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Everything posted by Argle

  1. Could just be these headphones and my noisy IT environment, but I found it a little hard to hear the melodic instruments over the drums. The key change feels awkward.
  2. I watched the sample ones, and it seems better than the tutorial from Groove3 I bought last year which I found disappointing. Oh well, FL Studio isn't my cup of tea, don't think it ever will be, but it looks like a quality tutorial for users.
  3. Not to piss on the parade, but the stretch goals seem so arbitrary. So, for $2,175,000 they will implement "advanced skill trees", but for a paltry $1,650,000 they won't. So if they only get 2m (you know, walking around money), sorry people, only basic skill trees for you. And they can't possibly implement a "new class and character" until you get to the lofty heights of $3,425,000. So if you don't give them millions of extra dollars the game system will be subpar, compared to what it could be. Alright, commence the pile-on.
  4. I like it because it has a good beat and you can dance to it.
  5. Everything sounds flat, two dimensional. I don't think the sound choices are doing you any favors. Not really a fan of the electric guitar lead. The ducking on the pad in the beginning sounds out of time. The thin clap is rather cheesy. There are places where things sound dissonant, like 0:38 and others. On the plus side, the arrangement is much more focused than the first version I listened to. IMO the sounds and mixing are hurting the arrangement.
  6. People will probably laugh at my choice of exercises (I still consider myself an exercise noob, only been at it regularly for a year). For the last couple weeks I've been doing L pull ups, weighted calf raises, one armed push ups (on an incline, I'm not really good at the regular ones yet), handstands/handstand push ups, burpees. I work out at home, don't have a lot of equipment. I'm trying to find exercises that give the most bang for the buck. I'm mainly interested in strength training, but by the time I finish this it feels like brutal cardio. I usually hop in the shower afterwards cuz I'm sweating like a pig.
  7. I didn't know that either, but it looks like they have 3 products for sale. As in, 3 products total.
  8. I'm doing tabatas lately. At 4 minutes a pop it lets me do 5 exercises in 20 minutes. Nice and short, but I'm winded like I ran a marathon afterwards.
  9. The organ is GSi VB3. A must buy if you want a great Hammond. About the part you thought was too loud, I checked the project and sure enough the automation was different than the later version. Your nitpick saves the day. I'll send ACO a new version tomorrow.
  10. I couldn't get your bass to fit in this context. Sorry man. It was actually really hard for me to find a bass in Trilian that worked as well as the original.
  11. It's funny, the bands that are "progressive" rock and metal are retreading the same ground for the last 4 decades. Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favorite genres, I just don't think the name makes sense anymore. I wouldn't know what else to call it, though. But no, OBVIOUSLY you don't have to be overly complicated. Good luck marketing the sound of any of those Youtube videos, though. The only ready made demographic are fans of those video game soundtracks. Anyway, these days you're sort of lucky if anyone listens to your music at all.
  12. I had never even heard of this game, much less played it. I never owned any Sega systems, I was always a Nintendo kid. Now I'm tempted to track it down.
  13. I have no idea what just happened here.
  14. I dunno... "awesome", or "smothered in bloom"? I can't decide if I dislike it or not.
  15. The mix sounds solid enough in these headphones, which admittedly aren't the best. 90% of the work in acoustic mixes is the micing. Get it right and your mix job is very simple. Get it wrong and you'll waste hours. Sounds like you mic'd things pretty well.
  16. No worries man, all these posts create a buzz. People look at the thread and are like, wow, two pages, I'd better check it out.
  17. Has this seriously only been going for a year? (going by the OP date) Well done on the quick turnaround.
  18. I apologize for any confusion, I wasn't referring to you specifically, just people who are in the same boat as you.
  19. I like the chippy goodness. My criticism is that neither the bass nor drums fill out the low frequencies. Even if you want to keep the chiptune concept I think you could get more in the low end and it would be good.
  20. A lot of people share your feelings, and that's perfectly ok. That's what I'm here for, to ease your burden. I enjoy the geeky technical side of music, uncovering the full potential of a song through the mix process. So it's an ideal situation for everyone.
  21. Sure, if I'm still alive. And I have no reason to believe otherwise.
  22. That's weird, djpretzel mentioned NIN too. I'm only familiar with his early stuff up to the Downward Spiral, but I don't particularly hear the similarities (other than the general industrial genre tropes).
  23. Looks like people can post songs there now. Dead as a doornail though. Probably due to the fact it's a work in progress. I wonder what the realistic ETA for the site is, given that it's been in the works for years. Man those graphics take me back, VGMix 2 is where I posted my first dreadful game remixes.
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