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Patrick Burns

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Everything posted by Patrick Burns

  1. Look how many views this thread has. Has the popularity of this forum declined that much in the past year and a half?
  2. The dick coming out of the dude's forehead did it for me.
  3. (goals) I took a sleeping pill last night, and I'm gonna do it again tonight. baby steps
  4. If someone is scared off because of that, then I doubt they would have the constitutions to tackle serious behavior change anyway. Not that I plan on posting body pics of myself, but the more content this thread has the better.
  5. GOAL To be able to run 5 miles at about a 10 minute pace again. To get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep most days. This last year I've had very irregular sleep patterns, and my overall health/mood has suffered. I'll have to get up at about 5am for work this summer, so I've got tot get my act together or I won't be doing so hot. THE PLAN Run 9 miles a week by the end of May, 12 miles per week by the end of June, and 15 miles by the end of July. I plan to run 3-4 times per week. Be going to sleep around 10 by the end of May, and 9 by the time work starts in the beginning of June.
  6. Parts of the last half had me thinking of the Lion King. Then I read you describing something as "Zimmer-ish." neat! Not really sure why, but this is my favorite mix in a while. Thanks
  7. I'd never seen that bit in the manual. It's in the Logic 8 manual which I haven't spent much time reading. I looked for a similar section in the 7 reference but couldn't find anything. I never noticed any consistencies before it happened in 7 - just a short pause when it wouldn't respond before they appeared, and I could never reproduce it at will. As far as how to make it happen in 8... yes, if I highlight multiple regions then all of those notes will appear in the integrated arrange window piano roll, but I'm not sure that is what the manual is talking about. I notice the horizontal scroll bar changing depending on if I double-click on the background or a note, but regardless of what combination of regions I have in the project, I can't make notes from other regions appear. The problem is I can't find the menu options that the manual excerpt is referencing, but I'm one of the least observant people I know, so its probably sitting somewhere in plain sight.
  8. It's 8 hours from the east side to Baltimore and 12 hours from the west. It looks like he's on the west
  9. word I've been using it so long I can anticipate it. I usually swear a half-second before they all pop up. I'm not sure what that is.
  10. Logic Studio seems to always win out on paper - it has so many features at a good price. I would advise, though, because of how new you are to the process, that you not invest completely in it at this point. On one hand, because it is pro software you will learn quite a bit, but on the other hand you are forced to learn quite a bit before you can get going. I bought Logic Express 7 at a time when my only experience was a Yamaha keyboard. It took a about 6 to 8 months of learning Logic and all things electronic music before I could really get into the program and let some ideas flow to a finished product. After 4 years, I recently bought Logic Studio and enjoy it very much. (omg I can't believe it's been 4 years ) Unless you rule out Macintosh before you buy, I think the ideal situation would be to buy a Mac and run a XP partition. All new Macs have Boot Camp installed - all you need is an WindowsXP SP2 installation disc (SP2 must be on the disc, you can't install SP1 and upgrade). Then you could try both sides of the spectrum. In any event, don't buy Logic Studio from the get go. At least try Logic Express 8 first. (Its price + the upgrade to Logic Studio = the original price of Logic Studio.)
  11. On the EWQLSO system requirements: "Use of this product with an Intel Mac requires Kontakt 2.2 or later (not included)." This goes the same for most if not all of their products at the moment as far as I know. That's the main reason I haven't taken advantage of that awesome East West buy 1 get 1 free deal going on now. Somehow using Kontakt within Logic Studio feels very redundant to me considering the awesome utilities LS already has included, and the extra sample quality isn't important enough to me at the moment to work through all of that.
  12. My scholarship dictates that I must at the least minor in music. I'll probably major, but we'll see how it goes. Richmond doesn't have the most comprehensive music program, but the few music majors they have get a lot of small or private classes. The main composition professor is very into electroacoustic and gets commissions all the time, so I think things will work out nicely. They also have a great music tech lab because of him, and I'm told he just got a big grant to expand it.
  13. I updated my home page with some originals. burns212.googlepages.com Thanks for listening. -Patrick
  14. I've got a 64 pally. The only reason I play anymore is for my rl friends - the kind of friends that will loan you 250g and organize a strat, scholo, and dm runs for your pally horse. They help me level, and I help them level. Unless I see them on, I usually just log off. My biggest issue is that the story and character of the game becomes more nonexistent the more you play. I think that's a huge shame since Blizzard obviously has some outstanding artists.
  15. I think the words are great; they make the song much more meaningful and memorable. Larry is very articulate, and subtle manipulation of the stereo effect on his voice on the last sentence is awesome. The quote is great as well - the first time I heard it, I was pretty inspired.
  16. This thing helped me pull an all-nighter to get a history essay done on time. nice stuff
  17. tough love from the community leaders ftw
  18. With today's Macbook Pro update, 3rd party RAM, and an academic discount, the exact Mac system I listed in the first post (w/ 200 gigs on the hard drive) now cost $1900 before tax. So I went ahead and bought one. I'll be picking up Logic Studio tomorrow. Thanks again for the input... good discussion.
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