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Everything posted by Kenobio

  1. Castro District
  2. Jeremy Soule - Squaresoft Variation Jared Hudson - The Frontier Russell Cox - Molding of Destinies
  3. Hmmm, don't think this has been mentioned, but... Katamari Damacy We <3 Katamari
  4. They're not the Dream Team, that was the '92 team. As Bob Costas said, 2008's team is is probably more like the "Redeem Team".
  5. I'm curious to see if the men's basketball team can pull it together like they should this year.
  6. :3 .......
  7. Cheetahmen II and the rest in no particular order... Secret of Mana Legend of Mana Chrono Trigger Chrono Cross Radical Dreamers Streetfighter II Streetfighter III Third Strike (maybe some Ken/Alex, Elena, or Dudley stage music?) Shadow of the Colossus Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII Final Fantasy Tactics Parasite Eve Mario Kart: Double Dash! Rainbow Road theme Zelda: Ocarina of Time Zelda: A Link to the Past Zelda: Link's Awakening Ducktales Earthbound
  8. Heh that really is pretty damn awesome
  9. This was posted by someone (Pakman or Pakkman? Sorry if it was someone else) in one of the other iTunes album art request threads. It's not exactly what was originally requested by the OP, but still pretty friggin' awesome album art.
  10. As well as the aforementioned KH Final Mix game, there was also the cell phone game, manga, novels, etc etc.
  11. Let's fly to Hawaii because it is so hot and sunny here oh wait
  12. Sorry old chap, favorite threads aren't allowed in the forums. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Forum_Rules_and_Posting_Policy http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2360
  13. bLiNd - White Skies (Club Mix)
  14. hahahahahaha
  15. Ah, don't let it bug you--he's just PMSing again.
  16. Nice! Forgot about these. hehehehe
  17. Commando is a great manwich movie.
  18. Hahahaha "Chill out!"
  19. Classic scene from Hard Boiled: Note the "long take" (no camera cuts for two minutes and forty-two seconds).
  20. Guns have unlimited ammo in John Woo movies
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuI6TMC9pxg&NR=1 A Better Tomorrow is pretty badass.
  22. Seriously though, check out John Woo's Hard Boiled.
  23. Just saw it. Altogether it was far from perfect but I still found it pretty great, though the ending was too drawn out. Probably post more on my opinion after I get some sleep (and after reading the rest of this thread).
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