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Everything posted by Kenobio

  1. Prayin' for your full recovery, bLiNd.
  2. Pretty much.
  3. AmIEvil - River of Time AmIEvil - Death on the Snowfield Avien - Slow Moon Groove Chris Powell - Da Streets Chronosis - Time Voyager Dale North - Merry Little Christmas Dale North - Northern Promise Dale North - Rena Lanford of Arlia Village Disco Dan - Green Amnesia Gux - Smooth Mana kLuTz - 600 A.D. in Piano McVaffe - Ice Mountain Symphonic mp - Guardia Forest Spirits Mustin, Kassie! - Cry From the Forest Neil Benjamin - Far Away Memories Red Tailed Fox - Suca de Melancia Theophany - Aquescent Symphony Vigilante - Beneath the Surface In particular, I highly recommend Aquescent Symphony, River of Time, Green Amnesia, and Rena Landford of Arlia Village for "soothing".
  4. Today is a great day.
  5. I absolutely LOVE the music in Secret of Mana, but damn did the Dwarf Village music get irritating pretty quick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0QPH_vAuqM
  6. My best game deal ever was probably back when Halo 2 had just come out. I was at Blockbuster and noticed that a Halo 2 box had a mislabeled price sticker on it. Instead of how much it should regularly cost brand new ($59.99 I believe) it said $5.99. I took it to the register and they noticed something was wrong, but sold it to me anyway. I didn't even have an Xbox at the time but I couldn't pass up on it. At a different Blockbuster I was also able to get brand new copies of Beyond Good and Evil and Psychonauts (both PS2) for seven dollars each. I know that isn't really a spectacular deal now, but at the time it was great. Also, last year when one of my friends moved away he sold me his very clean NES for 10 dollars and a bunch of really great games (Metroid, Zelda, Castlevania, Final Fantasy, etc etc) for two dollars each. Happy times!
  7. Looks great so far! Post some more if you got 'em.
  8. Nah, not so odd. Just a list of several fantastic games! We have good taste too.
  9. Congrats! Now go make some babieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
  10. For me, I enjoy replaying a number of single player games... Zelda: Ocarina of Time Zelda: Link's Awakening Metal Gear Solid Several Final Fantasies Super Mario World ...As well as a number of multiplayer games with friends. Secret of Mana Street Fighter II Turbo Super Mario Kart Edit: Oh, games you can beat in one day. Well, most of those can be completed in a relatively short amount of time.
  11. Holy crap that is like 17 different threads you have brought that up in. Anyway, happy barfday little child!
  12. Twin Snakes is a fantastic game, and in no way ruined the classic Metal Gear Solid. It was simply an updated look on the game, and a very well done one at that. However, it is not a masterpiece. The PS1 Metal Gear Solid was a masterpiece.
  13. Definitely agree here, particularly about some of the more emotional scenes that just did NOT translate well to Twin Snakes.Thus, I'd recommend the PS1 version any day of the week. Even the graphical overhaul of Twin Snakes cannot convince me otherwise. Besides, another thing lost in the Twin Snakes was the really gritty feel of the PS1 original, which was a huge part of the atmosphere.
  14. Thank you, The Damned. We both appreciate and value your opinion on the matter of JJT's acting talents. owait
  15. You nailed it.
  16. Title: Samurai Champloo Song: Counting Stars Artist: Nujabes There are a lot of movies where this happens, but often the songs that do not appear on the soundtrack can be found pretty easily. This is particularly the case with Tarantino flicks (Kill Bill is a good example), but man the anime Samurai Champloo sure had a ton of great tracks that didn't appear on any of the original four Japanese soundtracks. Another great missing song from Samurai Champloo is "Your Purpose" by Fat Jon. I couldn't find it on Youtube, but it's easily found on iTunes so give it a listen!
  17. Starky was one of my favorite characters in Chrono Cross, and I just loved his animations in particular. Also, no one of particular significance on the boards used him.
  18. Your version is better, Wingless.
  19. Oh lawd. Power Pole... EXTEND!!
  20. ITT the first person ever to think Evangelion characters were "whiny". //sarcasm
  21. Hey that's pretty cool. It's nice hearing about console games and systems bringing families closer together in contrast to all the negative videogame articles that are out there.
  22. 22 here. I have a Wii, but I've played it maybe a total of about five hours in the past five or so months. I really would like to play it more, but just too busy with college and life to play videogames now. When summer school's done I hope to finish Super Mario Galaxy, though.
  23. Chow Yun-Fat is the fucking man.
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