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Everything posted by Kenobio

  1. You can find torrents for it here: TheHawks.org, the most popular Berserk translation site. There are also sites online where you can download the manga directly or simply read scanned pages though those can be pretty much found through Google.
  2. Didn't really say that at all, and certainly didn't mean to get your panties in a wad. :/ But yeah, pretty much what I-n-j-i-n said.^
  3. Cooler than Berserk?! I'll check it out
  4. ^lolz No offense, but if you judged or labeled all anime based on their first three or four episodes then you'd be missing out on quite a few quality titles. Just sayin', you know.
  5. I'm impressed, OCR. No one has suggested the obligatory recommendation-thread "SwinginPornoMix" yet.
  6. gahahahaha sorry this is terrible I know
  7. Neat. hay guys lets start an ocr fight club
  8. Sorry, couldn't resist. Nonetheless, cool album.
  9. Not to be an ass, but Google?
  10. How can this thread bother you that much? I understand these topics can get annoying pretty quickly, but is it really that hard to just not open it up? Not trying to be a troll, but seriously. (PS - Nice nominations with Bangai-O and Shenmue II)
  11. Looks like that Xbox list is near finished, eh? Gamecube: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
  12. I dig Swingin' Porno Mix, but... http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01149/# Corny lyrics FTW!: It's time to stop running It's time to make our dreams come true It's time to get started I'll be player one and you be player two
  13. So I've just recently started getting into SFIII: Third Strike and was wondering if anyone would mind mentioning who are considered the top tier characters and who should clearly be avoided. I'd look it up myself, but I'm terribly lazy and this seems like a good enough place as any. At the moment I'm digging Ken, Yun, Yang, and Ibuki.
  14. Always did enjoy the music to Chrono Cross and Vagrant Story...
  15. Agreed. Also, bLiNd's "White Skies (Club Mix)" and maybe some of Rayza's mixes as well.
  16. It's been mentioned, but Berserk is one of the best when it comes to serious anime.
  17. In case for some reason you missed The Coop's suggestions... GRADIUS V! Also (for the thousandth time), Okami is flatout amazing.
  18. Congrats OCR, you're worth $15,190 more than 4chan!
  19. Pokemon Snap was awesome (also got some pretty high reviews across the board).
  20. ^I plan on getting it soon too, and I noticed that (thankfully) I haven't had any problem finding it in stores where I live. Also, just preordered Castlevania: PoR a few days ago and the Gamestop people told me there was a slight chance that I might not get the awesome preorder bonus due to limited availability.
  21. *bows* Is that an in-store only deal, or is it also available through their website?
  22. Don't worry any doubters. You've got great skills as a remixer and obviously the rest of the judges seem to think you're more than right for the job, so good luck to you.
  23. It's pixie and zircon, isn't it? I admit nothing!
  24. Zircon was a little harsh. Don't worry, Rexy, OCR still loves you. Anyway, on to more important things: I don't really know what this means.
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