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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Imagine SNES remakes with true 3d instead of mode 7. Let's see a new F-Zero game in that style :p
  2. This is unlikely, as they have controlled the plot by means of providing HMs to grant new abilities (Cut, Surf, etc). So don't count on this one.
  3. I will more than likely be picking this up on the 360, and hope that a bunch of others do the same. People responding letting me know that I will have opponents will strongly motivate me to get it sooner rather than later, so speak up.
  4. Agreed on the super collab. Hope all three of you have a great day!
  5. Downloaded and pimped on Facebook. Will listen tomorrow when the inlaws are gone -- looks great though!
  6. I'd like to get pikmin if it's the Wii edition -- lemme know wes, text me sometime this weekend as I am doing everything from my phone due to inlaws. If my # isn't in your phone anymore it's on my facebook page. I know you said $10 btw, but we'll gladly pay $15 for it. Hope that you find some work out east soon to get you out of this mess! Edit: Money sent! Looking forward to throwing small colored fellows around
  7. Don't you know that the iTouch does the same thing without a monthly cost neblix? Don't be an idiot. The iTouch is comparable in cost to the DS and PSP and is much better as a media device than both of them. Value for dollar it's easily the best choice if you have any desire for media stuff, not to mention the best portable web browser. That being said, there is an argument to be made that the DS/PSP are better at gaming -- though that gap is very quickly closing with things like Zenonia and Chaos Rings.
  8. I've listened to the first track, but am saving the rest for the #ocad listening party on Sunday. Thanks again to everyone involved for all the hard work put into this!
  9. You sir, have zero taste when it comes to good films.
  10. IIRC, the DKC Donkey Kong is the grandson of Cranky, the original Donkey Kong from the arcade game (he even talks about those days in his dialogue). That's what Rare originally intended -- whether or not that's what has happened to him is certainly debatable.
  11. The Oracle games are some of my favorite Zelda games -- really looking forward to this, and the listening party on Sunday!
  12. Mirror uses the Kirby's Adventure (GBA) engine and doesn't feel like Superstar. Squeak Squad is a little better, and I _love_ the combining of powers....but there just aren't enough of them to go around. SuperStar on DS (with the extras) is still the best Kirby game. Artistically, Dreamland3 is probably the best -- I'm very pleased that the new game is following in its footsteps.
  13. yeah, the failure vid you posted. Tears all over
  14. Ugh, terrible video link -- i hate HATE HATE getting to the end and screwing it up. For some reason this feels worst when playing Imperishable Night, as your time slowly ticks away during the last fight until you lose.
  15. Agreed, lefty Link ftw, especially as a lefty myself.
  16. Kinect Adventures looks a LOT like Nick Arcade (from the early 90s), as I mentioned in IRC. I will get this is the price isn't ridiculous, but nothing is specifically appealing to me about it other than super-easy menu navigation -- voice commands for the 360 media center while I surf the web on the computer may be the best part of Kinect.
  17. 1) Zephyr (from Heroes of Newerth) 2) Nathan Spencer (Bionic Commando) 3) Phoenix Wright
  18. This is why I always hack my Pokemon games....I wish they'd just make everything accessible.
  19. If that's the one where you have to slice all the bombs, then yes it sucks real bad.
  20. Easy mode is a little too easy imo. Just started MMZ1, and you start with EVERY cyber-elf upgrade, and the ability to instantly do charged shots without charging (use SF2 motions). Edit: It is super-easy, but still a ton of fun. SF2-style MMZero allowed me to beat the first game (finishing all the missions) in about an hour this morning.
  21. Playing MK Trilogy is like playing Marvel 2 in a way -- everything is broken to shit and damn near everyone knows it. <3 playing as Chameleon though.
  22. Both Diablo games hold up very well imo, and are easy to get started. In some ways the first is better as the drop rates are reasonable, and with the SP quest rewards he is guaranteed to always have enough equip to make it without having to grind for gear. Civ IV is so good it's worth yet another mention -- everyone with a pc should have it, basically. Finally, Morrowind is my choice for best single-player RPG, and it should run on the laptop (Obvilion may not). 200 hours for $15 is very hard to beat -- be sure to get the GOTY edition though as it comes with the expansions. I can't say enough good things about this game...it still has the best-developed setting of anything I've ever played.
  23. Mix also utilizes a _lot_ of either direct samples or close enough to it that it's difficult to tell, especially in the first minute.
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