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Everything posted by Kenobio

  1. Excellent job, I-n-j-i-n.
  2. Because you touch yourself at night.
  3. Welllllll, it's the week before finals, so things have been crazy. I haven't been able to do as much exercising as I'd like lately, but I plan to play basketball tonight. However I've thankfully been keeping up with my pushup/jumping jack/crunches routine, effectively working out in the mornings before heading off to the library to exercise the body's most important muscle: the penis (sorry, I mean the brain). So yeah, for the past week and a half or so I've regularly been doing around 80 pushups a day, and I'm beginning to notice the difference in my physical appearance. My eating habits have been better too, and while I don't have a calorie breakdown of my daily intake I do know that I've been avoiding fast food and eating more things like cereal in the morning, a healthy sandwich or smoothie for lunch, and sometimes a salad for dinner. Although last night our office had a end-of-the-semester party and catered Korean BBQ, which I went crazy on. Mmmmmmm kalbi and meat jun! Anyway, hopefully after finals are done I can set a more regularly set schedule. Good job everybody!
  4. Sounds like you haven't heard many other ______ bands...there are plenty better than ______. :S
  5. Thread was actually bumped by a spambot whose post was deleted.
  6. From a visual standpoint You Are (Not) Alone looks freaking amazing. There are some scenes, particularly if you're an Eva fan, that will blow you away. When the time comes I plan to hijack my friend's 50 inch plasma and watch it on that.
  7. Cool, thanks for the reply. My daily routine for the past 6 months or so has mostly included pushups, crunches, jumping jacks, a few leg exercises (calf raises, vertical leap jumping), and basic stretching to increase flexibility. I'm planning on picking up a bar sometime so I can do pull-ups also, but as always I'm always looking for new things to try. Like Penfold mentioned, a little variety.
  8. Hey all, can someone maybe post a few good exercises or stretches that can be done at home using only the body? Looking to start a daily routine that be done in the morning before class.
  9. Glad you're ok... But please tell me a friend got this all on video.
  10. I wish to go to future meetups if they somehow end up like this: (Sorry if this image offends anyone, that was not my intention. Also, omg 300 hours in mspaint!!)
  11. A person pictured here has just realized that they have diarrhea. Can you guess which one?
  12. Very cool idea, Steben! Anyway, I'm actually in pretty decent shape but I certainly would like to drop a few pounds and most importantly improve my diet. Goal: To drop a minimum of ten pounds of fat (I'm currently ~188 at about 5'11) while cutting down on fast food. The Plan Diet: The life and diet of the college student (for some) generally centers around laziness, convenience, and freedom to eat what is tasty and ultimately unhealthy. Thus, I plan to quickly begin eliminating fast food as well as other unhealthy foods from my daily life. Routine trips to Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and wherever else I go will stop, and no more huge half pound burgers on the weekend. From now on I'm going to eat healthier and cook more for myself. Also, I'm going to try to completely stop drinking soda and maybe cut down on beer as well. Exercise: I actually get a pretty good amount of exercise, as I do a lot of walking and play basketball several times a week. However, I plan to incorporate some sort of light daily workout that I can do in the mornings or in the afternoon. This light workout would include roughly 60-80 pushups (currently I do around 40 a day), several sets of jumping jacks, crunches, and hopefully a few other exercises (suggestions are welcome!). Goodluck everybody!
  13. I never really played it myself but my ex-girlfriend really enjoyed Animal Crossing: Wild World.
  14. Yeah, Hartman was originally supposed to voice Zapp but that changed after he died. According to wikipedia...
  15. Completely agree with you there. Billy West is incredible.
  16. Neat, I also live on campus at UHM. I've also been looking to lose some weight myself. I'm currently about 185~ at a height of 5'10 3/4, but I'd like to trim down a bit. I'm actually fairly active (I play basketball regularly), but it's really my diet that's destroying me. The college diet can be pretty killer, calorie-wise. Here's to more fresh veggies and fruits and less fast food!
  17. Aside from a few of King's short stories It remains the only novel of his that I've ever read. I had a few gripes with it, but overall it was a very engrossing read and for me at least also extremely creepy at times. I know exactly what you mean, Sobou, about how it made you paranoid. From what I've heard it's also best to stay far far away from any filmed version of it as well.
  18. huge sig is huge
  19. It's important to note that he's mainly disappointed with the hardware aspect, not the gameplay or story aspect. This is especially regarding the "vision" he had for the graphics of the game. (follow injin's link to read more)Kotaku also points out that Kojima is a "well-known perfectionist", and I can even recall him back in the development of MGS2 making very similar comments regarding his dissatisfaction with his graphical vision of the game near the end of its completion, as well as the initial difficulty in developing with the PS2 hardware. I wouldn't worry too much about it myself, even about his comments dealing with the power of the PS3. But only time will tell, I suppose...
  20. Not combos, but really some of the only codes I remember: glitteringprizes everylittlethingshedoes hatchet itisagooddaytodie makeitso onscreen My fingers could (and still can) fly on the keyboard when inputting these codes.
  21. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00402/ Not very slow, but awesome.
  22. I'm the same. I think there's 55 stages total, and my friends and I never got past either 51 or 52. I remember it had the chainsaw guys and it was basically like level 6 except MUCH harder. Fantastic game, though, and I can even remember some of the stage codes. Hey Atma, try "WJQK", it should take you to around level 35. Do it simply because level 37 (if memory serves correctly) is one of the most epic levels in the game.
  23. Along with FearOfTheFlava, Jungle Jazz is one of my favorite tracks on OCR. Just love those beats!
  24. OH, so you weren't being sarcastic.
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