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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. Well, that *was* rather random... ¬_¬
  2. What happened to this thread? C'mon guys, feedback! Random hilarity!
  3. Yes, *pat pat* .... *pat* ..... *paaaaaat*....
  4. Booya! Let us give thanks for this sig...
  5. Thanks man.. Everyone else says I'm so dead and sleepy or something.. Good thing i'm gettin paid nothing to speak + edit for 3 hours.. I wonder why I sound dead.. heh.. I do try sometimes when its worth something Finally, someone else who agrees. I think Rayza's voice is really nice for radio. It's sort of smooth and husky.
  6. Aw, I liked watkinzez's post. But I see what you're getting at with the rest of the stuff.
  7. (raises hand) I did not receive some sort of correspondence from you tomorrow. But I did receive one today...
  8. Hahaha, okay, you're right. 13, judging from your last post.
  9. (sigh) I never claimed it was Japanese. I am well aware of the fact that I got that music from my Crouching Tiger soundtrack. And with the story behind it, the woman that I saw last year was most likely Chinese. Rayza and Aurora just assumed it was Japanese because they know I am more interested in that culture. Quitcher yappin'.
  10. Linkman63892's smooth voice surprised me there. I thought he'd sound like a hyper 14-year-old boy... ^o^ (Hey, at least my #1 fanboy has a cute accent, right?)
  11. (chews middle finger) .........
  12. I think a RayzaMix quote is now in order... Rayza: "I hear a moan from all the male listeners." Fusion2004: (effeminately) "Oh hush, you!"
  13. Me needs to get up da phlegm! :vomit: <----- Yeah, kinda like that. Yes, it was really me. Funny that that call-in happened to wind up on this show. (Now people can *really* hear the contrast between my normal voice and my sickly man voice.)
  14. Oooooh, that's a great idea. I hope it works out.
  15. Not at all. And good job with the mix; glad you guys plan on making more videogame arrangements!
  16. Sorry, but for saying that, you're banned for life from any and all activities anywhere, in perpetuity throughout the universe. ...Kay, guess you won't be hearing any more from me then. Farewell, OCR!
  17. Awww, but his name is DABEEN! I mean, come on, he's not just any been. He's DA been!
  18. No, believe it or not. But of course I'm glad it's in there. Wheeeee, I'm psyched this got direct posted. You all did some FABULOUS work here. It's primarily because of you guys, DCT, and the rest of the Urbanizm Music crew that I've finally begun to appreciate rap and hip hop, even outside the community. And I'm sure I'm not alone on this. So thanks for that! Although I don't know how I'm gonna get used to being called "gansta grrl"... ¬_¬
  19. Hahaha, you're too cute. (But I wouldn't be so sure... ) Congrats on the interview, Aurora! Did you go in costume? Hehehehe...
  21. ^o^ Teh über birthday smooch!
  22. C'mon, it's a good show! I actually haven't watched it in over a year though...
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