflix catalog. Now it's all Kinect-compatible, which would be great if I was planning buying a Kinect, but I'm not...at least until they make good games for it in any case.
  8. I'm not a ticket holder myself, but I am under that impression, yes. If you click over to "Set 2" in the gomtv player (upon watching the stream of set 1 the next day), it'll prompt you to buy a ticket.
  9. The 1215 does some formats of 1080p well, others not so much. I have only a 720p television, so it's not relevant for me. It costs $500 though, so it's well beyond the boxee's price point, even if it's more useful. That said, this is a sick deal for anyone with a nice tv. I'm all for the boxee box
  10. I don't play guitar but wish I did, as Addie gets all googly-eyed whenever she hears a classical guitar player.
  11. Fun times, just discovered that my netbook will run TF2 reasonably well! I'll have to try it at some point the next late night I have at the office.
  12. No extra money here, and my netbook does HDMI video out to a television already. I like the product, but my asus 1215n does the job of portable home theater just fine for me.
  13. So, whoever draws me, feel free to buy me this album asap
  14. The asteroids theme for original GB had an amazing melody. Unfortunately I couldn't find a youtube link -- go download it from zopher or somewhere, I guess.
  15. I'm happy with the way my 360 Dashboard is presented now -- they'd better now mess with it too much. Edit: The new dashboard update needs to come with 1 vs 100 season 3 or it's a total failure btw. What on earth possessed them to cancel something so much fun?
  16. Thanks to Paranoid for banning the offensive language-rifle dude earlier. I'm usually pretty easy-going but that was just ridiculous.
  17. Basically this. If we wanted gifts from people who knew us super well, we'd ask IRL friends. Send people stuff that people here would appreiciate! I've already got one picked out for whoever I draw
  18. I'm up for that.... Anything along the following would rock. Xbox Live Points Wii Points iTunes giftcard (that can be used to buy iTouch games) Awesome music (your pick) <---- a good way to help out musicians on the site also, consider this option for people you don't know well Any good bargain (< $20) Wii or 360 games I may have missed, as I haven't bought anything for a while Anything from Steam that I don't currently have already, including TF2 hats if a TF2 regular draws me -- my profile is BardicKnowledge, just like I am on OCR. I own all of the Source games, Torchlight, Audiosurf, and both Monkey Island games. Anything else would rock, but no one should spend too much cash on me, haha. Sorry for writing a massive list -- I certainly don't expect anyone to get me more than $15-20 worth of stuff, as I cannot commit to buying more than that value for whomever I draw. This should give people an idea of what folks may want though. Crazy surprises are also welcome!
  19. Definitely agreed that our servers are awesome -- many thanks to our TF2 admins for keeping them great places to play.
  20. Yeah sorry team -- the Hilton was all booked solid when I reserved this morning.
  21. He _was_ Capcom to me. I dunno what they'll do without him, haha. I'm hoping this won't negatively impact any of the awesome projects currently underway (SF vs. Tekken, MvC3, MML3)
  22. I have a series 1 crate that's all yours next time I'm on -- remind me that I've reserved it for you.
  23. If it's your event, next time make the thread yourself! I can't find all of the cool stuff on the Internet, you know. Edit: Also thanks, you rock for hosting this -- thanks!
  24. Alright, tickets bought! Flying into Dulles between 2 and 3 on Thursday afternoon, flying out of BWI Monday morning (thanks to Stevo for offering to get me there). Can't wait for the rest of this semseter to finish, MAG is going to be amazing this year.
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