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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Just wanted to chime in and say that Brad is spot on about the GTX 260 -- if you don't have a monitor bigger than your television, you'll be able to max out Starcraft 2 without any problems. It's a great card, especially now that the price has come down a little.
  2. Really, the requirements aren't that terrible -- Blizzard has always been good about getting their games to run on as many machine as possible. Hello! If you suck as bad as I do at the original, we should play SC2 sometime tomorrow.
  3. Cannot wait for tonight, the game is going to be amazing.
  4. From the short gameplay vid that was played it looks like SF4 base with more moves allowing/resetting the juggle state, making juggle combos from tekken possible. Tag mode is the most interesting part thus far to me, can't wait to see how they play with it...though I'd guess closer to Tekken Tag than the Marvel series.
  5. What this really tells me is that the Westboro group cares less about actually protesting things and more about getting news mentions. When the SDCC counter-protest proved to be far more interesting and entertaining to the media that the WBC, they're suddenly gone.
  6. I've gotta say, PayPal seems to cause as many nuisances as it helps to solve. Considering that they function in many ways as an online bank account of sorts, their customer service isn't close to meeting the level I would demand of my personal bank, for instance. Hopefully you get everything worked out alright, djp -- thanks for all the hard work!
  7. This is now the best news to come out (pun intended) of SDCC.
  8. Knew Thor would be in because of the upcoming film, but Amaterasu is amazing. Just give me Firebrand now, and I'll be happy, Capcom.
  9. Super Ghouls and Ghosts is the one to get if you only get one of them. They're all balls hard, but enjoyable. Haven't played Gradius Rebirth, but the SNES version of III is pretty good (and easier than the arcade version by a few miles). Rondo is imo the best old-style Castlevania, and it's almost an uncontested thing (the only other one that can even make a case is CV3 NES). Castlevania Rebirth is very good also though...but not as replayable as Rondo, and the music isn't anywhere near as good. The extra stages in MM10 also unlock the GB boss weapons for Megaman, which is amazing. Def pick them up if possible. Finally, if you like older games, the WiiWare Blaster Master: Overdrive is excellent. If you'd rather have something new, LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias is also very good.
  10. The high point of Castlevania remains one of two games: either Rondo or Symphony. No other game before or after comes close to the pinnacle, and choosing between the two is largely a matter of which style of game you prefer. The six games post-Symphony are all good, but it's definitely feeling like a formula at this point. Let's hope that the XBLA game puts a twist on things...
  11. I am confused -- but given how well Capcom has treated retro-gamers in the past few years, my confidence in them is pretty high. Can't wait to hear more about this!
  12. If it is indeed free, I will certainly get it -- I enjoyed the 2k4 mod as well.
  13. Title says it all -- the source track is an amazing 8-bit loop by Simon Viklund. Submissions are due August 11, and full details here: http://bit.ly/bc1PPW
  14. Look -- commenting sports (or anything) has less to do with your specific detailed knowledge about something, and more about your professionalism and tone. Everyone at EVO except s-kill and Adam simply took verbal dictation of the matches, without making any attempt to explain to a larger audience what was happening. Marvel 2's commentators were speaking so quickly trying to say every single move that it was easier to watch by turning your sound off...not ideal at all. If the community wants e-sports to be taken seriously, the next big step is to get professional casters in. I have the same issue about poor casting of games with Heroes of Newerth atm -- I love watching the games but 9/10 of the time the casting is completely unprofessional, with mixed levels (also a problem at evo, and a subject beyond the scope of this tiny post) and very little said beyond an aid for a blind person who couldn't see the match in the first place. Assume that you want to reach someone who knows the basic rules of Street Fighter and nothing else -- Adam Sessler did a MUCH better job there explaning things than anyone else (again, except Seth who did a great job also). I'm not a big fan of him or his show, but he's a paid professional and it showed at EVO. TL;DR Adam did a professional job because he's a professional. EVO and other e-sports venues need to continue to bring in actual talent to cast games to add some legitimacy to what they're doing.
  15. One of my favorite MAG7 moments was watching you two crash the SNES. My crowd moment: I attracted my entire dorm floor playing the xbox Ninja Gaiden -- the action was so fluid compared to everything else that it was just enchanting.
  16. Underrated how? I'd say she's easily the 2nd best character in the game (after Nu who is incredibly broken). The reason she isn't played much is because her zoning game takes a lot of work to get down, and her Drive isn't simple and intuitive like Noel, Ragna, or Jin -- who in my experience are the three most commonly played characters.
  17. So the song will automatically jump things inside an octave so that those of us with 61-note keyboards can hit them?
  18. Alright team, I didn't custom mod my fightstick to quit playing SF4 -- more of you need to be online more often.
  19. Happy belated birthday! Was out of town over the weekend, so no on time anything for me, including wishing you well.
  20. Nintendo really did miss the boat with this one. Glad that my DS Lite emulates GBC already
  21. BB has people playing too much Nu and Jin -- everyone else can be dealt with. Can't wait for BBCS btw -- it comes out at the end of the month!
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