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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Happy birthday Arek! Congrats on the project progress. Looking forward to playing SSF4 at the end of the month....
  2. A hint about early upgrades: In 1v1 combat, a ship with 1 armor upgrade will beat a ship with one cannon upgrade. The cannon ship will take out towns faster though. Speed is usually only nice as a 2nd upgrade unless you're on a team of 3-4 people where you can spare having a boat dedicated to jetting around the map collecting crates.
  3. After the madness of Easter weekend, I'd love to get a game of Age of Booty going sometime next week. Hopefully we can find enough people to 3v3 inhouse!
  4. definitely a big judge-sized NO on this one, haha.
  5. It's worth its own thread: Note that if you don't already own Street Fighter II HDR, you can get it for FIVE DOLLARS this week. Do so. Also consider buying Age of Booty -- if enough OCR people get it, the inhouse potential of that game is sick (currently I know that DarkeSword, Bahamut, and myself all have it). These prices are set to last until next Wednesday, April 7. Check out the full rundown on this week's deals below: South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play! 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5) Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix 53 percent off at 560 Microsoft points ($7) Defense Grid: The Awakening 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5) Rocket Riot 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5) Mad Tracks 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5) Track & Field 40 percent off at 240 Microsoft points ($3) Lumines Live 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5) Age of Booty 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5) Schizoid 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5) Wallace & Gromit Episode 1 Fright of the Bumblebees 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5)
  6. Because of the split-time theory, the obvious answer is than Link gets both girls, natch. Lame outfit, stud of a guy -- Hero of Time indeed
  7. Nemesis isn't all that great anywhere except Hell, where I find it easier to keep track of dual nemesis guns rather than Spur + nemesis and whatnot. That being said, I do use the spur on section 2 of hell to throw beams straight up in the hopes that angels will crash and burn into them behind me. Nemesis all the way for Section 3 though, as it's easier to cover behind you if you have a good weapon that maintains a high rate of fire (nemesis). I suppose Nemesis and Snake would work and be kind of overkill, though I hear that's the weapon combo that gets through it the fastest.
  8. You shouldn't be taking any damage from Heavy Press -- dodge one laser, fire up with your dual Nemesis guns and win.
  9. You really might miss the machine gun for the first few jumps of Hell fyi. Hope you're really good with the booster 2!
  10. I've heard the "linear corridor" complaint from a bunch of people, including jrpg fans. Haven't played it myself yet though, so I dunno.
  11. Same as Bahamut here -- Can't guarantee that I'll go, but I'd love to. I'll see what I can do.
  12. Bumping to remind people that if they haven't preordered by the end of tomorrow they won't get a gold shield forum icon and the ability to taunt ingame. Do it now, join the club!
  13. <3 nighthound -- he's gotten a nice buff from the new patch. Nice to see him played that well though!
  14. Just wanted to add that I'm also a clan officer and can add people if zircon isn't around -- my account is RTBardic.
  15. Hemo, let me know when you get to the end of act 2 and I'll hop in with you. Currently a level 16 vengenace / holy freeze pally with 1 point in almost all the defensive auras (to get salvation).
  16. I'm level 16 with a completed staff, and the canyon wp. Lemme know if anyone needs help blazing through act 2!
  17. Rely yeah, I was around in the ocr channel for 10-15 minutes or so, but left after seeing no one else there (you didn't respond). I'll play a little tomorrow also -- let me know what level I should be before I run into the rest of you guys if you start tonight.
  18. I'll be on for an hour in another 5-6 min if you're still waiting on people relyance.
  19. I just got back from Italy and missed this -- can I get in on this tomorrow yet? I'd plan on playing a defensive aura-based Vengenace pally or a shifter druid, whichever will help the group more.
  20. Yvonne Strahovski as Samus? I'd pay to see that.
  21. Just FYI, the NDS will only emulate stuff via homebrew, and even then it's only NES/GBC support (SNES exists, but is super slow and not very good). That being said, I have a fair amount of good NDS homebrew -- before I got my iTouch, I could chat on IRC and surf the web with it. In any case, I'm looking forward to a new handheld -- the DSi wasn't really much of an upgrade over the Lite. If Nintendo really wants to compete against my ipod though, they'd better include a damn good browser and online support system with it. Otherwise I think the NDS may be my last portable Nintendo console for a while.
  22. I will say I like it when they take risks -- The World Ends With You is still probably the best RPG for the DS platform. More innovative stuff would be great. I don't care whether it's tied to the FF franchise or not really, just keep giving me awesome stuff to play.
  23. Wow, that's crazy stupid. Meeting girls is as simple as leaving your apartment now and then, not spending even more time on the couch. Also, they said they based their prices off of the cost of buying a girl a drink at a bar. I dunno about you guys, but one drink costs half of what they're charging. Also, at a bar you can actually see and interact with said random girl. Video chat is okay, actually seeing someone will always be better.
  24. Really, only FF7 and FF8 have the super emo characters going on. FF9 goes back to the light-hearted plots of the "good old days", and while Tidus has some fashion problems, the majority of the story is really less about him and more about Yuna anyway until the end. My biggest problem with FF7/8 isn't plot anyway -- it's that they made the "main" characters flat-out-better in every way than the others. There's no good gameplay reason for making Cloud and (again especially) Squall so much better than the rest of the cast.
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