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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Having played both, I can tell you that the original has a certain charm lacking in the GBA port. But you get to play as Metaknight there, which was amazing. Still, I prefer the original game, and if you like a challenge, try to find all of the secrets without any help -- it'll take you a while.
  2. I'm looking for a review from someone I know here. I'm not a big fan of console shooters, but I need to purchase one to appease my friends at some point. Does Reach offer anything (besides the cool jetpack) over Halo 3? Specifically, in ease of control / fluidity / framerate? After I play Halo with a friend, I play UT2004 at home and it feels like playing a game at 4x the speed.
  3. Looks like I wasn't the only one who noticed this. Seriously though, congratulations! I hope you have a lot of success with your music -- I love listening to good cellists.
  4. That's the easy combo with Juri -- the difficult one is extending by using her projectiles on release. Try this combo sometime: j. HK, cr. HP, {release} medium fireball, cr. MK xx EX pinwheel.
  5. That image references Dinotopia's footprint alphabet. It translates to "earthquake".
  6. To use Makoto well, you've really gotta be aware of your spacing and at what ranges each of your moves works from. Try using forward+HK (hold) to dance across the screen quickly also.
  7. How so? He's a spammy bastard from what I can see. Also no links doesn't equal bad; you play chun and therefore know this.
  8. It's a lot harder to punish him than it immediately appears, unless I'm missing something. Hate playing against adon
  9. Almost 2000 BP here, looking forward to being C+ instead of C.
  10. I just got the game -- I'm not very good, but anyone feel free to add me using my e-mail address (check my profile).
  11. Personally, I think you'll get a lot more out of reading/researching the matchups than you ever will playing CPU characters. Similarly, the vast majority of trials 20-25 for each char are ridiculously hard links and combos that are not practical in a real match. Often they are harder and use more meter for less damage. That being said, I spend quite a bit of time in training mode practicing my combos, resets, and mixups. I still botch them OFTEN online. I have a meterless 385 damage combo with Ibuki that I can do 75% of the time in training mode. I'm yet to land it online (though you can bet I'll save the first replay I do)! Any specific matchups you're having problems with online? Unless you hit a real bad luck streak of solid opponents I can't see why I have won 10 straight and you lost 50% of the time over the same two-day period.
  12. I'm having a good time with Zenonia. I'd avoid Final Fantasy I/II unless you have to have them, as it's the PSP version (just emulate the GBA version for most of it). If you haven't played any of the remakes they're both pretty good though.
  13. Local news media was at Source when we were there. A full Ghostbusters mobile and set of Ghostbusters in addition to around 6 professional costumed people wandering around including Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, and the girl from Watchmen. Free soda and snack food provided in addition to all of the freebies. Two bags are given out, one for kids and one for adults. Addie always grabs the kiddie bag (she likes the Simpsons comic), while I get the adult bag to make sure we get everything. Had an awesome time out, and I hope everyone else enjoyed FCBD as much as we did! Bardic's haul: Bag 1: Simpson's Bongo FCBD comic Overstreet Guide to Collecting Comics G.I.JOE Fractured Fables YOW! FCBD Grab-Bag comic Atomic Robo War of the Supermen #0 Green Hornet Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom / Magnus: Robot Fighter Iron Man / Thor Batman action figurine (looks like a Warhammer40K size / base) Bag 2: Most of the above plus: Plastic ring Storm Lion #0 Overstreet guide Classic comic strip Action & Adventure -- Dick Tracy and others on the cover Incorruptible Artifacts #0 The Tick FCBD Radical -- previews of Driver for the Dead, The Rising, After Dark, and Time Bomb Love and Capes Fearless Dawn #1 Oni Press Free for all Weathercraft Worlds of Aspen 2010 Preview The Sixth Gun Del Rey Showcase FCBD
  14. I'll be on sometime around 1:00 CST -- just gotta take care of some shopping first.
  15. You should only be using her basic SBK inside of a combo (cancel medium SBK off of the first hit of her cr. FP). EX SBK is her reversal "get off me" move, and it does that very well. Chun's basic combo is cr. lk, cr. lk xx EX Legs. Add her Ultra 2 on the end of that if you have it available. If you don't have meter, then do her target combo series with back + mk off a jumpin instead. Flare, if you're on the 360 I mained Chun in the original SF4, hit me up there for more advice, or ask more questions and either me or Arek (who also played chun) should have answers for you.
  16. Tensei, you really outdid yourself with that one, it's incredible.
  17. I have thrown my $10 into the pile. Sorry it can't be more -- I only got a 25% assistantship for next year and we're starting to trim the budget.
  18. Bleck what's your 360 tag, I'll fight you tomorrow. MasterTenor is mine.
  19. My comic book store puts together two bags of stuff, one "mature" bag and one "kiddie" bag. I always bring Addie along to make sure we get both bundles. Can't wait!
  20. This is really well done -- great stuff, thanks for the link!
  21. Enjoying all the awesome matches -- this game is awesome.
  22. I am picking my copy up (hopefully) at 10:00 my time and will be on to mess around shortly thereafter. I might take a break from noon-1:00 to grab a free lunch on campus -- depends on how distracted I get.
  23. Cannot wait until tomorrow. Let's talk smack like it's marvel 3, haha.
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