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Everything posted by Tex

  1. You can always save a playlist in winamp as M3U format. This is what I do sometimes, as I don't really care about ewwtunes and other crud.
  2. I hope he is doing well in life and all that, but I will not deny that his absence is a great loss for a community that needs more charismatic people like him. People here rarely talk about him and I find it rather odd, as he was a significant part of this place at some point.
  3. Let's play some BUBBLE BOBBLE! Yeehaa!
  4. Even if Beethoven was alive, he wouldn't be able to hear anything at all if you know what I mean.
  5. Mustin... more like gigasamples :[
  6. I've been using Goldwave for a long time and always got what I want.
  7. Pinball machines are approved as well.
  8. n0mad He was french. he had some women problems or something and stopped posting. I have one other gif
  9. X3 is some hard crud, but it is still good. All the MMX games from the SNES are awesome. Much better than all this modern shit.
  10. You guys should play and beat Mega Man X at least once in your lives.
  11. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3317
  12. I miss the arcades we had here. I especially miss the Metal Slug ones. But people is so bad they had taken it from us.
  13. I never said "It sucks". I said that it was not good at all. I don't need to state a reason why I don't like it as much as others don't need to state a reason about why they like it. But please, I am not supposed to talk about it anymore. We are ruining his thread.
  14. I don't recall being an ass here. I'm being misinterpreted. But I will cease my talking now.
  15. No, I'm pretty sure I can. It's what's called "an opinion". I'm sorry if you can't deal with it.
  16. Wait, now I think I understand; did you think I was talking about you? Not really. I was talking about me.
  17. I am not trolling. I just didn't like it. Can I have different feelings about something, please?
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