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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. Good to know =D You realize that you can change the buttons to whatever you want, right? That's what the whole update was about. .....or are you just guessing what the defaults will be? Though the gamecube controller definately seems like the best so far, I see some potential for the nunchuck configuration. I don't exactly like the Wii remote's lack of buttons though - every button configuration I can think of has only 2 buttons on the remote that can be confortably reached at one time. The nunchuck has some extra buttons on it, but I found using Z and the control stick in Twilight Princess to be terribly uncomfortable. So uncomfortable I needed to take breaks from the game (gasp!) ...has anyone ever tried holding the nunchuck upside-down to be able to confortably press both Z and C, using your thumb (but sacrificing the use of the control stick)? Surprisingly I found it VERY confortable. It's almost as if they had that in mind when they designed it... The Wii remote on it's side will hopefully take advantage of the orientation sensing (sensing the "slantyness", if you will). It'd be great if you could tilt the controller to move your character, and then use the d-pad's 4 directions as 4 different buttons. Something like: - Tilt left/right to move left/right (analagous to the control stick) - Press d-pad up to jump - Press d-pad down to use shield/dodge - Tilt remote's pitch up/down to crouch and be able to perform A moves without jumping (analagous to lightly tilting the control stick up or down) - Grab with... o shit, we ran out of buttons! Now here's a REALLY weird possibility. One that I definately hope is in the game: In the nunchuck configuration, pointing the remote at the screen to replace the control stick. Point to the left side of the screen to move left, point to the top- ...you get the idea. That'd let you give up the nunchuck's control stick and you'd be able to use C and Z comfortably =D ...And I'm curious: does anyone actually care how you type in your 4 letter name? "Pressing a button three times to type one letter? What were they thinking?! It's ruining the entire update!"
  2. Hoooooly, mine totally would've lost (as usual =p) I am not dissapointed, nice stuff everyone =D
  3. Next month let's do Resident Evil... maybe the contest will, y'know, come back from the dead as a zombie contest, or something? Sorry, I have time for slightly witty remarks, but alas no time for drawing =( Maybe tommorow I'll draw up a bonus entry. Today is.... I shouldn't even be wasting time looking at this board =p
  5. I thought this newest song sounds the MOST fitting to play during a battle, of the songs released so far... Try imagining the sights and sounds of a Smash Bros game while you listen to the songs - they might actually sound a bit better. Heck, it even makes the Ridley theme sound pretty good. All of the songs released so far (yes, even the Yoshi one) sound like they'd fit in a Smash Bros. battle no less than any song from SSB or Melee. I for one like the epic feel. A lot ^^ .....I mean, I thought I complained a lot, but.... claiming that OOT remix doesn't fit in a SSB fight... I dunno, you're taking SSBB complaints to a whole new level they were never meant to go. That Wario picture looks to me like Wario's clearly doing a move (probably some boring ol' A move... but maybe he can launch himself like Luigi, and that's the aftermath???). Fox may or may not be getting hit by Wario or something else.
  6. ......I might not have time to do mine =( Haven't had time to start even. Just curious: how busy is this time of year in terms of school/university exams and stuff? The activity this time is unexpectedly low...
  7. But you see, the number 100 has no significance there. It seems likely you're right though....
  8. Here's a question I've always asked but never recieved an answer for: Why is the damage in Smash Bros. represented as a percent? Does 100 damage have any significance at all, or was it merely a dumb mistake? Does the % symbol mean something different in Japan? Is it some kind of an inside joke? Was it forced upon the developers by a massive terrorist organization? Is it a secret encypted message containing the list of Brawl characters? Why, I ask, why? [Edit] Oh wait, I think I just figured it out.... is it because when you're at 100% damage, you go flying 100% faster than when you're at 0%? Seems a reasonable theory.... has that ever been tested out? Or is it just common sense? =/
  9. I guess I'll submit mine tommorow too, if I have time.... I haven't started yet though. You wanna extend it, like, a week? How many submissions so far?
  10. ???????? If it's 1 on 1, running away does you no good. If it's a FFA, use time instead of stock and you'll lose if you run away. Or.... were you being sarcastic? ...I think Hyrule temple is great, but I'm not a fan of the underground part, I often find it frustrating trying to actually get someone in the pit down there. But without the underground bit, it doesn't really have anything to do with a Zelda 2 temple, does it?
  11. The thing that made SSB1 stages like Hyrule Castle great was that they were simple, yet so varied and interesting. That part of the castle with the tower alone made it a great level. What Brawl needs are some stages with walls and varied ground height like that, instead of the main platform always being flat. Again, maybe walls simply don't lend themselves to Brawls gameplay... but we'll see. It seems, at the moment, that Brawl's stages (that they've so far revealed) are neither varied nor interesting - but gameplay-wise they're probably a LOT more varied than they look. But again, who knows....
  12. Woah, for a second I thought I'd missed an update! I don't know how likely this is, but MAYBE each series will have a tournament-like stage (like all the ones we've seen), and a more different stage. Or maybe they just found that Final Smashes don't work so well on stages that are more different? I can totally see the possibility of Brawls' gameplay simply "not working" (well) with weird stages. However I'm hoping they do have some more interesting things in them (SSB1-type things like the moving platform and bumper on Peach's castle, I'm not talking about instant-kill tornados or Pokefloat levels). That reminds me: I hope they have some good pokemon music this time - I played one of the gameboy games a bit back in the day when everybody did, and I absolutely loved the music, especially the battle themes. So far none of the Smash Bros. Pokemon songs have come close to the quality of those energetic little chiptunes... Anyway, stages... I'm hoping there's a Metroid stage that has something to do with a Metroid game, rather than some random cave with random science-fiction-ish crap strewn about. For instance, they could put metroid-style doors on one or both sides of the stage, or even on the floor - attack the doors to open them for 10-20 seconds, leaving a perilous gap! Metroid is famous for its breakable walls/floors and secret paths - with Pit's destructable stage in Brawl, a heavily desctructable Metroid stage seems likely (no, that one in Melee was NOT destructable!!). Heck, they could simply make platforms and walls that LOOK like they've come from a Metroid game, and I'd be happy =) On that note... The Chozo temple above the impact crater in Metroid Prime 1 would be absoletely perfect for a Brawl level. Wide open space? Check. Gigantic pit? Check. Single flat platform? Check. Add some destructable pillars on it, and you've got yourself an interesting level. Not to mention the amazing atmosphere they could achieve (rain goes on, rain goes off!), and the place's major significance in the Metroid Prime series' plot. It could even have Ridley fly in occasionaly! One thing I really DON'T like about the current shown stages is that they're all completely symetrical. I mean, does asymetry really hurt tournament play AT ALL? Must hitting your opponent to the left have exactly the same conseqences as hitting your opponent to the right? Does "you must recover" on the left edge have to be EXACTLY the same as on the right edge? They've gotta get more variation in there or it'll suffer some serious boringness. The stages so far, it seems, have very little potential for strategy... I'll applaud the tilting platform in Yoshi's stage though, and it appears the Pokemon Stadium's platforms change around (the platforms are in different places in some screenshots). [Edit] Just when I thought this post couldn't get any more bloated: Brawl needs a Bowser's Castle stage! Spinning sticks of fire, podoboos jumping out of the lava, maybe a bridge, those orange elevator platforms - there are tons of possibilties. It could work insanely well in either 8-bit style (like those SMB1 and 2 stages in Melee), or a realistic graphical style like the Starfox stage. Even something as simple as a tilting platform surrounded in lava (the rooms where you fight some of the Koopa Kids in Super Mario World) would be great =D
  13. The whole series.... all the previous months have been whole series' at least =)
  14. A few more off the top of my head: Stormlord 'Seneca's Marble Pack Edit' Mega Man X 'Dreams Come True' (Holy crap that took five minutes.) [Edit] Earthworm Jim 2 'Invertebrate Retreat' The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Falling Back'
  15. ...? Aaaaanyway... not sure if I'll be able to do a good job by friday - I have an assignment to do. It'd be great if the deadline was extended until, say, the morning or afternoon the next day...
  16. So far the "about a month" theory sounds the most plausable to me. No food rations for 3 months? They REALLY don't like it when you don't follow the rules. Either that or they don't eat much at all... I mean, look how thin their waists are! http://www.conceptart.org/artist/andrew-jones/images/MP2_BONUS/space_pirate.jpg Cool, I didn't actually know that. If that is indeed the case: Meta Ridley appears in the frigate in Metroid Prime, no? So, that COULD be a month, or possibly a year between the two games. Both sound reasonable. But, if the frigate is from Zebes, why does it have Phazon on it? I guess either they stopped off a Talon first, or transported the Phazon'd Parisite Queen from Talon to the frigate using another craft. Quick, someone find out how many cycles they were using Phazon on the frigate for before it crashed! My theory: Retro probably didn't really think about cycles that much - either that, or the amount of time is variable (or planet-dependant) like what's his name said. The stuff Samus's visor reads is translated from a multitude of languages: perhaps it translates several different measurements of time into the word "cycle"? I thought the suit's interface (stuff Samus sees on the visor) was in English - made by the Galactic Federation and probably not the Chozo. You can't say that humans don't have the ability to add stuff to Samus' suit - happens a dozen times in Metroid Fusion. Even the Pirate-made visor is compatible with the suit. Hell, here's some more things you can add to the list of stuff compatible with Samus's suit: random globs of organic matter, giant exploding metroid, DNA, a big fat guy falling on you, a puddle of Phazon, the essense of an entire planet, magic floating ammunition that comes from random animals - the list goes on! Regardless of whether any of this makes sense or is relevant, this topic is more time-wastingly delightful than Zelda timeline theories. Oh wait - the whole "Noah's Ark" thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense, if you remember the whole deal with Ridley's Pink Mothership of Doom from Zero Mission. Ah, I'm thinking too hard, bye =\
  17. Nah, I don't think I have the guts (nor the reputation) to post it myself... anyone's free to quote it though!
  18. Why would Nintendo make final smashes stop the action? You must be pretty cynical to- Oh wait... It looks like the Final Smashes all have an element of "hunt them down" that depends heavily on the stage, much like the hammer item. But this is bound to be a much more important and complex part of the gameplay than a mere hammer. I'm just hoping they manage to do a REALLY good job of it, especially when you consider all the balancing issues that come into play with these moves: characters that jump higher, or who float like Peach, could perhaps easily evade Mario's Final Smash. Fast characters may be able to easily evade Link's. And etc. ...But I'm still pretty confident they know what they're doing.
  19. Is there a rule against posting a shameless plug thread on the main forum? We could maybe post a thread, even if it's bound to get locked, containing a link to this thread and a short message:
  20. Indeed, we must hear your reason, lest someone answer your question in vain!
  21. Replays would be pretty nice, might be useful or fun to watch parts in slow motion, zoomed in or what have you. I know StarCraft has replays (although they don't always turn out quite the same as the original game =p), and Warcraft 3 manages to save replays that actually work. I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think either or both games' replay files become obsolete (and hence unplayable) when a new patch is downloaded. What they should do (and I actually see this as a possibility) is have an option to make it so you can take a snapshot at any time by pressing a certain button. All the controller schemes have at least one unused button, I think... Heck, that'd be an awsome feature for the Wii - playing a virtual console game and you find some extraordinary bug, or do something insane: snap a screenshot! I've never owned an XBOX, 360, or PS3 - hell, I don't think I've ever TYPED the words "XBOX" before; I don't know how that capitalization is supposed to go =\ Do any consoles already have screenshot feature (that doesn't require modding)? Sorry, that's getting REALLY off topic (but it's not like this thread actually HAS a stable topic to begin with...) As for Link's Final Smash: Nothing surprising, most of that info could be deduced (and if you feel like it searching for it in this thread, deduced by me ) from the trailer. I kind of like how they attempted to incorperate a LOZ "story" element (sort of) with the triforce on his hand stuff. I read "opponents" as being able to trap more than one, but who's to say that's the correct interpretation? Anyway, here's my educated guess of what Fox's final smash will be: *tkch* Peppy: Do a barrel roll! *tkch* (Fox then proceeds to do a barell roll, destroying all other players with his awsomeness)
  22. 1000 millimeters = 1 meter 1000 millicycles = 1 cycle? 1 cycle = 24 hours? 1 cycle = 365.25 days? 1 cycle = An agreed upon length of time roughly equalling one day of some particular planet in the Metroid universe? 1 cycle = The time it takes Samus' clothes dryer to finish? I really don't know, sorry =( You've already tried googling cycles + "metroid prime", right?
  23. Yep, I'd have to agree with you about the music. Seriously, if someone submitted any of those songs to OCR, would they make it past the judges? It's hard to tell from the 30-60 second clips, but I think only the Yoshi one would have a chance. Of course, I'm not talking about the "main theme" songs that play during the trailers - they both sound amazing. They got my hopes WAY up for the rest of the game's music, as did the impressive list of composers. If you're an optimist, you can hope that they've only recently started the music, and the first few songs to come up on the site were relatively hastily thrown together - or simply posted unfinished for various reasons. "Your Ridley arrangement features a suitable sense of cruelty and tension! I'm gonna post it tommorow, Japan time!" "Um, sir- we're not done it yet, and it sounds like crap. It's still using an FL Slayer on the default settings and-" "It’s magnificent! I-I... I want it!" "But sir-" "Be careful what you say, or you'll get knocked for a loop by a box madly rushing downhill!"
  24. Well, I think everyone can agree that the gameplay's more important than graphics. But it's not so much how it looks that matters, it's the "feel". Colours and brightness tend to dictate this feel. Whether or not you like WC3 or how it looks or feels is not the point. I like the look and feel of "Wii Play". Do I want Starcraft 2 too look like it? Hell no! Starcraft has a very different mood than Warcraft, and to make the intended "mood" of the visuals so similar to Warcraft's latest RTS installment would be... a mistake. Heck, WC3's visuals were so bright and happy-looking, I felt its relatively slow and brooding soundtrack did not fit AT ALL - especially compared to WC2's amazing synergy of music and visual style. When you see SC2 screenshots or videos, can you imagine the original SC soundtrack would "fit" with the visuals? As bright as they are right now, I'm not so sure - even the current music for the SC2 demos and stuff sounds much more "herioc" and "whimsical" than Starcraft's dark vibe. But I'll even admit, I don't mind the new shiny bright look THAT much - you definately don't want to go overkill on the darkness. Heck, that bright planet looks pretty nice and realistic, a nice sunshiny planet, y'know...
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