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Everything posted by Wiesty

  1. Well Holy crap, after coming back to these forums after a long time its awesome to see this project with alot of progress under its belt. I was going to be doin some stuff for it like back in 08, i thought it had died after a while though. Awesome stuff though, congrats Usa and co.
  2. Ya, see I do quite a bit of live performances so the need to have a hardware synth is kind of essential. That being said, the keyboard has so much built into, it would be great in a studio situation. I was also looking at some stuff from Paia.com, They send you complete module synth setups and you put them together. They sound pretty good, and its only like 500 bux.
  3. why is it not akin? stealing intellectual material is stealing intellectual material. If were gonna be so stern about our rules and laws in the internet, why shouldnt it go for everything? Otherwise, I'm simply paying hommage to cubase by using their software illegally. It isn't black and white. And i'm not talking the artists that get permission to sample a loop from somebody, im talking the ones that go out and do it without permission, or who steal rights to songs all of the time (ex. miles davis, charlie parker, etc. )
  4. Musicians steal from eachother all the time, in one form another. Is it right? no. Does it usually end in some form of artistic expression which can potentially be both beautiful and satisfying? Yes. Isn't that what we're here for?
  5. Anyone have any experience using these things? http://www.roland.com/products/en/SH-01/ They look pretty sweet for what they cost, which is next to nothing for a 3x oscilator synth. From what I've heard, the oscilators arent the cleanest sounding, but they sound pretty decent, not to mention the keyboard gives you a TON of options for wave editing with things such as lfo's. filters, effects, etc. etc. Beats the hell out of paying 4k for a moog ha
  6. If sound design/emulation companies' main concerns were of independant home based musicians playing around in their basements with pirated software, they probably would have done something about it a long time ago. However, they understand that anybody in the industry who is making even a dollar off of their software probably has the moral standards to pay for the software they are using in their buisness. This goes for any industry, wether it be photographers using photoshop, videographers using premiere, etc. etc. If it was really a big enough problem in the industry to the point where large sums of money were not moving around, I gaurentee you something would have been done, thats just economics. Look at the music industry and Napster/limewire etc. etc. So really it comes down to a question of morals, and this really isn't the best place to argue them, as everyone has their own.
  7. I personally try and use free software where possible, other than that I record whatever I can. Most of the production I do is related to this site, I do not use software to make money, and I produce stuff for the purpose of sharing my music with others in the community for their enjoyment. Therefore I cannot justify at this point in my music making career dropping a large sum of money to make music for the purpose of sharing it in a community of remixers. If i come to a point where Im planning to sell anything, or produce stuff for others, sure.
  8. I'd be down for piano or drums. Piano preferably.
  9. i will fourth cowboy bebop. just finished rewatching the entire series for the first time since i was like 12. classic. cant beat it. perfect mix of drama, comedy and action in a film noir, futuristic space western style.
  10. I'll just leave this here... http://www.korg.com/sv1
  11. Not a full out wailing, but teary, yes. And what game may you ask? Just about every single sitting of Lost Odyssey.
  12. Production is important but then again so is the quality of song writing and what not. There comes a point when the quality of mix dosent really matter anymore, and it comes down to how enjoyable is it to listen to. I, and millions of others can listen to old Miles Davis and John coltrane recordings for hours, but none of them are incredible mixes with pristine stereo and eq, etc etc etc. They're just enjoyable, and the virtuosity of the musicians vastly outweighs the importance for a perfect mix.
  13. On the contrary. I would say that some of the latest albums have been the best. Radical Dreamers, Chrono Trigger, FF7 and this one. Not only do they show great musicianship compared to some of the earlier ones, but i think they show alot more diversity in style to. Its hard to sit through an entire album of DnB songs.
  14. I'd definatley go condesner or pencil condenser, you'll get a much fuller sound with a better overall range of frequencies, tone etc. etc. 57's arent bad, but they're definatley not my first choice for saxophones. They numb the instruments warmth and tonality a great deal.
  15. FLStudio has one of the easier user interfaces. Everything is layed out pretty nicely, and its a pretty stress free evironment. Of course when you get into audio recording, multitracking and what not, well...thats a different story.
  16. lol, wow. This guy really knows his jazz....his riff was in 4/4. jesus
  17. Jago from killer instinct. Sweet ass fast character, but i could never conquer his move set.
  18. I have a Roland Td-12 electric drum set. Its pretty sweet.
  19. Well, I didn't see one started yet, and were already 25 days into the new year so....You know what to do!
  20. Lost Odyssey, Feeling like a kid again playing a classic RPG
  21. Man, its already been a year, how time flies. Still saddens me to think of the event. RIP dude, your music really inspired me.
  22. alienware is a gamer company, and does not release items meant for audio mixing.
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