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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. The guy who talks with Snake in the first and last video... it instantly sounded familiar when I heard it yesterday, though I've never played any Metal Gear games before (gasp!). I think I finally figured out why: he sounds a lot like that Protoss guy from StarCraft, Aldaris is his name I believe. Anyone know if it's the same voice actor? [checks IMDB] Why yes, it is. Don't know why I didn't think of that until now =p
  2. http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/music/music08.html EVERY song is the main song! =D Now get shootin'! The first video made my laugh, because I knew someone who didn't know who Mario was - explaining to someone who Mario is is a little awkward. But she does know now, so maybe that doesn't count? =p So I watched the gameplay video frame-by-frame (HEY, it only takes a couple minutes!), and noticed some things. - Yes, that's almost definitely a detonator Snake's using at the start. - Wario eats a grenade, and then proceeds to grow twice his size before returning completely to normal. (er, whatever "normal" is for Wario) - This happens twice: one character uses a shield, gets hit, and then the shield is gone... did they let go of the shield button in favour of making a nice action video, or are the shields only good for one hit? If I felt like looking at it longer I could maybe figure it out... - Some of Snake's attack animations are incredible in slow motion, very lifelike - It seems when a character is grabbed, a big twirly circle thing appears. I'm all for nice visual cues like that =] - Mario's neck is broken, but he still manages to keep his hat on. Impressive.
  3. Yep, that's how I've always pronounced it too. Though it's not a word I say often... or, um, ever =p
  4. Yes, but how are the O's pronounced? Does it rhyme with "oh no", or is it like "krone - ah", "krawn - oh", or "krawn - aw" (like in "chronological"). Yes, this is related to my entry in some strange twisted way. Don't ask
  5. I remember it took quite a few tries on my first play through that game. But on my 0 energy tank run, I beat that guy on the first try somehow. That, after dying again and again at the Omega Pirate and Ridley. It probably took me multiple attempts to actually GET to the boss room too, those Fission guys are from hell. The Metroid Prime's not that bad though - all of its moves can be dodged or otherwise avoided, you've just gotta be ready for them =) If you step in some big glowy thing in the first room (the same room with the save station), aren't you transported back to the surface? My memory is a little hazy...
  6. Today's update is the tourney. I need to take lots of screenshots, so I can show all the robust tourney-generating functions! I- I'll choose 32 players!! Wow, that's a lot of matches! Better make them only one minute each, I don't have a lot of time to waste Whirrrrrreeee... It sure is hard work creating detailed data for each entrant! I must keep going, or it will look like I don't have 31 friends! It - it's time to begin the Tourney! Black text on a red background??? My eyes!! It's super effective! (10 minutes later) I-I... I must finish the Tourney! People must see the mode determining which player stands victorious on the summit after winning many battles against many foes! (20 minutes later) Ooooh. It’s so dynamic! (5 minutes later) What is Tourney mode?! This is a fun extra mode where you can enjoy decorating things by putting stickers on them. Actually, you can also play this by yourself against computer opponents, so try it out if you’re so inclined.
  7. Ah, [spoilers]I believe that's the Aurora Unit's voice (the unit that guides you through much of the game). I can't remember what it said, but yeah, that was kind of lame. The voice acting DOES sound like a computer though Also, completely unrelated: those transmissions in the ice place - I first thought they were from the Bryonnian that left all those lore messages. But yeah, Aurora trying to contact you makes a lot more sense. Noticed all that, yeah. Another case of "not quite as good as Prime 1 and 2" though =p Oh wow, I wonder how long it would've taken to figure that out!
  8. And probably correct. Game & Watch Final Smash!
  9. "Expect"? Sure, it'd be absolutely amazing, but I wouldn't necessarily expect it. Let's hope though =D And someone mentioned in this thread that after Fusion, metroids are extinct, and planet SR-388 exploded. My memory is hazy, but I thought the planet didn't explode? I thought the research station crashed into it and exploded, setting it up for a sequel on SR-388. Also, there's no way to tell that metroids are extinct - they were supposedly extinct at the START of fusion, and look what happened there. So, finally beat the game. After the third seed boss, the story, gameplay, and overall atmosphere kept getting much much worse, up until the final boss. [spoilerS] Dark Samus was so weird and over the top, it was just PERFECT for the ending of the Prime Series. It made me realize "this game isn't even trying to be serious, just enjoy it!", and I did. It really felt like everything before that was leading up to this - now the two most powerful entities in the galaxy (Dark Samus and Perma-Hyper Mode Samus) are dueling in the middle of a planet made of Phazon. No, it doesn't make an ounce of sense, but it's still awesome. Giant brain that does bizarre moves that leave itself vulnerable for no reason? Sure! Planet exploding? Why not! Samus magically got back to her ship in time, even though she's trapped in a room underground... ok. Let's throw an epic space battle in there too for good measure. And wormholes, you've gotta have those! I was very dissapointed with the credits music though. Bloody awful compared to Prime 1 (and I can't even remember the credits for Echoes). Actually, I didn't particularly like Prime 3's soundtrack. Like Prime 1 and 2, it had a few great tunes that stood out... but in corruption they weren't as great, and there were fewer. This stuff is prime remixing material though. ...stupid puns, I need a thesaurus. By the way, what was this groan-inducing piece of dialog at the end that you guys are talking about? It seemed each line was just as awkward as the last. Was it "The planet is going to explode"? And about the Valhalla: In the "last" room, there is a PDA - you read the code off of it, and enter it into a panel. This lets you view the final message of the Aurora unit before it was stolen. NOW: this room ALSO contains a Pirate drop-pod thingy stuck in it. This pod contains a console, from which you obtain the "Pirate Code". What on earth does this code do? I obtained it before I let the GF attack, right after I got the Nova Beam I think (I was just so dang curious to see what was in that ship!). After you get this "code", the Aurora unit sends you a transmission - unfortunately I was interrupted (I tried to pause the game by pressing '1', but accidentally skipped the last part of the transmission!). Do you need the Pirate Code to complete the game, or get some kind of additional secret? Or is it merely pirate guidelines? I'm sorry, it was inevitable. But seriously, I'd like to know what it's for, if anyone knows =) And, to anyone who's sequence breaking and trying to get all missile expansions without getting all the energy cells (yeah, nobody's actually gonna try that), here's something you can do: Go to the room in the Valhalla where you insert two energy cells to make a ramp go up (the one that's only 3 rooms away from your landing site). The sole purpose of this ramp is so you can get to the second floor of the room. But *gasp* you can get to this second floor WITHOUT activating the ramp, which means you can skip two energy cells and still get the missile expansion in the next room!! =O Not that anyone cares, but here's how you do it: from the entrance, turn right, and in the corner there's a pile of rubble that goes between the first and second floor. You have to screw attack into the wall at a funny angle, and upon rebounding off the wall, you'll land right on that second floor. Missile expansion (and some funky scans) ahoy! I also attempted sequence breaking in the room where the Aurora unit was stolen from. Instead of inserting the two energy cells, you can actually get on top of the ramps without the use of the elevator, and screw attack all the way to the door at the end! Unfortunately, the door is blocked off by an invisible wall specifically to prevent sequence breaking. Big waste of 20 minutes =p
  10. Darling?!! Umm, what do I rename it to, shmoopy? To answer your question, chances are I wouldn't be able to participate every time. I usually like to put some actual work into my entries, but I've got a full plate right now. I'd be happy to create sub-par entries though. They can't be any worse than that megaman thing
  11. Just giving this a bump. I'm glad to say that this time I have an idea for a piece that I'll actually be able to finish :]
  12. Satanic Fighting Robots at last! I don't know what programs the average Joe has to execute this swf file, but I know it will work if the file is downloaded and then opened in Firefox. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/54390439/megaman.swf.html You win simply by playing it, because the game is "made of win", as it were. The space bar makes you go faster, but it seems nobody's able to notice it for some reason =/
  13. I think the screenshot of Charizard holding a rock clearly shows that there are two versions of the Pokemon trainer. One where Charizard is holding a rock, and one where Charizard is not holding a rock. I wonder what FLUDD Mario's Final Smash will be...! I think he'll shoot water!
  14. Things I like most about this update: 7) WOOAH Castle Theme! 6) WOOOOOAH Dark World theme! 5) The chances of having a Gameboy Pokemon chiptune just got WAAAY higher. 4) There's gotta be at least one good song for each stage now! 3) WHOAAAOMG Super Metroid music 2) Brambles!!!!! 1) Turning the DK rap off!
  15. Heh, for a game the boasts the "best FPS controls on any console", you'd think there's a chance that it's an FPS?? Not an entirely traditional one, but an FPS nonetheless... maybe. I'm curious what others think of this opinion: here is a list of games I've played, most of which are not particularly noted for their exploration, that I felt had better exploration than any of the Prime games (ESPECIALY Prime 3... so far): - Turok 2 - Goldeneye - System Shock 2 - Paper Mario - Super Paper Mario - Zelda 1, 2, and LTTP - Super Mario Bros 3 - Diddy Kong Racing (well, maybe that's pushing it) A little ironic, no? I'm right at the end of skytown (1 piece of the THING left to pick up), and I'm rather dissapointed by the pure lack of exploration in that place (particularly towards the end). In the last half, there were absolutely NO "forks in the road". I just went on "autopilot", romping from one room to the next without caring where I am, casually scanning and shooting things as I went. It was practically impossible to explore or get lost, because the next thing you had to do was always right in front of you (or sometimes *gasp* somewhere else in the same room!). They made an intricate single-path labyrinth of activating every machine you saw, when instead they could have made building-size puzzles that actually made you think. There was ONE fork I found, but it turned out to be just a save room. During my "autopilot" flight through Skytown, I didn't even care to take note where I was on the map at any point. "Oh cool, 10 minutes ago I was at the bottom of this room, and now I'm at the top of this room, and this elevator is online! How about that!" An extremely long linear run that takes no effort whatsoever (hey, the enemies were easy too, ESPECIALLY the metroids!) - that is NOT what most of us have come to expect in a Metroid game. Maybe a Prime game though. For me, Skytown hit a new low on the fun-o-meter. Playing any of those games I listed above is much more fun than anything in Skytown.... that place better have a good boss ><
  16. No kidding. I'm hopeless!! Will the flash animation for which this thread is about ever see the light of day???
  17. Well, the fact that a peanut gun can have so many features (charging, edible bullets, exploding) gives me a LITTLE hope that they'll do something interesting with Samus' shooting move(s) this time. She'd better not have the slowest projectiles and the slowest "draw" again... she doesn't even draw a gun, it's her freaking arm! Sorry for the Samus rant, couldn't help myself
  18. Alright, the movie is up and running. I must warn you though, with the themes of "fighting robots" and "satanic", it's pretty weird - and maybe even a little scary. Well, I know the funnyhaha vets will get a kick out of this, but.... everyone else, be warned! In fact, don't even watch it, it's pure crap. Enjoy! Hmmm... seems imageshack does not like this flash file... it skips two thirds of the frames, resulting in major badness. Well, I just got a Newgrounds account today.... here's an old funnyhaha relic that I just polished up and uploaded: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/398603 Apparently Newgrounds has a "file storage" feature - I was planning on using this to host the flash file. But, I can't seem to find out how to use it anywhere, despite its mention in the NG FAQ. However: Could the file storage feature be one of the "secret items"? Anyone here used Newgrounds before? I suppose I should ask over at NG.... tommorow. Sorry!! [Edit] Dammit... maybe I'll have it up next week?
  19. Man, PUT SPOILER TAGS!!! Although, I'm not even halfway through the game, and I already could have guessed that. Just... be more careful please! The game's been out for less than a week! (I think)
  20. Me? I've always lived in Canada (and as far as I know, that's what my profile's location has always been). Should have it up soon... tomorrow at the latest. Stuff like this always takes me an unnecessarily long time ><
  21. Here's one thing I'm curious about: how do people doing Prime speed runs handle the room loading waits? Do the doors load when the game's paused? Or do these guys devise strategies and paths to minimize door waitage? Ha, especially when you have barely any energy, and that door to the save room won't open as Pirates are shooting at you ><
  22. You're right. Today's what, the third? The thread is gone, but according to my PMs... the second last contest ended 16 months plus 3 days ago... subtract 2 two weeks for the contest duration... 15.64 months. HA!! Oh, hmm, that's not as funny as I'd hoped. I mean, if it was 15.84 - now THAT's comedy!
  23. Wow, 14.845 whole months since the funnyhaha competition at OCR ended! Has it been that long already? I have no idea, I just pulled that number from nowhere. For all I know, it could have ended 8.3011111 months ago. To those wondering, funnyhaha was a comedy competition here... there was comedy, there was competition, and it was here. To those familiar with this competition (specifically its final weeks), you may remember one particular competition with the theme of "Satanic", and the other theme of "Fighting Robots". Well I sure don't remember it. And so I have finally finished my "bonus entry" for it. Actually, I probably finished it over a year ago, but now I'm finally getting around to showing it. However, this mind-blowing flash animation is filled to the brim with obscure inside jokes. To LAOS, reelmojo, what's-his-name, and the other guy: this is for you. I will post the animation shortly, but first I have to confirm that you guys are still alive, and with your collective sense of humour intact. I really could have made this post via PM's, but... it's more fun this way. This thread can facilitate any other funnyhaha-related discussion too. Please move this to "off topic" if it doesn't belong here =)
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