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Everything posted by SoloGamer

  1. I'll be uploading the rest of the cutscenes on youtube. Here's scene 2
  2. Castlevania Simon Belmont confirmed.
  3. I beat steve-o 3-0 first game, we were pretty even for the most part, but I narrowly came out on top 3-2. by the second game, I'd already hit my stride and beat him 3-0 third game pretty much the same, except for one where he got lucky (I managed to survive pretty well though with a full field). 3-1. gg
  4. I keep reading this thread as "Larry has quit" when viewing it from the forum index. to stay on topic,
  5. Glad I could help. Also, I uploaded a cleaner version, removing the bottom screen, title screen, and the emulator gui.
  6. You could try your luck at olremix.org
  7. Enjoy. EDIT: This reminds me of a spanish news report I once heard about how some latinos complained that one of the enemies in Toy Story 2 for the N64 is a Mexican bandito. Wonder if there'll be a similar report about this game.
  8. Depends on what you mean by source. If you mean midi or emulated music (spc, nsf, etc) then yes, that is allowed. But if you mean links to OST's then no, it isn't allowed.
  9. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Forum_Rules_and_Posting_Policy
  10. There's a store around where I live called GameQuest that has a good selection of older, out of print games (hell, they even have some factory sealed SNES games in there). Every time I walk in one of their stores, I see a brand new Ico, Gitaroo Man, and Rez just sitting there.
  11. I still want Mega Man Mania for the GBA : (
  12. Might wanna host it elsewhere though, since all I'm seeing is an anti-leech image. There ya go
  13. He's not stuck, he's just falling through the platform Also, he can't fall clear through the stage, as the pitfall seems to only work on smaller platforms
  14. You probably have more in stock than I have, but here's a few I found lying around on my hard drive. http://sologamer87.googlepages.com/OCR-tan.rar
  15. Heh, one of my favorite enemies from that game. His full name's Tommy the Evil Doll, btw.
  16. Should've looked up sarcasm while you were at it.
  17. lol. Thanks for picking up my slack, 'cuz. Anyway, in the Bandai section, there's a misnamed avatar His name's actually Geronimo This is Brocken, who was removed from the U.S. version of M.U.S.C.L.E. LT: If Brock there wasn't so fugly, I'd add him. Hell, Geronimo's ugly enough. Thanks for the fix. And a quick question: I can't find my avatar in the anime gallery. Was it removed or can one simply not see their avatar in the gallery once selected? LT: Indeed, once you select an avatar, it's taken out of the gallery lineup. No sense showing you the selection you already have again, when it's already shown off up top as "Your Current Avatar". vBulletin hotness. Also, a few subs of Marina from Mischief Makers. LT: The second one, with the scowl. The first is two small, and the other two are too similar in the background color and facial placement. Along the lines of why I didn't use both King Hippo pictures. Since the game was first published in Japan first, Enix gets the nod as the company and it goes into Misc.
  18. i agree taxi is an terrible person he hates me : [
  19. Apparently, I created a web browser with hidden built in games to play
  20. Sames as all other SNES VC games, classic controller and gamecube
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