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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. My two cents: Yvonne Strahovski looks amazing, and Wacky wins for finding an excuse to throw her picture up. End of thread.
  2. IMO if someone was going to complain a bunch about this, they should have done so BEFORE everyone started signing up and it got popular. Where were these complaints when I was making the potential tracklist for the project two weeks ago? If it wasn't a big deal then, claiming that it's a big deal now seems like people just want to spoil the fun everyone is having with this idea.
  3. The Price is Right runs for an hour, and is still better than 99% of reality TV.
  4. Accessibility-wise, if I didn't mention this earlier, there's an option for "easy" controls that makes everything function as if it were Smash Bros. controls. If that's not enough, you can auto-air-combo with the ABC string also. Edit: My TvC code is 5371-1917-7470 -- hit me up sometime, everyone! New biggest combo does 80% lifebar to Ryu with 20% or more baroque: Zero+Chun Li. Starting with Zero: 5A 5B 2C Baroque 5A 5B 2C 3C xx 623A A 3C (launch) sj.AABB dj. B, 236P to tag to Chun, 236AB hit with Chun's level 3 air super, damage is not scaled because you haven't done a hit with her yet. Note with Zero that though 5C and 6C both combo very well, using them in combos will lower the combo's damage. Dunno why, but unless you need to build meter at the expense of not dealing damage, don't use em. Edit: Ryu + Chun is the new hotness. As Ryu: 5A 5B 2B 5C 2C 6C 214C BBQ 5A 5B 5C 2C 6C 214C assist 5B 5C 6C 421C 5A 5C 2C 6C 214C xx 236AB. Omit late 2C's for short characters (Zero and lower). If you're feeling really ballsy: 5A 5B 2B 5C 236A BBQ (air) 214C 5A 5B 2B 5C 2C 6C 421C 5A 5B 5C 2C 6C 214C assist 5B 5C 6C 214C xx 236AB. Will instagib low-health characters (again, Zero and lower) assuming a 20% Baroque or higher. If you need even more damage for some reason: Don't end those with a hurricane kick xx super -- end them with 3C (launch) sj. ab 236P (tag) 236 AB Chun super. As Chun: 5A 5B 2B 5C 3C (launch) sj. ABBC j. BC j. B(immediately charge down), C, SBK. It looks like if your timing is perfect you can get 5A 2A (hold down) 2B 2C SBK, Ryu assist, 3C, air combo. Difficult to do though.
  5. Same here also, I'm still up for games whenever, find me on IRC.
  6. Why isn't there a thread for this awesome game yet? I got it today, and it's a total blast. There's even a "Smash Bros. style" control mode for the Wii owners scared to jump into a Capcom fighter (direction + special move button, or direction + super move button). As far as the cast, I'm not a big anime person, but they cast is varied and fun thus far. I absolutely LOVE the idea of playing as a really giant mech at the expense of not having two characters (Gold Lightan is the most fun fighting-game character I've played in years). Complexity-wise on the "real" controls, it's like a simplified version of Marvel 2. Because there are no different punches or kicks, special moves just flow out at the end of strings (which for 90% of the cast, ABC (launch) ABC works) like you're a pro. This also makes concentrating on the subtleties of the system (baroque cancels, tagging during an air combo, etc) much easier because more of your focus is available for it. TL;DR: Get this game!! And more importantly, fight me!
  7. I did notice, and the audio is just as professional as the video. This guy has too much talent!
  8. This. Can't believe it's CGI! Literally breathtaking to watch.
  9. This. It's not one skill or the other, but the combination that's so good. If I had to pick one skill, Gust has much more general utility than it should for a regular skill -- it stuns (and therefore ruins channels), moves people where you want, and does damage? Hell yes, best early skill in the game (and you get the max range movement at level 1 -- knock Swift into your tower early on).
  10. Truth be told, I don't recall if the color version works with the Super Gameboy or not, and I didn't want him to get something that wouldn't work. The color version is the superior version of the game in most respects: there's an added dungeon, and the warp glitch is removed. No matter what, it's a Zelda game from the era where the franchise defined excellence in videogames. Brad, I'd keep the Lion King (which was a surprisingly decent game) and Super GB Zelda in addition to what you mentioned in your list. Try to add Uniracers and SNES Zelda, and you'll have a pretty good set of games to start with.
  11. If you still haven't bought a classic controller, you might want to wait because these new ones look badass.
  12. Don't run game.exe -- run the loader from a command line (try typex_loader game.exe) to get it to go.
  13. If you're looking to try out a really great hack, give Super Demo World: TLC a shot. It's a full-length Mario game that will blow your mind. Similarly, if you're great at Super Metroid, then you'll enjoy SM Redesign. Note to mods: links don't have ROM files, only .ips -- should be okay, yes?
  14. Nightshade (NES) -- the best point-and-click adventure game on the system, including Maniac Mansion (though the PC version of MM is better). Clash at Demonhead (NES) -- amazing action-platformer with map system. Only downside is that getting the good ending is largely luck-based at the very end (get a password before the last boss). Seconding Demon's Crest (SNES) but don't forget the prequel, Gargoyle's Quest 2 (NES). A new game that isn't getting enough attention: VVVVVV, which is incredible...check it out!
  15. My wife and I recently got 32GB iPod Touches for ourselves, and we love them. 32GB is enough music/movies for anything but the longest road trip, and the ability to surf the web wherever you are for free is incredible. We like it so much that we dropped our phone plans and do everything via Skype now (you can pay Skype to get a number, etc). We have the added advantage of city-wide wireless in the Twin Cities though, so your mileage will definitely vary. Our time is only spent at home, the University of Minnesota, and borders / the campus coffee shop.
  16. I'm agreeing with the 5/5 review. A couple important things to note: Switching between Normal and Hard difficulty actually changes the location of all of the platforms, giving you effectively two games in one. Also, don't think of it as only having 6 stages, as there are TONS of branching paths per level (use those keys!). Finally, Classic mode does give you Simon jumping. If you're looking for a challenge, I'd recommend Classic mode for Normal difficulty, and giving yourself controlled jumps for Hard mode.
  17. I'd rather have a highly experimental take on the franchise that avoids rehashing the current formula. We've had a trilogy of excellent "main" 3d games in the OoT style (OoT, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess). Certain things have become outdated -- we need a jump button, Nintendo! I'd also like to see a "side" game come out that utilizes the same engine. Majora's Mask is absolutely brilliant, and more experimentation along its lines would be welcomed.
  18. Updated list again, we should be good for the Friday deadline at this point.
  19. Assuming you don't need a Bluray player, then my advice is to get whichever console your friends already have. I prefer Microsoft's exclusive stuff (1vs100, the upcoming Arcade) to Sony's (Home)...but not so much that I wouldn't have bought a PS3 over my 360 if all my friends had them instead.
  20. I'm currently at S in two time trials (Warp Zone, Tower) and V in one (Lab 1). How the time trials work FYI: 4 possible ranks: V, S, A, B. Beat the par time, get all the medals, and have 0 deaths to get V rank, subtract one rank for each criteria you don't have. I'd advise getting all medals and finishing quickly for everything except Lab 2, where not dying is easier than getting all the medals (due to having to complete the Veni, Vidi, Vici! puzzle).
  21. Lategame, devourer doesn't fulfill his role of ganker / support as well as pebbles because devourer lacks an AOE stun. Similarly, in the lategame channeled ults really lose their effectiveness as your chance of maintaining it goes down in teamfights. Pebs can hit for 500 magic damage and 250 physical damage without channeling, and his portkey distance is about the same range as hook. Edit: If you're going to try to drag out the game to a full hour by turtling and become a semi-carry with devourer, then he's the way to go. If you want your game to end around the 45:00 mark, pick Pebbles or Deadwood instead.
  22. I had really wished for all of Zelda 64 to be down there the first time I played Wind Waker. Would have been absolutely incredible (and made up for a lack of dungeons in WW).
  23. "Easy Mode Unlocked" my ass -- it took me 50 attempts to get that section down. This game was amazing, and anyone who doesn't at least try the demo is really, REALLY missing out. Currently finished my first playthrough with 15/20 trinkets, and will definitely go back for the remainder of them.
  24. Blacksmith is really solid now as int support if you don't need the extra melee slot. I played a really solid BS game just now, fun as hell.
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