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Everything posted by Tex

  1. I wish the deletion of all my comments in Review forum. And please remove the avatars I did for the site as well.
  2. I've played GBA games in the past. But not too much so. Anyhow, I recommend Wario Land 4; which is a really fun platformer. Cool graphics and neat soundtrack. Check this one out if you can.
  3. I rarely listen to music in my tracker. It is more useful as a quick-backup-machine, saving cool pictures and so on; which is always good.
  4. None. I only like good games.
  5. This is even better. Hopefully the listeners who have not heard from him will like his album. With that said, it still kicks ass.
  6. Children of the Monkey Machine is the best ambient musician aboard. In 2005 he released a solo album called Septic Dreams which has 15 dark ambient and industrial tracks. After finishing his personal project, he decided to make Septic Dreams freely available online. So if you have not listened to his album yet, head over to http://silenthillbbs.dyndns.org/cotmm/septic/ and grab the full package, including his self-made cover art. Enjoy!
  7. Now Atomic Dog made me give up for posting a pic from myself.
  8. If you want a very good single action game, get BlackThorne.
  9. If you really want to work in a project, why don't you help the ones already created? You should be more useful here or there; they need mixers. And a better usage of your skills could be applied on those projects I mentioned, instead of creating new ones. This site has many projects around and new ones will be even annoying. Most of the new projects created will certainly die or fall in riot. And as already mentioned, I also think this is not the time. I am in agreement: forums should have a limitation of projects floating around.
  10. That's in general a really good album. An interesting effort of a job well done. Special regards to KFC. He deserves a lot credit.
  11. as a few gentlemen mentioned, his skills have better usage in other things nowadays. so for those who thinks he will return, this is a waste of time. leave him alone.
  12. i still remember when larry went to unmod posting in most of the threads the following quote: "less liontamer, more liontamer, more judgehate". then gray helped him with this joke saying "larry is bringing back the golden age of unmod". and after this fact most of unmod users started angry with both. gorveg created a thread called "ban liontamer and graylightning". he said they posted that joke in almost 17 threads. well and finally, both stopped ROFLING. as for Gray, i've talked to him for feedback and such. He's a great guy. Particularly one of my best friends in this community. He was always good in what he did, never caused trouble and audiences loved him. I think Larry summarized him well. i lost a true friend. -TJ
  13. I am in total agreement with Dhsu. Nor all game soundtracks are based in square waves, pink noises and so on, and i think the term "chiptunes" isn't really appropriate. Perhaps the most accurate term should be "source tune" instead of the term "chiptunes". by the way that universal plugin is very nice indeed.
  14. OCR01500 is marked with a western 1980s pop music. Nice composition to help clear things up. Best wishes for next songs on this site and beyond.
  15. this is the best thread of the internet.
  16. I am very curious now. I was wondering if there is a good way to make an effect on FL called 'gradual decrease in tempo'. Do you know? When everything in the track become slower by time? Japanese Swamp and Subterranean Opus are some examples of what i am talking about. If this question was already answered, post the link of that. Sorry for not reading all this thread, but this one is nowadays too huge.
  17. wow. an avatar project? i love this craft. awesome work. baseball guy - Yoshi's Island racoon mario - Super Mario Bros. 2 yellow hammer bros - Super Mario Bros. 2 LT: Coo. Gracias.
  18. Zombies Ate My Neighbors, the weirdest soundtrack ever lived - a little rough around the edge but overall it's tight. Catchy stuff.
  19. This is a very nice reinterpretation of the source medley. It's all fun. I loved the end. Oh by the way I love your album. This is for me your Mona Lisa, man. I dont know why it needed 5 YES votes to pass, instead of only 3 YES votes.
  20. I am currently making some collabs around. Then I'd like to know if you had some experience, considering a good way to start off with other people and progress well with successful results. Eventually someone would like to request another person to cover something he/she is incapable to do at time. (guitar, piano, singing development, etc). How it works?
  21. I've sent my vega stage wip to Shael over one week ago. He said to me it sounds good. I think it means I am officially working on it. But i'm not sure at all. To fix things up, I've sent my wip to Malcos as well.
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