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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Better than a quick response to a six thousand character question?
  2. haha. It was a nice read for me, and awesome to have the developers actually respond to your comments.
  3. Alright, my thoughts on Iris after playing it a few times. I figured that since I got it for free (thanks!) the least I could do was write a few paragraphs. First, I'm the Hard mode global leader! Second, I wish that the instructions would go into more depth on how points are scored. I still don't know the mechanics of what combos are worth what points (though clearing your whole board seems to be worth a ton). Similarly, what are the exact points of death? I know that getting more blocks = bad, and that more height = bad, but don't know the exact parameters. I was too involved with managing pieces last game -- does the music pick up in tempo as you get more and more blocks? Finally, the game really used the touch interface well, though maybe there should be a limit on how fast you can scroll to prevent "diving" (scrolling really fast in the hopes of wedging a falling block into an impossible space). You guys have done well in making Columns / Dr. Mario color matching into a unique iPod/phone experience. What's the next big thing going to be? Edit: One big criticism I forgot to mention is that eventually there were two shades of green that were very difficult to tell apart quickly. Please consider fixing that in upcoming versions / games.
  4. ^this. Exdeath isn't as cool as Kefka, though they are the two villains that actually accomplish something before getting beaten (changing their respective worlds). Also, FFV Advance has GOOD added content, something FFIV and FFVI Advance were sorely lacking. Adding the new jobs (Oracle, Gladiator, Pirate, and Necromancer) is really ace, and allows for more than two "ideal" job combos.
  5. Haha, will do -- I love free stuff (the curse of the unemployed?)
  6. I've tried the free edition on my ipod, just grab it there if you've got one. I'll consider buying it with the next iTunes gift card I buy -- I make a point of not buying any apps directly with my card to keep my credit card bill low.
  7. Haha, I totally know I'm opposite of the standard ipod idea. My thought is that I want to see what the platform is technically capable of in addition to playing Peggle forever. I _do_ play the shorter games on the bus and (occasionally) during unimportant meetings.
  8. Those of you that don't like the homing gun, it sucks until you max it, and then you become this walking death machine. It's easily the best gun for general exploration (and as a bonus, completely rocks the Stage 3 boss).
  9. Done, though I tend to prefer longer, more involved iPod games to arcade style quickplays...though Lock n Roll and Texas Pick Em hold my attention very well also.
  10. Haha, sorry you got stuck with it. The last game I reviewed for HonestGamers was middle ground, but enjoyable for a reviewer's single playthrough (Madballs: Invasion in BABO).
  11. wow, that's sick. Gotta get some furniture sliders and see how low I can get now, haha. I'm sure it's nowhere close to video worthy though, haha.
  12. All that's holding that back atm is camera resolution. Looks amazing.
  13. Outside of someone picking WB during inhouse games where we all suck, I've never seen a warbeast get any items to make him compete lategame. His early game gets shut down so completely by warding the jungle because he's terrible inlane. Stick two wards in the jungle and he's screwed...not to mention that he lacks an early stun and therefore is easy to gank early. As we discussed in chat, the other jungle heroes can do decently (if not as much) either solo mid or inlane.
  14. I feel that Rampage and Warbeast are equally shitty, as both are easy prey to single target stuns, and neither bring a lot to teamfights. Rampage is better inlane than Warbeast is in jungle because of his massive earlygame damage, but both chars suck it up lategame and have little utility.
  15. Quality wise, basically no. It's 16-bit sounding covers 80% of the time iirc, with 20% original material (which could also be covers, I forget the later NES music). So I don't deter anyone, they're _good_ covers, but they don't do anything unexpected.
  16. Update: I've finished the first four areas. Area 5 really picks up the difficulty of the overhead sections -- those fire breathing snakes can suck it. On the three main guns for Alex: IMO choose either the default gun or the homing gun, and then upgrade the rockets second (they come in VERY handy for bosses, and some things require a rocket to kill). If you're not great at the game, the default gun is easier to use at lower levels...but the spread gun is absolutely ridiculous maxed, much like the "rainbow of death" gun from the original.
  17. Forgot to mention but worth a separate post: NO CLASSIC CONTROLLER support. You're killing me with this one, otherwise it'd be an 8.
  18. I've finished the first two areas this morning, and so far the game is an absolute blast. The lack of repeating upgrades (two upgrades to the main cannon in the NES game, for instance) thus far has been very nice. The interior portions of the game are vastly better than the original, and the outside areas seem to be just as good. The only thing bothering me currently is that the game's map is a little small when compared to SOTN or Super Metroid. For $10 though, it's justifiable. If you liked the original it's definitely worth your money. If you're desperate for Metroid-style adventuring on the Wii, get it. All others beware, as there's a fair amount of old-school challenge to be had. Overall: 7.5/10 (points off due to map size, and annoyance of moving Alex around the outside areas without the safety of the tank).
  19. I couldn't wait for reviews, and am downloading this now. Full review tomorrow.
  20. Tablet is way underrated, especially on Demented Shaman and Vindi. More later...but having a leap, even a short one on those two is awesome.
  21. Team: Do you guys feel any additional pressure working on a AAA, high publicity game compared to something that doesn't get as much press coverage? Jack: After having conducted Video Games Live for a few years, do you feel that there is a growing connection between the world of professional music and video game music, or academic music and VGM? And if so, do you feel that the VGL show was a contributer to that, or more that the VGM market has grown to the point where it has to be noticed?
  22. I'm waiting on a review, but unless it sucks I will have this before the end of the day tomorrow. And yes, this past year has been great for retro-gamers -- I'm glad that everyone is trying to follow Capcom's idea with Mega Man 9.
  23. This game is on my list to get during my next buying spree, probably late March. Too bad it'll have to compete with FF13 and Assassin's Creed 2 for playtime.
  24. Let's hope so -- I really want this to be good, but don't want to get too attached, given how awful the last few sonic games have been. I liked the Rush series though (especially the 2nd one), so maybe...?
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