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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. So as you guys might have noticed, there's no show this week yet... Which is weird, because we recorded a while ago, with plans to release on Christmas Day. But Rayza seems to be missing... (I'm sure he's okay, though, probably just spending time with his girl or something.)
  2. Lyrics are on the page writeup: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01333/
  3. The name looks French to me. Besides, doesn't that sound better than "Vih-Jill-ant-ee"?
  4. Danke. DrumUltimA was a huge help, too. We spent countless hours on that igloo.
  5. You got it!
  6. Wheeeeeee, yeah, everybody get pumped! Best Christmas present evar. Next show will feature an interview with Claado, if all goes well. EDIT: Where's da stingah love? (Aaaaaaaand... where are the call-ins?!)
  7. A year (so far) of studying and singing in the language-plus my summer in Japan- would help, eh? Yay for obsessions!
  8. You're welcome! Haha... wow, I can't believe this mix is still getting comments. Thanks guys.
  9. ^ Douglah Roush is my fwwwwiiiiieeeend!
  10. Your accent is adorable, Compy! ^o^ Thanks for the teaser!
  11. Welcome! ^o^
  12. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
  13. Oh my! That's not good...
  14. Yikes, that sounds painful, Linkman...
  15. Hahahaha, yeah... Cut us some slack; we recorded and released the show in one night! Glad to hear you're listening, though. I wish I could do the same for your show- damn youuuuu RealPlayer!
  16. Best. Stinger. Ever.
  17. Pssssssst! Show is coming some time later tonight!
  18. You can always try posting in mv's livejournal if you're desperate, Zeality. PM me if you want the username. ^_~
  19. ...Nebraska? Heck no. New England, yes. I'm from Boston. But I go to school in Baltimore, Maryland.
  20. Congratulations to you both! This was a great first post. And I had fun watching Jeremy play air guitar while we were listening at the D.C. meet-up.
  21. Winnipeg is in Canada, too. She's been Canadian for a while now... ^_~
  22. Hahaha, I'm glad somebody saw them! I had fun doing those. EDIT: OMG, that was my 500th post! Me's bad dude now.
  23. Thanks for the reminder, jmr. Rayza's in hiding. >:I He still hasn't posted the shownotes for episode 027, and I totally spent a lot of time on them. Grrrrrrr....
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