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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. But when DK's in there... is he stuck, or can he likely hop back out immediately? or.... is he about to fall clear through the stage??
  2. Can someone who's played Animal Crossing tell us what the heck this thing is? Is the black stuff sticky, is it some sort of solid hole, or is it just a useless effect that temporarily appears? I'm so curious...!! [Edit] Indeed, played some original Smash Bros. today with items on highest; building traps with mines is so great Especially when there aren't any comp players to obliviously walk into them. Traps and other items can totally change the dynamic of the whole fight, I love how there's more items like that in Brawl.
  3. Ohh, what's that font?? Seems logical that ALL the final smashes make you invincible until they're over... unless you fall off the stage. Heh, I hope you can't interrupt FS's by breaking the ground underneath the guy =p
  4. Naw. Clearly he was just drunk. [Edit] Hmmm, another update that doesn't tell us much what the move actually DOES. Looks like you're supposed to run away from DK, or... maybe not? Maybe you're supposed to camp out on the safest ground (middle of the stage?)
  5. Want to kill some time while waiting for the update? Watch all the videos in this thread: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11006 Once you finish that, watch a few of these: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4193 If you finish all those and the update's still not up, try dancing harder.
  6. LOL there should be a reality show where there's a bunch of Smash Bros. geeks living in an apartment, and on an unsuspecting Monday morning, the new Brawl update fails to appear. The hours go by, and one by one they go mad =O
  7. Woah, trippy, you've got about 3 different perspectives going on in there. Great job on the guitar, objects like that can be really tough to get right =]
  8. We all have to do the update dance, to please the update gods. Ironically, that's the same dance that's shown in Makai's sig. Everybody, do the dance!
  9. Wouldn't it be kinda scary if the next update was a Metroid assist trophy? Well, it's almost Japan Time...
  10. Watched all the parts as well. I've seen another documentary-type thing about that guy before, but it never ceases to amaze me. And, what's this, a visualization program that actually FITS with the music?? It's about time! Watched the videos, love how the singing is a different colour than the rest =] Could we see this in action with a chiptune? I'd imagine that'd show every note pretty clearly (but I could be wrong).
  11. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!??! Someone, please, someone tell him why. [Edit] I'm sure everyone's already seen this McDonalds commercial, but I'll post it here anyway:
  12. Hmmm, someone needs to practice their maths.... but whom??? There's gotta be a flaw somewhere here: "can not not include" == "can include" But I can't quite figure it out >< [Edit] AHA! "cannot not include" should be "not CAN(not include)" where CAN is a predicate such that CAN(T) = T and CAN(F) = F :. = "not CAN(not include)" = "not not include" = "include" This is WAY more entertaining than discussing Brawl updates! And with that, I have to go to the can. ...NOT!
  13. Yes, let's send him our votes; melancholy votes of tearful goodbyes. Atma was like a giant magic monster-weapon to me... *sniff* Anyway, can anyone here think of any reasons for me to NOT get a Newgrounds account? I'm thinking of hosting my WIP Konami thing to post here, and submitting some of my older (and future) stuffs...
  14. You know what's a real "no brainer"? Not including the Mother Brain! Arrrrr, terrible puns ahoy! By the way: "can't not include" =/= "can include" "can't not include" = ~( ~include ) = include You needs ta gets mo' practice on ya boolean logic, P!
  15. They pretty much can't NOT include metroids, they'd be the most fun assist trophy. Besides Ridley and some of the classic enemies (zoomers, sidehoppers, etc.), there's really not much Metroid material to include as an assist trophy. If there's no metroids in Brawl, I'll... eat a goat. Or part of one. Eventually. Again. ...Maybe.
  16. Ahahahah, I'm crying
  17. Just saw them both right now, loved the remix =D Ummmm, I don't think the original was supposed to be funny...? Nor, in fact, is funny. You mean it is, in fact, terribly GOOD piano playing? Well, moderately good, at the very least. Are half the posts in this thread reeking in needlessly confusing sarcasm? Here's a video that is, in fact, kind of funny:
  18. Well, if they put Dr. Mario back in (unlikely I think), his final smash could have the player control the movement of giant pills as they fall onto the stage. But Tetris would make an absolutely amazing stage: blocks keep falling down, dynamically changing the floor. And when a full row is completed, it disappears of course (or EXPLODES!!). It'd play like an insanely souped-up Bridge of Eldin (with uneven ground and a shorter horizontal size), but look 10 times better. Some of the Tetris songs would totally fit in a Smash Bros fight too, especially if they're remixed =D Footstool jump on Giga Bowser? I don't think the collision detection is NEARLY that good - his shell darts around so fast, it'd be harder to land on than that useless cloud in Melee's Yoshi stage. Footstool jump on Luigi could sometimes send the player up into the sky for a KO =D Would be an amazing game mechanic if jumping on different characters worked slightly differently.
  19. Just a minute ago a song popped into my head, and I'm thinking "what IS that awesome song? Must be from a movie trailer or something..." And of course I soon realized it was the song from this trailer (which I watched soon-ishly after the thread was posted). Normally trailer songs are completely forgettable, but this one's a cut above the norm. Great job!
  20. Interesting.... how do you do a Meteor Smash then?
  21. He wasn't kidding when he said "techniques to guard against recovery". We should've seen this move coming from 1000 miles away! Also, he says "Now press the jump button with perfect timing". Seems likely the default controls will have jump as a button, rather than up. I'd be happy if that was the case =] Do you need a double jump in you to perform a Footstool jump? (I cringe at the thought of what pros might call it later... probably some cryptic one-syllable word like 'sftool', 'stew' or 'fool'.... or maybe 'Boing!') If you do need to double jump to do it, I wonder what they'd do to prevent Kirby from doing this move way too much. I suppose his opponent would likely have ample time to attack/avoid Kirby before he lands on you in an oh-so-floaty fashion. It's looking more and more like the characters' B-up moves will be VERY important to how the game is played. Let's hope there's some good strategy involved in recovering.
  22. The bottommost platform (on the right side) and the slanty platform on the left have no clouds under them; likely those two are indestructible. So I finally got an update guess right and actually posted it BEFORE the update. Whee, go me
  23. Why would he need to be a clone? From what I see, Ness's Smash repertoire is largely independent of what he does in the game (well, his B-moves anyway). Sure, he's fun to play, but if the game has both Lucas and Ness, they'd probably make all new moves for Lucas, leaving Ness with all the "classic" Smash moves. Even if Lucas has moves with the same name (thunder, fire, etc.), they could do completely different things. Ness's final Smash? NESS used the Ruler! Now he can find the exact measurement of things! So, any guesses for tommorow's update? Mine is more info on Pit, or his stage. I know guessing the next update is utterly pointless, but... is that not crux of this thread? (To clarify, I mean to say that being pointless is the crux of this thread) [Edit] Hmm, the idea that Lucas (or other Earthbound characters) could have completely new and interesting psi moves really get me thinking about the huge potential a Golden Sun character could have. The original has so many combinations of spells (was it called "psi" in those games too?), it'd be easy to come up with a fun and inventive set of Smash moves. And the Final Smash could obviously be one of those insane summons.
  24. Sigh... I can dream......
  25. Made of clay?? C'mon, you guys's imaginations are out of control. I totally didn't notice anything about the screenshots, until I read Kiyosuki's latest post. I did however notice immediately that the main character pose was a little... err, a LOT... ummm, "queer", so to speak. When I saw it I thought "oh, so THAT's why they haven't shown Yoshi until now." Actually, a couple weeks ago I hypothesized that his new Brawl look (whatever it was going to be) was why they hadn't shown such a major character yet. They've made sure to get us completely hooked via 15 seconds of gameplay footage before they show us all the iffy stuff =P Let's just hope we don't see Captain Falcon in a pose like that. "Show me your moves!" Oh, I'm not even gonna go th- oh, it's too late =[ I'm sorry..... Sooo.... how about that egg throwing move? Personally I'm wondering why some of us here are thinking "Hmmm, how on earth will Yoshi be able to triple jump...? Maybe he throws an egg at himself! Or maybe throws an egg downwards!" News flash: ALL the characters can triple jump already! It doesn't need to make ANY sense at all! Chances are, Yoshi simply jumps and then throws an egg, or floats and throws an egg. Either that, or he literally "increases the distance of his jump", or does something like DeathBySpoon said. Does it obey the law of gravity? nNooooOOooOOo! Since when did Smash Bros. moves (and especially B-up moves) make any sense physically?? I'm hoping Yoshi's eating/put-you-in-egg B move actually has a use besides occasionally killing dumb CPU players (and beginners, who are not necessarily dumb). It'd be great if it caused a decent amount of damage without putting a halt to the action - perhaps the player in the egg could hop and jump around, like the infinitely maneuverable eggs that follow Yoshi in Yoshi's island And does anybody EVER use Yoshi's turn-into-an-egg-and-try-not-to-roll-into-the-pit-oh-god-how-do-I-cancel-this-move move from Melee? What is it FOR??? I'm actually curious, I want to know if that move has ever caused any sort of minuscule gameplay advantage to a person using it, besides confusing his/her opponent. Trivia: try that move in the Flat Zone stage, and when you change direction you'll see the egg turn like a flat paper a la Paper Mario. Hey... do you think characters can land on each other now? Or maybe just on DK? Maybe just allies? That'd be interesting. And landing on Bowser could cause damage =p ... and I'll say this once more: where's Mario's stomp-on-enemy move? He should totally be able to stomp on an opponent (via aerial down-A or neutral-A perhaps) and bounce up off him. Even a small bounce, exactly like Link's aerial A-down, would be perfect for Mario & Luigi. Homage to the original characters my ass. Oh yes, one more thing: clay Ness character...is....AWESOME!!!
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