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Everything posted by Kenobio

  1. No blacks in Hyrule, but surprisingly there's actually a large Jewish population there which was quite effective.
  2. Been a long time since I last played the game, so I quickly looked up OoT's story on Wikipedia. Spoilers ahead, of course. Also, for the Forest Temple part, just keep looking around and shit. Unless it's not part of the story yet or you haven't gotten a particular item you're always able to go where you're supposed to, no matter how stuck you may seem to be. In other words, if you're in the correct temple then you cannot make a mistake--there's always a path. If it gets too frustrating, www.gamefaqs.com, but that's no fun.
  3. Ahhhh you guys, always looking for an excuse to drink! Just be like me and mark this all over your calendars: Everyday is Repeal Day! Hurray, bring on the Newcastle!
  4. I've only done customized soundtracks on a few occasions, and one that liked was listening to classical music while playing Gran Turismo 3, at least for some of the tracks.
  5. i do the martial arts
  6. Heh, very nice. Edit: Anyone manage to snag the mp3 for this song?
  7. Friggin' awesome, Coop.
  8. CHEETAHMEN II Shit yeah.
  9. Vagrant Story had a great, great soundtrack that not many people heard.
  10. Nice job, Nic. Also for fans, not made by me but it's live action stop motion Mario Kart and pretty amusing.
  11. I was skeptical, but shit it is pretty friggin' perfect.
  12. definitely pokemans
  13. time for pokemans
  14. The Ultimate Backyard Okay, not really.
  15. Sorry Siamey, but this thread is now about Shinobi. Shit yeah.
  16. Looks great, djp. I'll be sure to donate.
  17. Not a website but still pretty amusing if you're looking for Star Wars mixes. Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk
  18. Official Mascot of Child's Play Charity Donate your money to me, friends, or I'll fucking cut you.
  19. Very good point. Obviously donating to research facilities and so forth is probably better for hospitals and their patients in the long run, but for the little kids out there who'd like to play a little Mario Galaxy while cooped up in a depressing hospital I think it's a worthy cause for us. Don't get me wrong--I think it'd be great for OCR to donate to the aforementioned disease research facilities (and I'm sure some of us do already)--but considering what Child's Play is targeting (as gamers, something most of us can easily relate to) I also think it's the perfect charity for this sort of community. tl;dr -- Other charities are more worthwhile but are also more significantly represented. Child's Play is a good cause, and also better suited for OCR considering the demographic. Those who prefer donating to other charities can still do that, but OCR support for Child's Play would seem logical and beneficial.
  20. ^I'm one of those guys that (so far) really doesn't care for Temple of the Ocean King. It's fun at first, but after a while it becomes annoying in its repetitiveness, particularly when some of the puzzles turn into childish fetch quests (find triangle, insert triangle into triangle shape hole, remove triangle, take triangle to different floor, insert into different triangle shape hole). Maybe I just haven't enjoyed it because the time limits have forced me to do the same floors multiple times. I'm only about halfway through, however, so I remain optimistic about the whole thing and the rest of the game is fantastic (except maybe the music, but that's another story...).
  21. I've been pretty interested in getting it myself, though I might get the Dracula X Chronicles for the PSP instead. Anyway, more Castlevania:
  22. This thread is now about Castlevania. Kickass.
  23. Uh oh, a grouchy Bahamut has appeared! Since when has Kotaku been a bad thing?
  24. I'm sure some of you have seen this, but just found this little article recently posted at Kotaku. http://kotaku.com/gaming/clips/worst-nes-game-evar-has-awesomest-music-316014.php It may be a little hard, but it's worth it to stick around till the end of the first clip. "Who is that boss?!" I must say, while the original music has some annoying and highly repetitive bits, some parts really are awesome, particularly for an NES game. "Best ever" is a bit of a stretch, of course, but pretty amusing nonetheless. Some of the Japanese remixes (the other clips) are pretty damn cool too. Eagerly awaiting Cheetahmen II OC remixes!
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