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Everything posted by Kenobio

  1. More free time equals more JJT remixes?
  2. Six. There are tons like that.
  3. I'm assuming no one has posted this, but one of my all time favs: Edit: Oh yeah, some of these are pretty funny: http://www.tiptonium.com/videogames/favorites/Lair%20of%20the%20Bemani%20Bastards.htm
  4. I don't necessarily agree with everything John says, but I do enjoy reading the "Ask John" section of animenation.com. Here's his take on Cowboy Bebop, although he doesn't go into very specific detail (and yeah I know, this should really be in the regular anime thread).
  5. Hello, gentlemen. Berserk: great anime series, fantastic manga.
  6. Googling "grammar" could turn out pretty sweet. edit: Oh yeah, Cowboy Bebop is always a winner.
  7. Very cool. I'm actually interested in doing exactly what you just did (I have Verizon as well) so I'd be interested in hearing how things turn out!
  8. Cool interview. I'll definitely be picking up that album.
  9. I've seen pretty decent projectors for under a grand no problem, but I'd honestly recommend just going with the TV. Better picture and you should be able to get a decent size one for that price.
  10. Heh frickin' awesome
  11. Brushfire2004 is by far one of the worst and if you don't agree than you have problems. Probably like cancer or something.
  12. Very nice work, Burly!
  13. Looks very promising so far, a bit like a much more stylish God Hand. Also, although unlikely, I'm going to be pretty pissed if you they use Gary Jules' version of Mad World in their ads (or heaven forbid in game).
  14. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  15. you crazy man you crazy
  16. Samurai Champloo
  17. Yeah, with the right game and right people I'm sure it could be done. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  18. Ah, sorry about that, I agree I must have missed it [no sarcasm]. I mostly posted that comment because it gets a little tiring seeing threads begin with immediately putting down a person and then claiming "ho ho ho, there are plenty ______ better than ______, HMPHHHH." At the time I just felt like it's already perfectly obvious to most people with a sound brain that that is the case with typically anything, so to say "Sounds like you haven't heard many other ______ bands...there are plenty better than ______" seemed just a tad superfluous (and arguably irrelevant). So yeah, no harm meant.
  19. No, they shouldn't. "Postponed indefinitely."
  20. ah, screw it. we'll keep you, darkie
  21. well, i understand how you feel, but still i think you underestimate how good calderon will be. however, i suppose we could move you for a higher caliber player. how would you enjoy a (permanent) trip to denver in exchange for carmelo anthony? melo could play small forward and be a nice complement to oji's post presence. denver, on the other hand, could clearly use your veteran leadership.
  22. yo man, calderon should have been an all-star this year-- you should be honored.
  23. i'll get right on it. personally i think we should trade for a point guard too. i'd recommend we try and move darkesword for the likes of maybe jose calderon.
  24. hahahahaha yeah, kaveman would be perfect
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